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Everything posted by 83457

  1. And i am sure that people using this will fail to care what elitists say... Not starting anything, just pointing out the obvious. Happy gaming! :mrgreen:
  2. I used that at first, but quickly found getting power first is best. You can get power on, trample steam and sliquifier built and get back to the pdw room by round 2. Just camp the escalator until whenever. No perks required.
  3. Edit: incorrect info removed by poster...
  4. Not a glitch. But that spot is super cheap, maybe change the spawns there? They made the escalator dngerous enough...
  5. I love them all but the meh reprints and moon, which I only like. Some faves in no particular order: Tranzit: bo built up to this. Waw was (mostly) aimed at hold down survival. I remember how odd I was running solo around the map. Once Shi No Numa came out, people began to kite zombies eventually. Bo was aimed at running solo or multiple solo runs, while others camped. Tranzit took the limited 4 man runs of bo and just made a 4 people play solo together map. Foggies are annoying, but bank, gk, fridge and an excellent wall gun that came for you all made it blow bo out of the water. Excellently thought out special weapon: it sucks, but has infinite kill potential (always kills regardless of round afaik), infinite ammo. Not needed until at least the late 20s when you may run out of ammo. But it kills on round 80. Die Rise: the first time since waw (or arguably "five"), there was a map for 4 man camp games or solo runs. I found several decent spots to hold down with friends, from too easy to too hard is up to you. Silly wondergun makes game super easy, but amusing. Der Riese (waw): this was the first of the new zombie maps in a way. SNN created a new way to play, dr brought so much change and did a great job of it. 4 man camp or solo run it, like a mini Die Rise. Funniest zombie magnets. Shi No Numa (waw): reasons stated above by others. Easiest box gun glitching, dogs, random perks, solo runs 'easily' over 100. 4 man camp to solo runs are quite doable. "Five": most similar to an older map of the bleak oops maps. In other words not super freaking easy. Most bo maps 'difficulty' was based on how badly bo was programmed, not actual skill required, this was the exception (well, it was still badly programmed of course, but also had actual difficulty beyond 'died to treyglitcharch again'). Hard to solo, hard to camp with people unfamiliar with it. Glitchy annoying teleporters sucked. Best solo was only 34... Well, there is five faves, but I need to add: Ascension: worst start room in my opinion, penultimate easiest map after solo snn. Cool environment to run around. It is too easy, but I just loved it and still do. Others thoughts: Ndu got us hooked with its simplicity and charm. Replayability drops quickly. Zombie verruckt: took us to the 4 perk system, gave us every gun in the box, moving box, power switch, traps, even split the group if 3-4. It was a great stepping stone from ndu. Alternate pths/camp spots. Starting alone was one of two sides, essentially two maps in one. Kino der toten: extremely easy, lacking, boring map. That coupled with the bad version of the bowie knife and bo's seemingly infinite programming bugs made this less than hoped for, still loved in its time, just not that good. Call of the dead: another great one. Hard start, extremely easy long game for solo. Huge, lots of options for opening. Two ww's and the watered down wunderwaffe itself. Amusing character change. Shangri-la: this is probably the next hardest after "five", but not very hard. Beautiful to play on, but overall unexciting map. Moon: nml! Ha! And ...um crap, with extra crap sauce. I don't know whether the glitches or the design sucked more. Easy if you survive the bugs or play 3-4 people. Solo and 2 man were usually just screwed by bugs. Totally anticlimatic. I feel they learned how 'over the top' only works if it is enjoyable, but moon and 'enjoyable' clearly live far from each other. Cool looking? I guess. Ugh. Bo reprints were amusing, but the waw originals were so much better in every way that I can think of. My 2 cents worth, happy gaming!
