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Easter Egg Guides
Everything posted by XLORDXSITHX
gotta be a oldskool hardcore dude to survie on this map solo. co-op is a joke with staff's and knife. Fists are kool though.
A Weapon Guide (Updated/07)
XLORDXSITHX replied to MysteryMachineX's topic in General Zombies Discussion
damage per shot? WW Snipers assult rifles pistols wall guns lmg sally + the above for high rounds if you want head shots that bad, remember headshot damage per bullet is better then body,neck, arm, leg etc. ww is king if you wish to use. -
The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly (information on Ghosts).
XLORDXSITHX replied to 83457's topic in Ghosts
just to note there is a hardcore mod for this game aswell. very good squads and core mode guide however!!! props. sith sad hackers are so numerious on ps3 -
"New" zombie challenges!
XLORDXSITHX replied to BrayJayTheZombSlaya's topic in General Zombies Discussion
if you reay got a pair of balls, Do a No kill on a game of grief, and still win edit: do not try this on cell block grief..... it dont work... -
just to note, ive been keeping track of the average total kill count every time we finish the EE. It is always between 600-700 zombies. Also timeing is everything, but mostly due to luck. some game we got all staffs and boxes done by round 8, some games its 10-12.....
"New" zombie challenges!
XLORDXSITHX replied to BrayJayTheZombSlaya's topic in General Zombies Discussion
i do this quite a bit actually, i personly call it the no kill challange. i love messing with people. running around on tranzit on round 30 with 0 kills PAP ballistic knives ftw -
Hey guys, i was in a game yesterday and when we completed the easter egg in the crazy place, i grabbed a zombie blood and was goofen off and just looking around, and i noticed i could see writing on the wall. It said to follow the steps and a buch of other things that i couldent quite make out before my zblood ran out. I figured maby it was clues to doing the EE. But what has now got me curious i did it again BEFORE completing the egg and they where not thier. These inscriptions can only be seen AFTER completing the EE. So why would Treyarch give us a clue that you can only see in zombie blood AFTER completitng the easter egg. I hate to get my hopes up and think that their may be more to this egg. But it is their on the wall. Sadly i dont have a capute card and my player channel dont last that long. Can someone help me provide proof of this plesae? i can assure you im not trying to waist anyones time. Without wax, Sith.
thats whats buhhs me the most. their is no survival in griwf. juat grief. stop càmping and grief. do i have to post videos to ahow u guys what grief rwaly is?
no sorry. some of that game was on my player channel but its noyhing special. just 2p zombie count from 29-48. back on topic. i am sad to see grief ruined by glitchers. lagswitchers. hackers and host rage quitters. and most of all treyarchs fail leaderbboard arrangements. the top 200 grief players on ps3 only play in custom lobbies and we hold our own tournaments and leaderboards now. grief is a realy fun fast gamemode. id lile to have seen round 20 start public matches. i do like the challange of r1 starts but custom r20 games are so much faster over all.
i have a theather mode aviable of the ice and wind elemental knives. they are all real. You know how the fire and wind staff's are unlimited with the charge? from what i can prove, the fire elemental knife is a one hit on round 72. The ice round 68. the wind round 42(highest i got to game lagged out) and i dont know about the lighting havent tried it yet. Also just to note this is the highest round i died on. they may very well be stronger but i do believe that some are defently stronger then others just like the staffs. And i think its an exelent reward to die for. You can also notice the color difference on your knive when you come back to life. Also when you kill zombies with the knife they die in the way of the element you have. I belive its the same elemental animation as the punches but no puch. Just add me on ps3 if you want me to show you the video so you can record it. What we did was finsihed the EE on round 16. 2 of us killed our selfes in robot head. next round we came back and got set up. other 2 guys killed themsevels on round 17. and on round 18 we all 4 had our elemental knifes and 4 upgraded staff's Awesome game. too bad we started with a shitty host that lagged us all out
8P zombies, a possibility, but not necessarily a reality
XLORDXSITHX replied to Vodstok's topic in General Zombies Discussion
i believe if they introduce 8 player lobbies it will be a forum of last man standing. A grief match where you cant revive anyone and if you are the last man alive and finish the round you win. if you die you are kicked from the game and givein a score of some sort. Or in any given 8 player lobby you can also have 4 2 man teams. last 2 man team standing wins. I most defently believe Custom games will expand on what we can do with our lobby, not to mention ps4 has deadicated servers. -
Nuketown Perks, Problem?
