As insane as it sounds Samantha after completing Richtofens Grand Scheme says when another player gets alot of kills she will say the following line "Don't kill thm it just makes him stronger." Now we can (Kind of) trust Samantha as she was once the controller of all the zombies and knows how they work and this also explains why after each round the zombies become more powerful and the same goes with each map. So if you think about it killing the zombies is both a good thing and a bad thing in the sense that if kill a zombie it is a good thing becuse there is one less zombie to deal with and also a bad thing becuse it gives Richtofen more power. You should also not turn on the power as it may give Richtofen more power as in tranzit he wishes that you do not obey Dr. Maxis but instead listen to him aned keep the on for as long as posible know it is a bit of a streach my saying this but it is a posssiblity since after each of the maps the zombies get stronger this could be a combination of Darwinism, (Survual of the fitist) and the factthat I mentioned above but also that it is bassicaly nessesary to turn on the power please let me know what you think as I am not close minded on this topic.