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Everything posted by 83457
That last bit happened last night. It was offline local, so no theater afaik (i unplug my ethernet cable so people won't see me online and want me to play). Just my buddy and me. But it should be repeatable: i turned power on, then off, listened to maxis, turned power back on and heard the richtofen schtick (offline ss seems to always give marlton (p1), and russman (p2) as characters), then as i was about to finish the jet gun, richtofen said stuff like do it. I left the gun and went for a new turbine because I still needed to get farms shed open. As i tried to use it, it immediately blew up and Ric laughed, another turbine, another break and laugh. Then i just took the gun. Shrug. Edit: on the first bit: it was my online frind and I. He stayed in town, i went to diner, got downed, i got up and there was a green flash, like the headshot/steel boards/revive green sparkles. Maybe i did a few revives in that game already and so got rewarded? (Guessing). Hopefully I can find that game in theater... Just assume bs until I can prove it (at least to myself).
I hear that. It sounds shady, but I'm sure that it happened. I was just thinking that I hadn't heard of anyone mentioning it, so either it is rare or I'm crazier than I know... Assume the latter until more info on it comes out... Searching web... I see no similar stories...hmmm. Baffled. I mean, I have played since waw, i am 43 and usually not delusional by any means. I do quite well at and understand zombies... What am I missing?
Sadly, it was one of my first games. I played online and nobody was near me. It wasn't qr...so I assumed that stuff like that was more common, so I didn't pay strict attention as I was learning the map. I wonder how far back theater goes if I didn't save that game...
What divine interventions have you witnessed? After turning power on, off, on Richtofen was telling me to take the jet gun. Twice i grabbed a turbine, only to have it blow up and Richtofen laugh at me. When I took the jet gun, the game worked normal (i know the ee). Once I went down far from everyone and Richtofen(?) said 'everyone needs a hand now and then (or similar)' and i just got back up like I was revived. What have you witnessed?
Like jeager said, they are variations. The aifrield building is different than ndu, tranzit. Zombie verruckt (just verruckt on bleak ops) is different thn the campaign or mp map. Der riese is based on, but different than nightfire, an online only mp map.
Thanks... Everyone knows something others don't. I hope to help and to learn. You can get a part out of a shed while you have another part by repeatedly hitting x as you walk out, say you have a part and find the hatch at the diner; walk both outside, intall hatch, come back for other without using turbine again. You can have a denizen jump on you as you go through a tp, he'll make a new tp link when you arrive. Not the easiest to do, but with practise... You can't pick up claymores that you set on the roof of the bus. You can't build onto the bus while it moves. At diner? Set down a zombie shield for a 5 second break, after the zombie beats it down, grab another, repeat. The lightning dude will go away if you damage him enough: four bk stabs or 2 gk stabs to make him go. Fix 2 windows of the bus by standing between them. Run back and forth holding x to fix one side of the bus. You get more than 3 penetration +10s per bullet (3 was the original max penetration in bo and waw), so get a crowd and empty that m1911 through them all. The bus honks beore it arrives, when it arrives, before it leaves, as it starts to leave. It ratirns over time, not rounds, so wait it out if you need it. That b2er bus pistol is quite good, high teens still useful. Never underestimate the value of high movement rate. Stamin up will also help you through the fog. Watch the fog route while riding the bus roof to better know it. Open bank (xbl- doesn't work local offline) blow open safe door (semtex, frags, ray gun, other explosive gun), open the next one for pap area. Inside the vault: two keys; right is to deposit 1000 points for another game (repeatable), left is to withdraw 900 (1000 - 100 fee). Just outside of the vault, in the bank proper, look for two keys down low. Hit with gk, then it will allow you to give 1000 (1100) in the form of a power up to a teammate (repeatable). These are fantasic: most games you have 5 to 50 thousand points you can dump into the bank. Next game, on round one, run and grab 10,000 to get all set up, remember to put that much back later if able. My one friend sucks, I would gladly give him a few grand to get jugger after a down. More...
