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Everything posted by 83457

  1. When the game released monkey bombs rarely worked regardless of lava and instakill made the zombies seemingly immune to damage. I used to save the clips of firing rpd into a crowd with instakill and having none die and similar stuff, but there are simply too many bugs and too little slots to bother saving game bugs.
  2. You could just run around town... Open bar and jugger apt. Start rounds in the street, wander up by jugger, fall off towards center, run into the door to bar, turn and fire, head upstairs before new loads arrive, fight on edge, drop off, repeat ad infinitum. Each time that you drop off of the jugger or bar, run in front of the little white car by the lava. By keeping your eye out for that, you won't run off the wrong way.
  3. I need more evidence, but I seem to always have 6 perks and a papd an-94 when it glitches in the elevator slide. Just throwing that out there for people to debunk. Are yous going down anytime or with maxxed perks?
  4. On xbl, in tranzit, it is fixed. As long as it is undamaged it will respawn. In Die Rise, it is similar, but sometimes as I travel through the power area/elevators, the zombie will keep respawning several times in a few seconds due to the wacky zombie spawning in that map. I think that they either have a respawn in x amount of time limit or they just glitch out and fail to reload. All damaged and crawler zombies die. Ps3 is probably still glitched until patch releases. Not sure.
  5. After much experimenting, despite my earlier post, the real determining factor on whether or not a zombie explodes is noise: as long as they sizzle, they will explode. As soon as the sizzle stops, no explosion. I tested this several times in town survival. I am fairly certain that this is accurate. They will stop sizzling before the flames die down.
  6. From dragon ramp go through small shack to 2 elevators (on roof). The elevator on your right from this perspective: I got on it, as it went down, I jumped to the level 1 level down but missed, so I jumped again, caught something, climbed up through the wall and fell to my death inside the building, onto the ceiling of the power room. So be careful there as I assume this would be repeatable.
  7. Yes its a good idea to use a dummy profile if one is serious about their stats. Custom stats still go into account. Thansk to treyarch (sarcastic smiley here ) Only thing that don't count is Rounds. So you can mess around in easy mode of TranZit, get as many kills revives and headshots you want. They will all go to your leaderboards. How stupid? But you can't play offline due to the script error if you aren't on xbl (hotfix, assumes will be patched next patch). Or do only some people get the script run error? I do. I can be on with my xbl profile on local, but if I switch to a nonxbl profile, no can play I.
  8. I did the same, but didn't think of the fog. Then I was dropping claymores while running backwards, watching the foggies die...and it clicked.
  9. 83457

    2 part pap?

    I may have built the trap a round or so earlier. Hmmm, maybe build the battery part last. Just trying to repeat it. Heck, I often solo it and have to watch the zombie, 2 parts is easier...
  10. But in ww mode you only have the m1911 unless you buy something on the way... Or am I missing something? So, good for m+s, but points in Die Rise isn't usually an issue, seemingly not worth the risk.
  11. They grab the parts, then turn on power and ride the elevator up. I think dropping down by the pdw is probably quicker. Ah, thanks. If we have 4, we elevator to power, build sliq, up to roof, build trample steam. But 1 or 2 man games vary.
  12. 83457

    2 part pap?

    I thought that I heard of this here, but I searched and came up empty. I opened the pap, tried to build the battery piece, but it wouldn't work. I built the other two, but I could not build the battery part. It took my gun anyway. I still had the battery, but pap worked after building only two pieces. I had no pieces when I got there, and I definitely only built two.
  13. Cool, thanks for the info.
  14. I does work. Tested myself.
  15. .....wat?.....excuse me i just finished smoking, can you repeat that but just in better way? :? Several times when passing through the shortcut, I have tossed semtex at the church (once at the building on the right). As soon as the semtex hits (i watch it) it is stuck to me.
  16. Trying to pick the one up at the top of the ramp without laying down got me... I was being real care...flung... I put one in the gk room for the entirety of round 3, it took them all down. No points though. I wonder how much it would do on 33 instead? The buddha room with the small circle alcove in one corner. I will try that too.
  17. 83457

    New Navcard

    A navcard works for the whole party. So it is programmed that if someone with it goes down someone (or everyone? Unsure) else suddenly has it. So, assuming I have not been misinformed, someone went down and you got the card.
  18. I was just thinking that I forgot to mention protecting yourself with a claymore or two while reviving when it occurred to me that you should be able to fight off a foggie [denizen](trying to revive teammate), drop a claymore, run up and revive, the claymore should take out the next foggie, giving enough time to revive. See, when I am not soloing, I often do 2 man runs and it is impossible, with my buddies skill, to revive him in the fog. It is hard in any 2 man game, but I have successfully defended my saviour in the past. Of course, where he goes down we usually haven't had claymores yet, but in academia-land, this possibility has now been addressed.
  19. Doubt this helps, but whether I throw a semtex at the church or the building on the right (diner>town shortcut), the semtex goes up, hits, is stuck to me... Everytime. Why?
  20. I said 'die rise' meant the rise in German, so I feel he believed me, I, in turn, believed my bad phone translator because I trusted it and only had 1 year of Deutch. So, apparently it only means Die Rise, a play on hi-rise. Thanks for the correction.
  21. Us ipad users can't see anything. Is this walking the parts onto the elevator?
  22. Ah okay. Exactly once I got no freebie. I wondered why. Edit: funny bit: i decided to die at 60, got jumpers, so made 61 instead. I opened all doors (no chievo), just ran around in the zombie herds. Finally I was at the ak74u spot, i shot a zomb or two and so the purple juice was on the floor. The zombs came pouring out of the door by ak74u and just poured off of the building's side like a waterfall. So I jumped too... Ww brought me back so I could dd to my second death. The zombie waterfall was cool on 61, so many zombies...
  23. Okay, in the last post i mentioned the shelves one level down from the dragon. Open the perk ramp by mp5, open double doors on right. Leave everything else (no biggie if you need to open the other lone elevator area, but open to the double elevators, not the other door by the shelves. Now no zombs will go around those shelves. There is one window that they will walk out of, but the shelves will be vacant. So? So fill them with carefully spaced claymores while camping the dragon roof. When jumpers come, walk them carefully through your land mines for profit. Best for solo. For mp zombies: have clays around the shelves. When jumpers come, hold your new claymore from that round in hand. 2 players on either side of the shelves facing the way in. As the jumpers hit your claymore that you are standing on, drop a new one facing out, then, after next guy, drop second one. When they explode, guy2 on each path does the same. Back any remainders slowly, carefully, onto your claymore paths.
  24. Run spot seems good. I have not had time yet to try this, but by observation this appears quite doable. It is near the four perk machines and mp5 is in the loop. Where to be: From dragon roof: open ramp to lone perk machine near mp5. Open double doors on your right (opens to the 2 adjacent elevators), walk in, make left, make left, open double doors back to mp5 hallway. Run that loop (counter-clockwise appears best, but haven't tried). Where the shelves split the hall in 2 is the only 'skinny' spot, otherwise all wide halls. If you open the other perk elevator area, you could run up to the roof by mp5, past semtex, drop down by lone perk, run back into loop by dual elevators. You have an emergency gun in the loop and access to 4 machines. Edit: i ran this in the mid teens. It was not as good as I hoped. I got slapped more than an ass-pincher at a feminist meeting.
  25. I cheesily camped the gk room/sliquifier (round 61 suicide, no downs, for bed, so cheap), and never used the flinger, just careful claymore placement/use.
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