This occured to me whilst me and my friend where playing tranzit today and that is, the time period. Something is just so odd about it. When we look at tranzit we see a nuked out mid 60's town, but when we get down to the power plant, the guns and the bus, we see a more technologically advanced map than on the outside. What is the answer? I have multiple theories and leads, so I guess I'll just start listing them.
1. Retro Futuristic.
When I mean retro futuristic I mean like in the Fallout series. A simply 1950's view of the future. We see this in Nuketown 2025 as well, which is odd considering in the campaign everything looks like it's modern and not retro future at all. This theory however, is flawed when we look back at one of our dear black ops maps. Call of the Dead. Call of the Dead HAS to be set around this current time period which means somewhere between 2009-2013. "But some of the guns are cold war!" some might argue. Isn't that what you would expect from a few cold war era siberian fishing ships in russia? Old cold war weapons? This leads me to another theory I have, Time warps. I'm going to link another thread which basically covers time warps/wormwholes quite indepthly.
I'll start by saying if there was a timewarp then it would be reasonable to have Futuristic guns in a 1950/1960's nostalgia setting. This theory has lots of obvious flaws, like how the tech is seemingly intermeshed into the 50's and 60's architecture, cars, heck even the female zombies have 50's and 60's haircuts.
I'd like to end this on the note that treyarch never does anything on accident. So them doing this is obviously worth noting somewhat.