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Everything posted by Taklok

  1. Speak for yourself! The words are the most fun part!
  2. Simple! Nikolai found vodka on the moon and spilt it in the teleporter, frying the coordinate system and sending them to Paris. Done.
  3. I'm with you on this one. I'm calling it now. DLC 4. Paris. Original 4. Start of the trailer, black screen with Dempsey saying "We're back, zombitches!" a shotgun firing, and then fade into the action shots ;D
  4. Well OBVIOUSLY the Nuke Donkey is what it says on the tin. The closest thing we have to a Donkey in zombies is Mule Kick. Mule Kick let's you have three weapons.... Three. Weapons. Nukes are weapons. Three nukes. Got it! All we have to do to complete the EE is activate three nuke power-ups at the SAME TIME! That will make the Navigation Table work and transport our brave heroes to Australia Mexico, the land of El Burro, mentioned in the Mule kick jingle. Mystery number two solved. (I am reading the thread you just linked to right now though. I mostly stalk the forums a lot, so I might've skimmed it before. Interesting stuff.)
  5. I'll look into it, although I don't think they actually hold any relevance OTHER than to show future methods of transport in other maps. It's worth looking into though.
  6. Yeah, it doesn't seem too important. As for NAVCards, there's room for 4. Now, as for Atomic Donkeys... that can only lead to one place. AUSTRALIA! MEXICO! Or it's just a reference to an IRL poster that was mentioned on another thread. I forget which one.
  7. Pennicillus Our Favorite Mold I believe it says.
  8. Believe me, I want this as a legitimate map now. A lot. ANYWHO ON A LEGITIMATELY SERIOUS NOTE: Perhaps the magazines are showing us what forms of travel we will use in other maps. How about an automated gondola in Venice, Italy? Maybe the helicopter seen on the promotional poster for Die Rise? I got nothing as for bird watching or cross word puzzles though. Science refers to MORE TELEPORTERS! Imagine the Denizen Holes, but each one sends you to a definite place, as opposed to being random.
  9. Well, we already had George Romero, so why not? The catch is that he can only be defeated by the new wonder weapon. It shoots sting rays and turns zombie koalas into normal koalas like the VR-11. But with koalas. Also, just for fun, the teddy bear on the mystery box locations shall be a stuffed koala bear.
  10. Oh nonononononono. We are COMPLETELY on topic. We are theorizing about the magazines in the semtex room, saying they'll give us a Pine Gap map in DLC 4, and then we went on to talk about what would happen in said map. Totally on topic. Anywho, I like the zombie Kangaroo boss idea, but I like the idea of a zombie Steve Irwin boss more.
  11. Odds are Treyarch is reading this right now, laughing their asses off.
  12. Can we just ditch human zombies entirely for that map and go with ONLY koala zombies?
  13. I think you just made my night with that. Now. Back on topic. Magizines. The covers TOTALLY point to Australia. I mean, there are BIRDS in Australia. And it's surrounded by ocean. And Australia is even on the cover of one of the magazines. The crossword one is irrelevant.... until you realize where they have crossword puzzles. That's right. AUSTRALIA! Now, if we tie this in to Team Fortress Two, which ties in because it is OBVIOUSLY another FPS game, we find the element AUSTRALIUM! THEREFORE because there are FOUR relevant magazines, plus the cross word, Australia will be the zombies map in DLC 4, will take place in Pine Gap, and will feature Activision and Valve reaching a deal so we play as none other than Saxton Hale from TF2 plus three other mysterious survivors. Australian survivors. Now, because everyone in Australia is a badass, you start the game out with permanent Jug. Just because they are that badass. Mystery solved.
  14. Thanks for more information to read on Pine Gap, PINNAZ! And yeah, they probably would kick my American ass lol Pine Gaps seems plausible. Who knows? I just want my zombie koalas now.
  15. I checked out Pine Gap, PINNAZ. Are there any towers? If not, it doesn't really matter. 2 of our DLCs should have nothing to do with powering towers at all, since there would only be three towers total. I most certainly want Australia as a map. Just imagine the monkeys from Ascension and Shangri-La, but as KOALAS!
  16. "While holding off the hordes of zombies on the moon, the gang try to fix the teleporter so they can escape and live another day to kill more zombies. Everything looks fine, and the teleporter whirs to life. But something was wrong. The teleportation mainframe -insert problem here-. Instead of being teleported back to Area 51, they were sent to -insert map name here." Done, AND it sounds like something Treyarch would do.
  17. I've been thinking about 4 for quite a bit. Since day one, not since you posted it. All I can say is, "Why not?" Look at the map selection screen, then think about this for a second. Everything is brown. Dusty. Dirty. There's not any water. Not any visible water anyway. If that were to just represent the fog, it wouldn't make any since, either. IF this map were to be set during the day, without fog, then there goes that part of the map screen aesthetic. All the oceans are gone. This would make transport via bus to ANYWHERE possible. That, or the Denizen teleporters goofed up once. This map will involve either the Tranzit Gang or the O4. I don't see them introducing a group of characters (minus CoTD, mainly because the EE of that one involved the O4, then we went back to using them in Shangri-La) just to not use them again in the next map.
  18. Precisely. You know what I'm not seeing with that small picture of Die Rise? Fog. BUT it's hard to tell. And that's the noob's fault for not being at the town, if you ask me ;D
  19. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. It'll make no sense with the dino zombies, but I don't care.
  20. Oh dear god no. The last thing anyone wants is ANOTHER Tranzit. Actually, I would love another Tranzit ( ._.)
  21. This man right here just figured everything out. Evolution.... THE FINAL ZOMBIES MAP WILL BE IN PREHISTORIC TIMES WITH ZOMBIE DINOS!!!! Just kidding. That would be hilarious if Treyarch did make it RAPE though. I doubt it though :P
  22. I personally am more of thinking it will be R-A-G-E IF they keep that trend.
  23. I looked into this one. I'm calling R-A-G-E. It's the only four letter R word that would make sense. That or R-U-G-S. But I doubt it would be rugs.
  24. If this is legitimate, and judging by the look of the background, it appears the "Surprise" trailer had more to tell us than just showing off a horde of zombies. I think the name Die Rise is just a pun of the term "High Rise" seeing as it seems to be a city and whatnot.
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