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Easter Egg Guides
Everything posted by undeadarcademachine
i remember richtofen saying in ascension when you tuch one of the matuska dolls something along the lines of him having a little sister that he love to crush her dolls to hear her scream in anguish & pain (he said it in a very orgasaming voice) . on moon i remember samantha saying evil richtofen then mentioning sofia then teddy as if separate characters. i wonder if the teddy bear samantha's holding in the MPD has like an evil soul in it? maybe she referring to her actual teddy bear? & didn't richtofen preform secret experiments on sam?
August 22nd Zombies Patch Notes
undeadarcademachine replied to Jolteon's topic in General Zombies Discussion
i did all of ricks side & my towers still lit & the box is all blue but the map select shows no progress!!!!! T.T -
Letters from the Field - Photos & Videos from Pre-Origins
undeadarcademachine replied to GRILL's topic in Origins
New Map Pack and The Future of Zombies
undeadarcademachine replied to xShadyAssassinx's topic in General Zombies Discussion
i just hope they give zombies its own game! zombies has soooo much details & time pireds they could easly make a campaign mode for back story stuff with no or some zombies in it & keep zombies mode as the main part of the zombies story & multiplayer can be based of the campaign. & they shuld make a real zombies COMIC! -
white=pacified yellow=sam blue=ricktofen orange=maxis red=???/evil-force/brutus purple!=??? just something interesting that a purple force sent are "new crew" to die rise from tranzit with a magic purple power! & a magic purple power revived them to start a "new" this is also the only map stu can hear the "garbulled voce" wich dose seam different then eddys voices which stu can hear in his head in all 3 tower maps qute clearly. i think the purple eyes have something to do with the garbled voice in die rise.
well now we know maxis looks like! in buried there is a family portrait with what looks like a little girl who kinda looks like samantha, one lady looks like the mansions ghost & theres one man who looks like a younger maxis? the others i have no idea about. soooo just an idea. what do you guys think?
Hello! now in buried we know there are 2 different conflicting endings for the grand final EE. is zombies over IDK, are there really 2 separate story branches or are they just to sides of the same coin? Say hello to ARCADE THEORY! (friday/july5/2013) [by undead arcademachine] Now lets say after maxis blue up the earth he found the N4(O4 where abuts unknown) he got them to do what others have failed at, lighting the 3 towers(trainzit, die rise,buried)(MoD relevants unknown) RED! After they light the 3 towers & push the button maxis gains control of everything! he plans to end the earth & take conrol of the eather and save is daughter(who fate is current unknownish)! but not before turning rictofen to a zombies body! whith what little power he has left rick&sam♂ finaly convince the other 3 to buld the gilliteen device in a last effort to stop maxis! so they look for the lever but alas all is lost they died they have failed mankind! ricktofen use what little power he has left to go back in time to stop all of this from happen! as ricktofen & maxis battle throughout time & space using there pawns(N4) time gets horribly horribly distorted! towers go from red,red,blue red,blue,blue blue,blue,red blue,red,N4 die & fail so on & so on nav cards begin to get lost in time! memorys get erased! day-ja-vu fills there minds! until one fateful time they get the towers to be blue,blue! after an eternity of dieing over & over doomed to repeat the CYCLE that seams unbreakable(like MotD & Brock&Gary before) after dimensional years of fighting & fighting playing mind games with the N4 ricktofen has a chance to win! the N4 arive at buried listing to sams♂ insanely crazy plans maxis pleads for the to stop! but with 2 towers blue it looks grim for maxis! they begin to build & power up the gilliteen divice but instead of geting the switch part ricktofen knows now after failed attempt before this he must break the CYCLE ! so he send the to round infinity! & worns them that this is there future & they must find there switch but whats this they start finding dead bodys of them selves! but why are they dead on the floor! because they are inbetween the dimension they left & the dimension where maxis took over & killed them(its black & white so you can't see the zombies eyes blue or red? or both? as this is a dimensional cross that has both maxis & rick incontrol!) they find the lever & return to there dimensional time! & finish the EE & press the button! now with ritofen infull control with truly powerfull god like powers! breaks the CYCLE! by earasing maxis from existence completely from time & space for all eternity mending the rift!