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Posts posted by YungRob420

  1. When he switched screens to other players, was he dead and tombstoned / went down? If this is the case, the other players screen that he switched to was showing the nav cards of the 3 players that were still alive. Spiders may not have registered because he was down. In the situation with 2 showing were 2 other people dead / down on the map? Just an idea...

    - Optimus

    They were just communicating between each other checking to see if they all had all 4 cards on their screens. At one point spider himself had all 4 as well as Mankiller but the other two players had 2 and 3. I still don't know exactly how to get them other than the box since its been done by them twice now, but i can say that there are more than one Nav Card for each player from what i've gathered from the NGT videos.

  2. I've had players not have all 4 nav cards when i have. Other players have recieved one from going down and running through the map. Watching Spiderbite stream he had all 4 navcards on his screen but the other 3 only had 3 or 2. Which leads me to believe there are more than one. If there wasn't why would each player have different numbers of cards on their screens.

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