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Everything posted by BOD3AN

  1. Here are a few things that will keep you safe and minimise your risk on this dodgy map! People are still dieing when going down the slide to the box or when dropping down to the AN-94. I have noticed that a death in these locations is MUCH MUCH more likely if ANYONE is 3 barring or less. I have never gone down in a good game with 0 lag and a fully stable connection. Recently I have also noticed in some games serious lag (which you would associate with 2 bars or a unstable connection), even when when all players have a constant, stable, 4 bar connection. This is making me think that the Activision/Treyarch servers or the data speed to their servers may now be under performing... has anyone else thought this? Here are a few tips on how to avoid glitched downs: (1) If you have a greatly extended time in the load screen, BACK OUT! (2) At the start of the game wait 5-10 seconds and if you are seeing low bars and you want to go 20+ rounds then leave. (3) I find that the risk of death due to lag is much higher if your connection is unstable (going from 3 to 4 bars every few seconds), than if you have a constant 2 bars. (4) If someone has already had a glitched death in your game, then minimize your times of leaving your spot. Every trip could be your last... (5) Avoid all jumps/slides when you see people killing large groups of zombies (you will see lots of yellow numbers by their points), as this will cause a natural lag in most games and could put you under the slide or short of your jump. As the rounds get higher this issue becomes a greater risk. Also, remember that when someone is not revived there could be a mass re-spawn of their zombies. Every player has their way of doing things. Here is my safer game strategy: (1) Never go down starting room elevator (unless grabbing keys later in the game)! You don't need power on strait away and it creates many opportunities to go down that just aren't necessary. (2) Stay in the starting room until round 3 or 4, letting zombies in and maximise your points with bullets then a knife kill. If you stay at your windows you dont need the PDW! (3) Build the Trample Steam before round 5 starts. Use this for the first free perk at round 5-7. In later rounds it is better to run circles around a Trample Steams and make sure you grab fresh ones! (4) DONT HIT THE BOX! Go down and grab the AN-94. It is the best gun in zombies by far. When its Pack-a-Punched, it will kill more zombies with the amount of ammo you have than any other gun (yes a lot better than an RPD because it doesn't spray and I believe it has higher damage per bullet but I could be wrong. (5) Before the next Nova Jumper round (10-12) you should have enough points to buy the rest of your 4 main perks in this order (Jugg & Double-Tap first, then Whos-who & Speed Cola). This will mean that you then get your 5th perk early in the game. (5a) Its still not time for the box! You dont need it yet even if you get mule kick. I wait until I have PAP AN-94 and at least 15000 points so I can just keep hitting the box to get what I want in 1 trip. If you are on the roof with a PAP AN-94 you will not run out of ammo in the early rounds. Also, if you wait until you have more points you can guarantee getting Galva-Knuckles as well in the one trip. (6) Time to go to the box. If it is in the spawn location DO NOT USE THE SLIDE! Drop down from the Trample Steam room and go to the window that looks at box. Use your Trample Steam to get in the window if you cant master a jump off of the sofa. (7) No matter where your spot is or your play style, the main things are to just minimise ammo usage (headshots) and try not to go around the map unless you have to. If someone is down in Buddha Room and you are on the roof you will probably not make it in time, so stay alive and spawn them in a good location (they will always spawn with white or the first player that is alive in order). (8) This is hard when in random games but, try to use Trample Steams to jump from the Trample Steam room to the roof or from the room with the hole that leads down to the AN-94 shaft, over to the roof box location (lower level). This stops deaths when going down to the AN-94. (8) If you make it to 25+ and you are playing with all 4 players on the roof you will want to start thinking about using a Trample Steam on the slope going up to the tower to save ammo. Also, I use the Sliquifier on the slope directly in front of you and wait 15-20 seconds and you can kill the build up of 10 or 20 zombiies with 1 shot of Sliquifier. If anyone knows a good thread with Die Rise tactics can you link it for me please and I will copy this last bit over if it isnt covered already. GOOD LUCK!
  2. yep. i went under the map when going down the slide 2 games in a row over the weekend
  3. That's a good rule of thumb for zombies, but even if you die at the bottom of the shoot and you have all four players there, they can not revive the downed man. He is in unplayable space.