XLORDXSITHX replied to ChocolateKaiser's topic in General Zombies Discussion
no bad bad people. DO NOT RUNIN MY FAVORITE MAP!!! this is why i play this map the most. you never know when you are going to get jug and thier is no bank. Please leave this challange map the way it is. -
In Case You Didn't Know, Bo2 Vs Bo1
XLORDXSITHX replied to Mr. Jay's topic in General Zombies Discussion
also now up to 4 zombies can be inside each other and it is possable to get 8 or 10 headshot kills with one bullet now. before when hearding a full train, the groupe ran in a large cluster. also a correction on the karss refibulator. You can pick your knives back up and with double tap you can get a one (shot) knife head shot till 38. and yes it does count as a head shot. so you can litlery use only that knive for 38 rounds on tranzit without ever using a bullet gun. and getting 100% headshots. Now on grief. you can pick up your knives, but also everyone else can too. so if you revive someone most likly you will lose that knive as they pick it up. same if you shoot a zombie and the enemy team or one of your team members walks across that knive on the ground where the zombie died. it is now gone they picked it up. -
What prestige are you in extinction mode ?+ Tips and Tricks
XLORDXSITHX replied to way2g00d's topic in Extinction Mode
Classes: 1. weapon specialiest, pistol, explosive ammo, shields, sentry gun/vulture,Death Machien 2. Engeneer, pistol, explosive ammo, explosives, mortor strike, Gernade launcher 3.Medic, pistol, explosive ammo,team booster, shield 4.Tank,pistol,explosive ammo, feral,shield The main key in class one is max out weapon specialest,pistol,shields, and death machien. 200 bullets with 50% damage? Class 2 max out engeneer, explosives, mortor strike and gernade launcher (explosive expert ) class 3 max medic, explosive ammo,boosters and shield(main ammo guy) class 4 max tank,explosive ammmo,feral and shields. (melee expert) take on a rhino with maxed tank and shield. its awesome.(back up ammo guy) If you run a 4 man team with each person running one of each of these 4 classes its eazy breazy. the sheild guys get in the rhinos face while the gunner and explosive expert kill them. -
wow man great job with the new look and features. Im just finally glad the forum is back up to browse 9/10 I miss my link for topics i have posted in. and also all my medals dissapeared Sith
also id like to note. i believe they added this in for noobs to give them a chance at some of the hardcore players that regulary camp lobbies for wins. this did in fact NOT used to be in the game.