(bioshock infinit ending spolers ahead jk lol) now rictofen can heal the earth saving everyone yay for him to torture & play with for all eternity!!!(like grief & turned)(maybe they happen AFTER this EE but BEFORE the earth heals?) he can even possess people at will so he can control them!(maybe so he can have fun killing the zombies after himself? just like old times? that crazy phyco!)(but he seams to have trubel controling sam♂..maybe B/C sam♂ ate the flesh?) the MIND GAMES(mind games achievement?) are finely over! this might explain some of the things that happen like: different endings nav card locations tombstone whos who memory loss de-ja-vu vagly remember things time bombs weapon lockers banks so on & so on well i am sleepy can't remember the rest of my theory so yeah ill fix it up later so yeah let me know what you guys think? give input & add to the theory thanks
future of CoDZ xbox1,PS4,WiiU&PC
undeadarcademachine replied to undeadarcademachine's topic in General Zombies Discussion
↑that spongebob thing made me lol so hard lol i don't care what they do with zombies i just hope they keep ricktofen! he is easily the beast character! as for the story as i see it the next map will have you play as the original characters and you'll have to have activeted the both the red & blue boxes doing every easter egg to merge both worlds in the next map. or ricktofens side is the main side if you look at infinity mode as the "future" of them doing the maxis side & dieing, so ricktofen sends them there to get the switch after maxis kills them so he can mend the time rift he created to alter history so ricktofen can gain control. might explain why they are being respawned when they die. B/C in the maxis final EE he makes ricktofen a zombie so he might have some power to change history & ricks FEE he erases maxis from existence! -
future of CoDZ xbox1,PS4,WiiU&PC
undeadarcademachine replied to undeadarcademachine's topic in General Zombies Discussion
i don't like the modern warfare games only COD4/MW1 & i dont like MW2, MW3 was okish (i only got MW3 B/C it came with the MW3 xbox 360 & i only wanted it for it gigabits & color at a good deal) so i won't be geting GHOSTS i do still love WAW & BO & hate/love BO2 B/C campaign is good,zombies is good but multiplayer is awful! its like playing a future MW game the maps are blaned no where to hide & blend no atmosphere! & it felt like in the older game if a guy shoots you you have a chance to survive around covers in this game if a guy shoots you you just flat out die! zombies is the only thing good going for COD cuz the multiplayer is not evolveing well IMO i like treyarch but its like the creaters of GHOSTS said "2 year isent enuff time to make a new game engine" & activistion only gives these companys 2 years to make a game so COD wii never truly be NEXT gen. at this rate. not looking to good -
future of CoDZ xbox1,PS4,WiiU&PC
undeadarcademachine replied to undeadarcademachine's topic in General Zombies Discussion
well with the grand final easter egg it looks like this is the end of zombies with two very different endings. THAT RESET ALL YOUR EASTER EGG PROGRESS! O.O -
Buried "Easter Egg" Full Steps both sides.
undeadarcademachine replied to way2g00d's topic in Buried
what happens if you place the time bomb down before you active the light box for the grand final easter egg & then go back in time? will your progress still reset? what happens if you get a max ammo go into infinity mode pick up max ammo place time bomb? looks like this is the end of zombies with the reset & very,very different EE & two different people incontroll of the zombies! not to mentione people who don't do the EEs, how are they guna do a new map? with the reset looks like zombies has ended!.... unless... -
:D :| :shock: :| :cry: REALY!!!! IT RESETS ALL YOUR EE PROGRESS?!?!?! but why!?!? that makes no sense! is this realy the final map!? well if thats true the in order for a new map EE progresson i assume you must press it all red then press it all blue in order for the two parallel dimensional worlds to collide for one outcome in the next map! at least thats how i see it! other wise this is the last map in the story of zombie & zombies as we know it has ended. eather they do a new story or they are ending it, at least thats how i see it.
i have a question abut the grand final EE i know you need 4 players to do all the same EE & nav cards in one game but do you need to redo mind games then press the blue/red box or can you just press it as soon as its all lit up?