  4. This had never happened to me until the last week. Now its happened 4 times at the bottom and once when I hit the porch roof looking drop and it shot me through the wall. i was always 100% health and with both jugs. It has only happened at the bottom of the slide when I have whos-who as well (may not be a factor though) and out of the 4 times at the bottom, twice its happened strait after buying Galva-Knuckles. I have a video SLOWLY uploading, so I will post when its rendered and hopefully people can explain where im going wrong until this is patched. IT HAD BETTER BE PATCHED! Its a map ender for me! kills any will to play this map :cry:
  5. BOD3AN

    Free key

    It might have been a player receiving InstaKill-Pro. Ive seen this happen more than a minute after the InstaKill has ended
  6. No Normal Jug is 4 (in a short period of time). Im not a Troller and I have no need to get people fishing for rubbish and have 0 subscribers to boast to. Just trying to help people. I should have put the first down in as well but the whole process from down to final death (even at x6 speed) would have been more than 2 mins. Just look at my points and other player points. Its not absolute proof but its there. And dont expect me to go searching for other threads that are also probably unsubstantiated. All I know is if you go down with both you definitely normally loose it. I have heard about the round 15 thing but cant confirm. I have asked the questions I am unsure about. Feel free to help or ask any addition questions or link to CONFIRMED possibilities. Thanks sorry for any typos, bat dieing
  7. I was in a game last night I failed a jump whilst having both Perma/Persitant-Jug and bottle/normal Jug. As many of you know, once this happens you are back to 2 hits. Well by chance I respawned on the next round looking strait at the Jug machine so I grabbed a bottle before doing anything. About a minute later everyone died and I was last alive, running with a pistol and I got surrounded. But it took 6 hits to get me down! I didn't notice at the time (i might have been raging in my head a little at a guy not shooting). So I went into solo Tranzit to get it back but it was still there as well (possibly because I was last down?). So I watched the video from previous game to see what happened and i have got a "studio quality" clip for ya, to show you what happened. 1) I'm not sure if you have to die off and respawn, then buy jug ASAP before doing anything (kills, perks, guns) 2) Not sure if you can go down be revived then before doing anything (kills, perks, guns) buy Jug and you have it back 3) I'm also confused as to why I had it after being last down in that game? if you are last down do you keep it? So, are time before buying Jug again, dieing off completely, Whos Who, not buying anything, not killing/shooting, not being hit or anything else a factor? or was I just lucky? I would test theories but I have no team to do this with so I leave it up to you guys to see how it worked and what the key factors are. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5TdyXK119E
  8. I just wrote the following but it looks like while typing it one side might have be cracked! but i will post anyway in case it is of any use: I dont have a team so i cant properly EE hunt but i allways follow and try to help. here a few ideas ive had for people to try or keep in mind when hunting. feel free to correct me on what im wrong on. Spiderbite has been asking about the Majhong Tiles as he can only find 7 of 8. each colour bamboo tile corresponds to a same colour wind tile but there is one missing. if you have 4 bamboo and 3 wind cant you work out the missing one as there are only 4 wind tiles. im not sure how many bamboo tiles there are but if there is only 4, then could the same be done as well. people are going on about killing zombies/players by the tower. you have to remember there are 2 towers. 1 on the top/bottom of the Buddha room also part of my thinking linked to that is, as there are 2 buddhas in that room and 2 balls that can be collected. would it make sense to sacrifice 2 players (arent 2 characters friends and the other 2 are?) above or below the buddhas. (EDIT) this would deposit the balls in that location finally if there are 2 kinds of plates that need to be stood on, would it be posible that you again might have to (all 4) sacrifice on one kind of plate then go to the other plate. bare in mind as there are 8 plates and possibly 8 Majhong tiles you might even have to be on the exact plate for that character. good luck people and even though i cant do it, it is fun watching the puzzle come togeather!
  9. Please post here (unless there is a page i missed) any of the locations Trample Steams can be well used or any handy drop down locations. Please dont post the really obvious ones, as there are far too many to list them all. If any Moderators think posts are pointless feel free to remove/move. i will start off with one. the landing spot is also a VERY handy drop down if you end up trapped on the roof above. no one in any of the first 15 games i played noticed the drop so we kept waiting for elevators. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVbqmRg2y8s
  10. as you will know by now there are many upside down parts of the structures so looking on floors and ceilings is important. i went into theatre for a scout around and found out that the buildings are not connected to he ground (floating in air). first i thought this might be because of the mist, they didnt need to make a ground layer (saving game data) but underneath the large open red room where you jump over to power the building doesnt have a bottom but a second roof with a massive antenna. http://s155.beta.photobucket.com/user/s ... sort=3&o=0 sorry for posting here mods, but there are no post in great leap forward yet (viewforum.php?f=147), so i dont know if people are checking it atm. feel free to move it, i just want to let the EE hunters know if they didnt know already.