  6. In solo, it is pretty rough, in mp, it can ruin the game if people are out of ammo. The reality is that it poops hard on solo players, but mp players can babysit the zombies, after a while they just die, but often respawn. I think in solo, running like 100 feet makes the zombie respawn, so going through the map makes them respawn like ten times in one trip around the building. I believe they only respawn so many times. So, in mp, the zombies eventually time out and respawn, but you still get plenty of life out of each (assuming a babysitter) , so they don't hit their spawn limit. In solo, they respawn sometimes 5+ times in under a minute and eventually glitch or hit their spawn limit. Theory/observational speculation only, don't take as fact.
  7. Deathb4, thanks again. Staying to the right has made much smoother sliding, no jarring, no deaths...yet (fingers crossed). Take note folks!
  8. Nice work people! I try to help, but I am at werk, typing on an ipad...which is equivalent to trying to write calligraphy with a piece of dried dog do. In the Die Rise strategys thread i typed some sopts that are good temp spots as you try to get around the map. I managed to get to the escalator with the Sliquifier by round one with the trample steam built. But that method is too cheesy. I mean, I hope they don't nerf the Sliquifier to stop it, it is insanely difficult to get out if you run out of ammo (without opening the debris and ruining the strategy) but that hasn't happened yet. It just feels weird being at level 30+ having only bought qr (solo), just a Sliquifier, and the m1911...
  9. Yup. My reasoning was explained. There is no obligation to agree. I usually have my fair share of supporters when I opine, but that doesn't make me automatically right. Thanks for the feedback, though we disagree. Thanks pinnaz as well. I am just opining away to see whether I am supported or argued with. Either I am on to something or getting my errs of thought corrected. Any more? So far I stand by it being rather bad as is (still no obligation to feel the same for anyone). Happy gaming all!
  10. At least we have theater mode. It either shows what the game thinks happened, versus reality, giving us some explanation, or, most often, clearly shows the game glitching. "Oh, did I leave my hitbox back there with you, Mister Zombie"? 1 hit death with Jugger from a lone zombie after 5 minutes of not getting hit... Ads at crowd 25 feet away, get hit from front... My favorite: round 2 zombie takes five chest shots, 3 stabs, kills me. Watch theater...no hit detection at all. Game just 'Treyarched'. Stab a zombie with bk/gk, bk/gk lock onto zombie behind zombie that is aimed at, zombie in front takes hit, no damage...(to be fair, this seems to be less often than bo). Zombies nearby mean no buying ammo/bk/gk/gun without trying 3-4 times...
  11. ...we imagine it balanced. Balance is important in game design. While I love zombies, there are some balance fails (bowie knife in bo1, for example), in this thread, we fix Mule Kick. I see the camping aspect of Die Rise as being the closest to a reason for mk to exist as any. Camp high rounds, need more guns, theoretically. Okay, but usually you can just run away and get ammo or another gun and there are simply better perks to buy (we will get it for free often, but it still fails at free-it really is that unbalanced). So, my thought-out fixes: the price is way too high for a losable gunslot, obviously. So, how to price it right as is and how to balance it while keeping the current price. I know this is simply academic, but being a game designer/balancer, it hurts to see such bad work done. 1. Price right: for taking up a valuable perk slot for a gunslot that you lose if downed, plus gun price, plus pap: 1000 points. Keep it the same, correct the price. It could be free, given how much additional 'cost' it has, but 1000 is fair enough. 2. Keep it 4000: this is a simple, yet effective balance; you don't lose the gunslot if downed, unless you respawn (or Who's Who clone lives). You keep it and can buy a different perk in its place. Either one would fix this current subpar perk. Thoughts? Happy gaming! Bowie explained: waw had it right. Very expensive, yet you could get it soon enough to make it worth it and stayed if you died. It lasted through 11 (or 12, depending). Worth 3000. It could earn points early for late-game. Bo came along and just failed all over itself as we all know: knife still 3000, but now you lose it if respawned (should cost maybe 2000 now), but wait! They made it usually harder to get and only lasts through 9 (and hit detection went way down, and it kills your teammate trying to revive you if you accidentally stabbed him while defending him while he revives [oh god, bo really is painful to remember]). Bo2, they got a grip: still 3000, still only good through 9, but they (because of Grief) finally stopped it from teamkilling, still lost if respawned, but you can buy it as soon as you get 3000 in Tranzit and no doors need to be bought. In Die Rise, getting it round 1-3 is reasonable. Especially in Tranzit, the gk outshines the bk, but it still is often purchased in Die Rise and Tranzit due to placement. Here's hoping Mule Kick gets the tweaks to make it worthy as well. Waw could have used mk, bo definitely never ever ever needed it and in bo2, it is still subpar.