help with ricktofen's EE! (need teamates)
undeadarcademachine replied to undeadarcademachine's topic in Buried
yay did the EE! found people who where good at listing & taking directions for that is the best way for teamwork when we listen to eachothere :D -
hi i have all navecards done,tranzit,die rise done for ricktofen's side done looking for people to hellp withe the buried ricktofen side! must have transit & die rise done for ricktofen & navecards done! so we can push the red button after the sharp shooter round must be good at directions & listing must be willing to try to get to the infinity round by round 2 or 3 BC i like to do it as fast i can! must have money in bank *best to buy G knuckles on round 1 great for making money & killing zombies then go hit the box for paralizer & time bomb must have a lot of time & batterys at hand please no little kid! if so MSG me on XBL my GT is Helliot live i have goten to the maze switch step but we could not get any switch to spark for like 4 hours!!!! so we gave up so if someone could exsplane that step to me thanks
future of CoDZ xbox1,PS4,WiiU&PC
undeadarcademachine replied to undeadarcademachine's topic in General Zombies Discussion
PS i was wondering for xbox 360 can you play CODzombies(waw,BO,bo2) 4p games & 8p zombie grief using lan gameplay?(& can EEs be done using lan?) so when xbox live is down someday in the future is it possible for me to do lan play to still do the fun stuff in zombies? if someone can test this out & let me know, it will be gratly appreciated! thank you :D -
future of CoDZ xbox1,PS4,WiiU&PC
undeadarcademachine replied to undeadarcademachine's topic in General Zombies Discussion
well i game on xbox360 & i love the online features but if the xbox one go the way it looks like its going, its NOT a good investment of a gamers money! if it dose the used game pay a fee bullsh*t its guna die as a system. & if the always online is real (even if its only to kinect once a day) then the system will be one big pay to play rent a system, that will become a brick when the next next gen xbox comes out (xbox two? lol) & they drop online support for xbox ones online. so investing in that system is basicly throwing away your money for a quick fix of gaming if its all true. oh & even if allways online is optional for developers we all know COD will be one of those ONLINE games so activi$ion can DLC fu*k there customers! i prefer investing in a system i can play years to come even when online is jroped. i can still play my nes,snes,N64,NGC,wii,wii U,ps1,ps2,xbox,xbox360,sagaG, & so on but the xbox one dosent look like i can do that with it in the future=bad investment :/ -
future of CoDZ xbox1,PS4,WiiU&PC
undeadarcademachine replied to undeadarcademachine's topic in General Zombies Discussion
i hope it gets its own game B/C im sick of zombies being mostly DLC stuff. i hope its the same story just a different chapter of the story. -
hay guys just wondering what you guys think abut the future of zombies will be like? do you think they will make a separate zombies game or just keep it a COD game mode? i fear for the future of xbox CODZ gamers B/C xbox "ONE"'s reval was a sad joke! (TV,TV,TV,SPORTS,SPORTS,TV,COD,DOGS,WATER COOLER!) the game they really hyped up was call of duty ghost! how is that a next gen game if its also for 360!?!?(lol angry joe) PC gamers i think will be fine. PS3 players how do you feel about ps4? i never got a ps3 so i don't think i can say much abut it myself so let me know. Wii U players seam like they could have the best deal with gamepad,controlerPRO,wiimote control options,miiveres but they have no achievement or DLC support right now so not looking good. & don't forget the 3DS/VITA, OUYA,project shield,steambox&others. so what do you guys think of the 8th gen gaming consoles could mean for codz? i know one thing i don't like the fact activi$ion has a hold of its IP.
hi guys just letting you guys know there is 2 mob of the dead posters on ebay for 50$ buy it now from the same seller! so happy bidding...um happy buying it now! :D
has eny one tryed to collect the 5 crystal skulls with the redeemr? instead of the retriever?
Map environments & mechanics
undeadarcademachine replied to Undead's topic in General Zombies Discussion
if you like the idea for a raining map you should check out my post "the best zombie map ever!" i talk abut my idea for a raining map :D -
ok well now there is a glitch that can be used in both game modes of mob of the dead! its the kind of glitch that can get you out of the play aria! & 90% of grief maches someones is doing it!! h3ll one game my teamate did the glitch to win & the enemy team got so mad they told me to kiss my xbox gammer tag good bye B/C they are guna tweet my GT to 47K followers to report me & get me banned! i feel B/C of this glitch mob of the dead is broken :/
i f*^%ing hate this!!!!
undeadarcademachine replied to undeadarcademachine's topic in Mob of the Dead
yay i just did the mob of the dead EE 2player with me & my friend who sucks at zombies really bad first time he realy made it over round 20 XD & even he thaut the EE was easy! & this is the guy who never trys do do EE with me B/C hes no good at it XD lol i can't do it with good players but i did it with him lol go figure XD lol -
oh sweet so it is true!
Call of Duty Zombies (CODZ) is a fan-managed gaming community centered around the popular Call of Duty franchise with central focus on the Zombies mode. Created in 2009, CoDZ is the ultimate platform for discussing Zombies theories, strategies, and connecting players.
Activision, Call of Duty, Call of Duty: Black Ops titles, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare titles, Call of Duty: WWII are trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc.
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