  11. Situations like this becomes a lot more likely after game release/DLC release dates due to lack of attention from the BF.
  12. mine stopped working 5 mins ago after the update. i turned off a few times and im back in a lobby. keep trying people
  13. good lad. if i was trying to get views i would post better made clips lol. only reason i ask is because the heads were not aligned when i shot. and yeah that perk does nothing!
  14. when you kill a Nova Jumper you always get a purple mist but i just got a green one so what perk did i get? Deadshot Daiquiri? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5j9E1NxbH0 Im sure there are already threads on the fact of a perk bottle drop from only knifing but this was different.
  15. but in theatre you cant go through a door until it has been purchased, can you? i saw ali a was right by the machine (was this no clip?). it could be a tease but i am still sure the lift idea is something so if its not this then what is it? sound effects **dum dum dum**
  16. my theory so far is that to get PHD you will have to "fix" the spawn elevator somehow using the elevator keys to bring the elevator(s) to the correct level at the same time. you may have noticed that there are Chinese circle things on some of the elevators as well as on the floor (possibly ceiling) around the map. i dont know how these will interact with the lift yet but id bet you 500xp that these things will have something to do with getting the spawn lift to go to flopper. what do you think and what have you seen? on a side note there are lots of clocks. i havnt checked for all the times yet but there may be something there, there is one clock with a light bulb under it (may be nothing though).
  17. Hey, There are clips already online on how to build + part locations by various people so i wont link as you can pick your own. i have a fast route to get to the table from the spawn so you dont spend days waiting for elevators. please excuse my theatre skills (lack of). i dont do many clips and i just wanna play for today. feel free to re-post, re-make this route or show others. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Wyeza1QW-M
  18. try both stores - zobies worked for me but MP didnt. my friend was the opposite. also you will need to dashboard before possibly
  19. mine was the opposite, MP store hasnt opened for an hour but the Zombie one finally just updated. and it may be 11am here but thats also a little early for me lol.
  20. I'm pretty sure the XBL Marketplace updates at around 2 AM PST, but I'm not sure if that applies to you European folk as well. If anything, perhaps 10 AM for you, but 8 AM could also be true. Cheers
  21. I think this could be like you say a quick revive like solo (instead of tombstone) or it might be like the new insta-kill power up or "persistent/perminent" perks. meaning if you revive players several times in one game (you may or may not need the QR perk) then you will have this. but again the question would be do you need to buy the normal QR and have done the revives? Just a possibility sorry if someone has mentioned this but i read a lot of comments and didnt see anything and i need to get my rank up ready for tomorrow (lost blue eyes and have no tallies so im nearly a 2 boner!) also what time is DLC available? im guessing midnight in CA (8am UK)? Peace
  22. a few ideas for people. i have seen posts about some of these but never someone saying they have tried them. 1) handle for jet gun - could this be used anywhere else 2) jimmys tweet about doing things in order and keep running - dont take/go on bus strait away. do the EE/EEs first then maybe you can use the "2nd bus route". or maybe never use the bus at all 3)diner roof does seem significant as pointed out already. my thoughts are its a large space for just collecting galva knuckles and sacrificing a bus part just for that seems a bit much. also all the ac,power boxes on the roof say high voltage - could you galva knuckle electric guy up there to make a difference before killing him at tower? 4) when someone teleports, i was told the church makes a sound (maybe only heard by one character) 5) the mm scanner is a crap attachment, its a good bet for looking around map so if you ever get one keep hold of it and have a look around when you get a sec (i know ppl have done this but its a big map + the sky). 6) there are several comments from (EDIT characters players) and the bus driver about bridges (one saying jump off a bridge). and the fact that it the bus slows on the bridge and it breaks even when you walk on it (although twice it hasnt for me - maybe certian player) 7) you can hear the bus in nuke town and i once heard the 100 kill gong when in transit. i cant remember who i was, where i was or what round it was. sorry - this of course could be nothing and just be a feature to make play more interesting 8) bus driver ideas - i EMP'd the bus and the driver went to sleep. could this be tried anywhere interesting on the map? could you keep knifing the bus driver for ages (as after a few red eyes he locks doors and passes next stop? someone told me that in their last game the got the bus driver to crash into the bank in town, this was a noob girl playing by herself and didnt sound like a troll at all and because she was by herself theres no one to boast to about it. thats it for now, PEACE
  23. lol, i will read a little better in future. i scanned through but im am a poor/slow reader at best. thanks for pointing that out though! :)
  24. an "accidental" start of WW3. perfect!
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