  12. Don't misunderstand me, i love (love!) bo2, Die Rise and Tranzit, as well as bo and waw zombies. I also love mom. Mom was an abusive psychopath. Treyargh fails hard at programming games. See? Love, but truth. Seriously, did they ever fix the game ruining bo glitches? Nope. Still there. They patched the multigun glitch, and insulted us with mule kick. But left the 'kill your teammate' bug, the 'can't use hacker' glitch and their nonfunctioning hit detection (which is ubiquitous in bo2 still, obviously, just watch theater after solo games). Bo cod mp was barely functional (no wonder it is the most hated cod ever). Not hating, just exasperated at their actions regarding the games. Bo2: 2 game ruining slide glitches, script error makes nonxbl players unable to play Die Rise at all. And then they nerf the Sliquifier. Maybe wait to take stuff away until after you fix some stuff? Just bitchin' now...sorry. But you get my point: great games, terribly programmed.
  13. Game was new, friends camping diner roof with turret. I was pooling in front of garage. The round winds down, I go up to visit them and we all get mowed down by the turret. Facepalm, headdesk, bodyfloor... Took out 20k walk to teleporter, foggie gets on my head, I walk under lamp, game fails to make tp hole, i walk into lava confused as foggie finishes me off. Never trust Treyarch game mechanics, ever! Yes, power was on. On round 33 in front of farm, not even out of ammo, want to practice my jetgun use, I know to just shave the edge of the crowd, but instead I just fired and walked into the crowd, sucked into middle for a well-deserved beating. Why, me? Why?
  14. Only hit 31 with 4/3 up there myself. If you have no flinger in the flinger room, couldn't one guy juice the dragon ramp, while three guarded that one spot that they climb up from semtex? Or do they come up the buildings' side? Or two and two for easier revives? Edit: they have a spawn point on top...maybe if you put flingers on their spawn point? ---- If you avoided the an-94 and gk, you could always stock up as much as possible, then go down to the an-94 spot. It is sloped, so sludge it, watch the window. It has a decent length and an escape door. Drop claymores around the escape debris. Edit: make sure to sludge right at the corner. This works. ---- Four on the escalator by qr? If one can go on seemingly forever, 4 would just add to the number of zombies, therefor reducing sludge shots fired due to chain effect... Edit: doable, but nothing to be proud of, don't shoot the zombs behind you, in case they drop max ammo... --- The other elevator by flinger room? Leave door closed, go down via elevator. 1 on window, 3 on elevator. Seems bad...has a back door...windowman is fd if everyone bails out. Edit: there are two windows and it looks really bad there... --- If the insulting and mostly-useless mule kick is by the lone elevator shaft near semtex, leave it closed, go down one floor from dragon roof on elevators, where the two elevators are next to each other. Go to the area where there is no windows (iirc) and the shelves that you can run round. All zombies should come down that one hall. Scary camp. This is from memory, so forgive if details are sketchy; I never tried it out. Also the large room adjacent to the hall, maybe 2 and 2, it looks feasible. Edit: this was decent in the teens solo. It looks good for a 4 man game. 4 elevators and an emergency gun nearby. Try it. Solo, put the flinger against the window. ---
  15. Slightly, but: Gk is 2 hits to a foggie on your head, bk is 3. If you turn and stab, both will 1 hit kill easily. Technically, if you mange to stab a foggie behind you with the start knife, it only takes 2 hits, but it is rare to hit them twice before they land on you (i've only done it once). In bo, the knife was hidden behind too many doors and it only works through 9 (still does, in waw was through 11). In bo2, you can buy it from start as soon as you hit 3000 points. So it is more intelligently designed over bo maps, regarding the bk. --- If you don't have live you can't store points. Getting 3000 in the first couple rounds will get you a bowie knife, instakills through 9 and minimizes fog monster stress. (Unfortunately, right now you can't play offline unless you are connected to xbl, but that will get patched). - edit: i am stupid, it is Die Rise that can't be played offline. I am way too exhausted, please forgive... --- I have occasionally bought it for a few rounds until I could get the knuckles. I often get all bus parts and build the jetgun in the first few rounds, so bowie can be worth it temporarily since points are so easy to rack up in Tranzit.