Let us pretend there is no cheat for these...haha. These are ideas for buildables, they might suck. I know that I and others like to fudge with the game to find new ways of toying with stuff. 1. Zombiesitter shield: at diner, kiting one zombie while your buddies (poo, smoke, drink, eat, pee) escape for a minute or three gets lame. Maybe you need a smoke or want to dig out that dry crunchy booger that bothered you for three rounds now, but you're all alone with Mr. Rottenflesh, running until you're dizzy in a circle... There has to be a better way. There is: grab the zombie shield, drop it out in the open, let stinky beat it down while you do what you need to. Just listen for it breaking, grab another and gain another short break from zombie circles. 2. Okay, this probably sucks, but: leave the bus depot via free doors, return later via free doors with turret (i know it sucks), set turret and turbine behind that freestanding wall with the bus routes on it, place it near the payphones area so that it covers the one side of the room, but it can't see the two windows by the workbench (maybe drop electric trap there and a second turret facing the other window on the payphone side). Then, 2-4 players watch the two workbench windows while the turrets and electric watch the other side. I have no idea how effective this is, but after watching someone sit boringly one of the power station glitches, I thought this might be effective. Note that zombies can only come in the four windows. Protect them with claymores (the buildables, not the zombies)? 3. Put turbine and turret on bus roof with claymores and let it randomly shoot zombies and you. 4. Bus camp? Put turbine and electric trap on bus by driver. Make sure cowcatcher is on bus front. I am not sure if the trap hurts you or not... Maybe drop in rear of bus for back windows? Then cowcatcher protects the front, trap, the back. Just thinking on paper with some of this. Please share any good or amusing ideas that you have... Happy gaming!
My theory. Each map like tranzit has a place like this. Each map has a navcard. As long as you picked up a navcard in a map, you can get to that map from another. Trying to put the gr nc in the gr reader says incorrect nc, but if I had the red run (made up name, sounds like redrum from the shining) nc, I could put it in this reader and travel there, presumably teleportation. I could use the gr nc on red run's nc reader to appear here in gr. So, if you never get the map pack with red run, you can't get a rr nc, so you could never teleport there. According to the voices in my head, this is what they are for.
Is the sedan near a teleporter? Don't get the nades ref for that though.
Pennicillus Our Favorite Mold I believe it says. Ah. Good. Thanks. Not really game important, me thinks, yet amusing.
Applied science appears to say: penicillin xxx favorite. Xxx looks like I've, but makes no sense. Edit: the start room has 'nuke donkey' and a picture with the power tower and a 3. Maybe turn the power on 3 times? Many think 3 towers, which makes sense too. I think that there is room next to your name for 3 navcards, when you try to use one, it says incorrect navcard, which means in red run or blue run (made up names) you can use your green run card to teleport to this map.
Every zombies game has stuff that you know and others don't. Post it. When starting tranzit, when you leave via the free doors, drop your turbine by the workbench. If you do, the turbine will open both doors at once. Step into the newly opened room, grab turbine, grab parts if any, head out. I often see videos of people opening one at a time, now you know. Get the galvanized knuckles for your stroll in the deep fog. What denizens? The knuckles are on top of the diner, use the bus hatch here instead of on the center of the bus to get up. Build it into the ceiling of the diner inside, in the far corner. Lava eats grenades and monkey bombs. Rendering them useless. Instakill still ends (since ndu times) 1 second early, be careful. In black ops 2, instakill often does not work well, be careful. Edit: to teleport, get the power on or use a turbine (power on=green lamps, power off=lamps flickering) at the green lamps, most of which are in deep fog next to a map segment. One is in the diner area out of the fog. Get a denizen on your head near the lamp, go to amp, the bugger jumps off, makes a wormhole on the ground that randomly teleports you to another lamp if you jump into the white wormhole.
Last night I got a green poof, not sure which I got...
Hit and Miss: Black Ops II Zombies
83457 replied to FatedTitan's topic in General Zombies Discussion
I know, mate. I meant that I feel we'd be subconsciously comparing it to Black Ops, even if we didn't mean to. But I guess there are some things I have to say. Good: -Bus is fun to use. Nothing quite like killing zombies on the roof of a moving vehicle. -Buildables are neat to use, most particularly the Zombie Shield. -Pretty big, about 2-3 "Moon"s -Characters are likeable, as always. -It's great hearing Richtofen as the announcer -Pack-A-Punching twice! We've been wanting that for ages! -Saving things from game-to-game is terrific. Storing weapons, points, and even EE progress is astounding and something we weren't expecting! -Double Tap II is actually a perk worth getting now. -The NDU easter egg was a nice nod to the players who've been onboard since the very beginning. -No overly annoying special zombies like George or Napalm. Avogadro is easy to take out compared to these guys, and Denizens only come out in the fog. Bad: -The map isn't NEARLY as big as Treyarch and journalists hyped it up to be. It's