  16. Thanks kered. You're welcome ete. I love thinking of and camping spots. I just threw some ideas out in Die Rise Strategys (sic), currently under Die Rise forum.
  17. That is exactly what i do, but it got me twice since using that method. I never had a Richtofen laugh, just a 'bug'. At Megaton: if i go down by power all of my zombies usually die, completely untouched by me. Almost every game. Sometimes they respawn once or twice before it happens, but they all die. Sometimes it is riding the elevator up to the dragon roof. They just all die. The next round starts. I'm on xbl with all updates... If I jump down from the trample steam room, they all jump up the side of the building and the round usually ends. I have not yet died to the first slide, but it has red-ringed me. The one above the an-94 is the one that really sucks. That's really odd. All I can say is I am also on Live and have all updates and that has never once happened to me. As long as I'm careful not to do any damage to the last zombie, it never dies and ends the round, just respawns. Are you absolutely sure you haven't been doing any damage to them? What I mean is, if you're running trains, for instance, and you fire into a group... if even one bullet has penetrated a couple other zombies and hit the one you are keeping, it will eventually die and end the round. Usually this happens when you travel long distances like going from the dragon roof to power or vice versa. Oddly, sometimes they will crawl up onto the elevator with you as if they have "respawned", but will still die off and end the round once you get too far from the area they're in. This makes it a REAL pain to try and keep a zombie, especially in the mid to lower rounds. If the last zombie is part of a group you were firing on, you might as well go another round because he will likely die and end the round when you get too far from him. In higher rounds it can become a bit easier because you start getting the shamblers that walk much slower and can be kept separate from the group easier. I'm not trying to say that what you're saying isn't happening, but if you're being careful and are sure that you're not doing any damage to the last zombie then I don't get why your game is working different than mine. Maybe it's glitched... you could try re-downloading the map pack and see if that fixes it? Finally, @way2g00; If you're referring to what I'm talking about... I know this can be (and sometimes is) used to get to high rounds easier, but that's not what I'm talking about at all. In fact, this isn't a glitch... it's a gameplay mechanic and how the zombies/respawns work in Black Ops 2. I'm assuming it was programmed this way so that you wouldn't end up with a crawler/zombie on the other side of Green Run and waiting a half hour for it to reach you, but also can't get infinite points by shooting a zombie, having it respawn, shooting it again, etc. But it's still a rather poorly implemented and annoying mechanic. This could easily be solved by just having zombies respawn with whatever damage has been done to them previously, but for whatever reason they were either unable or unwilling to do so. I had almost no issue last night. I have paid close attention to whether or not I hurt them, and it mostly seems to be solo and either going down to power or up the elevators from power. They just die... On slides, the first slide got me last night, only had qr, no jugger. It stopped me, dropped me off map and revived me in the start box room.
  18. I didn't see any strategy threads over there... Solo: keep in mind that you can build the trample steam from start in solo because of the active qr elevator. I usually take the elevator, buy power, build Sliquifier, get to escalator above trample steam room by round 2. Quit at around 30. But it gets old, fast. --- Solo or mp: get to dragon roof. Open the ramp stairs by the lone perk (near bottom of dragon ramp) as this will reduce window traffic and dragon ramp traffic. Set claymores around the navcard table. I did 25 rounds solo there right after the map came out. Great for 1-4 players. --- Dragon ramp, 1-4 players, but it will be cramped with 3 or 4: sludge the bottom of the ramp, place flinger at top exactly where zombies land when they jump up. It is fairly easy fighting the je...jumpers there as they have no place to jump except for the small rails and floor. --- Novice player or easy points start solo: open start room, go down one level on qr elevator (active in solo). Leave the debris blocking the escalator. Buy pdw. Now, the elevator behind you (by navcard) is inactive, there are rarely any window shoppers, so most of the zombies come down the hall or the qr elevator right there. You have the escalator room as a safe zone and could buy the e debris as an escape. Note that with 2+ people, you can take the start elevator, turn on power and then return here. The only difference is that some will come from the other elevator now. ---- Solo or mp: by the double doors to power, look at them, take the hall to their left. One guy on back window, one on unfixable window, 2 on hall. Solo watch them all. Good temp spot if stuck outside of power. Careful as there is a ceiling hole around the bend. --- While getting sliquifier parts, the foot is usually one level up from the workbench. Leave the steps blocked, walk out of powers main doors, open one of the doors to the left, get part that way. Then you can camp the corner at the top of the steps. One window, zombies drop from above in the foot area, everyone stay in the steps area. It has the debris as an escape. --- Scary camp: take start room elevator: eventually fling up to key hallway, use key to go to start. 1 man devoted to windows, 1 sliquifier stands at edge behind window guy to sludge steps and help stop windowman from falling backwards. 1 on each landing on either side of window/sliq guys. Door is emergency exit. --- The best camps have: gun, back door, room or limited approaches.
  19. The whoopy cushion thing is called a 'bellows'. Nevermind. Missed murders post...
  20. Thanks for the feedback, i will have to try it. If they do climb up, and it is one spot, maybe put an etrap there too.
  21. I have always thought of camp spots, here is a probably bad thought: go to start room (750 open or not is up to you, I would try closed first). In start room with 750 door closed: put a turbine where the bus part often resides. Place a turret next to it aiming into start room. So yous are in the part room, start room side open, outer door and 750 door closed. Put the electric trap right on the inside (part room) of the door by turbine workbench (out of start room, out of zombie reach). Mess with placement so only one door is open, turret, etrap function (assuming etrap won't hurt, not really sure). So you have the turret firing at the left side windows and the ceiling zombie hole (there is one) avenue, the trap is there in case you bail out. It should help buy time to drop a turbine for outer door. Then everyone just fires into the two oncoming lanes. If max ammo pops, throw a monkey, someone grab the turret, someone grab max ammo, set turret back when safe. Other toys (drops, power ups, whatever you call them) can be scarier to get, just have someone grab the turret before grabbing the drop. Just academic until tried...
  22. I haven't seen much use for them. Beyond the power barrier glitch spot, but I don't condone playing like that unless offline for fun. The turret kills you and your teammates easily. The e-trap has some potential, but no real need in a game of not camping. I just posted about camping the fog ledge above town. If (IF) zombies spawn at Town, but don't climb up, drop an electric trap in front of you, aim the turret backwards towards town and drop a turbine. Add a few claymores an gt some marshmallows... Hmmm. Maybe do the maxis ee, drop a turbine at jugger, place the electric trap next to it. You have jugger intermittantly working and some protection if you need to buy it again.
  23. If you take the shortcut to town, the last 50 feet are safe from the foggies. If 4 people stay up there in 2 groups where it splits, it might be a decent camp spot. But the question is, will zombies come from town and climb up? I don't believe that they do.
  24. I don't think ps3 has it for another few weeks. On xbl, if you got the season pass, ntz released 12.12.2012 to season pass holders. I don't know if ps3 season pass holders got it yet.
  25. Welcome to world at war, bleak oops, bo2. Since waw treys games have been full of fail. We pretend it is part of their charm. At least now we have theater mode to relive all the glitches and confirm that the game did in fact fail. Easily over 75% of my deaths in zombies are due to glitches. I had Die Rise for two days before I finally died legit...
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