composed of 4 NDU's (and an actual NDU ironically lol) and a quarter of Der Riese in terms of size. They made it out to be as if they were 4-5 large maps like Der Riese all connected by a road and the bus. The map is "artificially" big, as in the roads are long simply to give you that feeling that the map is huge. It's big, yes, but not HUGE like everyone before the game came out said. -Removing perks, especially Mule Kick. Treyarch, you were so happy that people loved Mule Kick so much that you put it in every map in Black Ops, then you decide to take it out? Why? -Although Denizens aren't that bad to kill, they are annoying as hell when you're traversing the fog. Yes, we were told to be cautious when entering the fog, but come on, getting head-raped by millions of these things make exploring your map to its fullest potential impossible. -PaP'ing multiple times only works on 2025 weapons, and only gives them new attachments. We were expecting a higher damage increase to help in the later rounds, but whatever. Beggers can't be choosers, right? Then again, why do we have to beg? -The Jet Gun is, well, underwhelming. It takes some time to recharge, and if you mess up with it, it scatters the parts again. Plus, we can't even upgrade it. It's a neat concept for a Wonder Weapon, but there was so much potential that went to waste for it. That's all I have to say about it for now. This is close enough to save a bunch of typing. Mule kick sucked and rarely would get bought. Actually quite insulting in bo1; of all the glitches that they completely ignored in bo, they fixed the multigun glitch, glitching for multiple guns is a waw zombie staple, then they put in mule kick, which would have been okay if you never lost the extra gun slot when you went down, but you did. So the perk sucked, was a total rip off and downright insulting to have in the game. 1. I am glad it is gone, 2. Bo really sucked. -
I have heard that several times, but haven't had that happen. I buy jugger with the turbine and it works fine, 4 hits. Maybe because I play offline, local? Maybe it is an online glitch? In waw der riese, the ww would glitch you to die if you zapped yourself, usually, but not always.
I agree with most stuff said. The ksg shottie is the only slug-thrower, if you can aim, it will kill (pretending there is no lag).
Forum glitch x2 post.
What was said above or a glitch. In every iteneration of zombies, this happens. 1 lone zombie hit me the other day. I was running around the map with him chasing me as I got stuff done. 1 hit as I passed him killed me, no red screen, no 3 other hits, I had jugger, just a not-uncommon glitch. Afai can tell, the game simply stutters; the zombie swings, you run through it and it counts as 4+ hits and you die. I was thinking immediately after that Treyargh should fix it already. A little code that says the same zombie can't hit you if you were hit less than .5 seconds ago by it, to stop this from happening. At least the 'kill your teammate as he revives you' glitch is gone, or maybe baz just hasn't bought the knife yet... Hmmm. Can you still kill your teammate as they revive you a la Bleak Ops 1?
Also, not just jewish folk are circumsized... Also scalene, not sailing. It is a type of triangle.
I would love a zombie mode, existant maps, where the zombies never get stronger, just faster and more.
When I killed myself on round 119 on SNN waw... Oh what? Anyone can do that because it is so easy? Fine, steal my thunder... Seriously, when I was playing zombies with some random kids who were decent; one said 'why is your gamertag Unmazing? You are a zombie god". I'm not as good now, but I'm getting my zombie legs back. But, blindness is one heck of a video game handicap!
Anytime after 12.12.2012. Start game, go to store in game, download it. Odd, I know.
Coolest Zombie PSN's or Gamertags
83457 replied to SoM_Pr0digY's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Amusing, but is it really zombie related? My gt is Unmazing. I find it hilarious to be on top of the leaderboard during any game. But, also not zombiesque. Topic: flesh flayer, zomboner, zombeast, dead deader, deader of dead, zomb mower, unundeader, window fixer... That last one is for baz (bad at zombies friend), I kill zombies, his priority is window fixing. I (edit:) responded gleefully (end edit) when I saw that nuke town has no repairable windows. A little slice of personal heaven. Edit: Didn't realze that I got too risque in my excitement. My bad. -
Black Ops 2 Zombies: HIDDEN GAME CODE - New Guns, Modes, Map
83457 replied to Jbird's topic in General Zombies Discussion
While simply playing, he has lines of text appear over the video. Lines of code from waw to present. Probably just ported over unused code. It even mentions hold x to use fountain turret which is from the center of the original zombie verruckt map from waw. You could glitch out of map and the fountain ad a turret built in that you can't see. Honest. It mentions perks and perk prototypes that aren't in the game. Stuff like that. It doesn't mean that they are in the game, just code that must have been tagged on to functional code. -
Coolest Zombie PSN's or Gamertags
83457 replied to SoM_Pr0digY's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Jugger noggin Speed kila Quick redie Double slap Tombstoner For perk fun (made up).
Call of Duty Zombies (CODZ) is a fan-managed gaming community centered around the popular Call of Duty franchise with central focus on the Zombies mode. Created in 2009, CoDZ is the ultimate platform for discussing Zombies theories, strategies, and connecting players.
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