this works for all perks on only town and cellblock. Dont know why its only those two maps, but i do have to say, ALOT of people know about this, but usually we dont even bother with it. Some people in our hardcore grief lobbies do perma jug everyonce in a while when they get mad, but we keep an understanding of the rules to keep it legit and fun. How is it a glitch when you can see first hand the green smoke? trust me i at first classified it as a glitch, but me and my buddies did do a full test on this after arguing for an hour or more over it. so we tried it on all the grief maps and all the perk machiens. For some reason it only works on twon and cellbock. The only perks that dont work are mulekick, phd flopper, and speed cola. Thing is, if you die out, you do lose this perma perk, however if you only go down. you still keep it. We came to the conclusin it is legit due to the fact you have to take a down inorder for it to work, AND most importantly you lose it if you die out. Also it appears you can only do this with one perk at a time. we tried on town to have both perma jugg and perma double tap, but it only kept the effects of the last perk you bought when you went down. So this being said, i guess leave it up to the party leader to state the rules of the game, and just make it clear for everyone. And if your in a plubic match, it dont matter nor gives you an atvantage so go figure :p
Extinction - What we know so far & How it ties into Ghosts
XLORDXSITHX replied to GRILL's topic in Extinction Mode
I do have to say threads like this is what actually made me register to become a member after being a guest for so long. Id just like to say for sure, that these publishing companies selling "us" these games ALWAYS market them in a way for us to mold and enhance these titles, by ways of letting us create our own theries via slow release of these DLC. so anything is possable. I do like the idea of this whole cover up thing :D -
What prestige are you in extinction mode ?+ Tips and Tricks
XLORDXSITHX replied to way2g00d's topic in Extinction Mode
thought id give you a guys a heads up. For Platium Escapes, you for sure need all 4 players to leave before the timer reaches 1:45, also no player must go down between activating the nuke and getting in the chopper. In addition one player must be running all 5 relic's or all 4 players need to have at least 2 relic's on. Beating the game with 5 relic's I personly ran explosive ammo,body armor,mortor striks, and riot shield. 1 other guy ran 3 relic's and the other 2 ran 0 relic's. I recieved a HS of 372,899 with 0 downs . I have yet to play a game with all 4 players running 5 relic's. Shields + Ferial instincts is a never fail One fully upgraded mortor strike + a fully upgraded death machiene is a never fail. Sentry guns are for noobs. And Vulture is only good fully upgraded AND THEIR MUST BE 4 VULTURES. So far getting to the nuke is the eazy part. The fastest and most painless excape's are using fully upgarded death machiene's in parth with fully upgraded mortor strikes. sentry guns do ok damage and CAN slow a rhino BUT are not a guarneteed kill. Ferial instincts, body armor, riot shield, death machiene, Mortor strikes. Also just to note sentry guns are a boss ass class for all 4 players to run UPTO the last hive. IMO once you set the nuke off, those sentry guns are useless and get you killed. Even if you run back at place them at the points where the meators block you, they still fail and blow up. and you cant always pick them up and bring them with you to the 2ed meator. They are beast for defending the drill and stuff. but after that they are total trash, Also i do have to say, they are a must have for all of the solo people who have survived. Their is my take enjoy. -
Well, there's only one map so far, so I can't see there being a big story already being established. i know right? its like the same amount of info we had on WAW natch der untoten. lolololz Me personaly. I like the game mode. it defently is not zombies. it completly different. this game mode is focused on Teamwork down to the skill point. I like it. Even after max presteging and surviving with 5 relic's their is still more to play. The leaderboards especialy i would have to give them prop's on. They where well thought out and enstablished. I also like the fact the games are objective baised and are around an hour or so long. I like my endurance challange with zombies, but with this i would have to say they did make a fun playing experence for the hour or hour and a half it takes. Also the big thing, no more babysitting crawlers of the undead. Gosh how i hated that aspect.
Jimmy's latest Tweet! Mule Kick-esque gift?
XLORDXSITHX replied to DeathBringerZen's topic in General Zombies Discussion
ive been waiting for mulekick, deadshot, and phd flopper for Nuketown for almoost a year now.,..... -
if you are the first person to grab the crystal for the staff you want, you are guarenteed that staff as it can not be buit without that crystal and you can only carry one crystal. And just be careful building the staff. its safe if no one is around you. And alphasnake, add me on ps3, XLORDXSITHX the only guy i play with on CODZ is Thejayjizzle. the rest are my grief buddies. i got some very solid players on my list, but it seems every time we attempt a high round their is always that one guys that makes excuses to leave, or just bad luck on the hosts part and keep trying to add me, i may have to delete a few ppl, its been a while. and also i dont have that much time for grief as i used to so i may just delete all my compitition and leave it up to our grief team leader to have those ppl added :D
ONE> you guys must remember that the staff's ingame are COPIES of the orgional staff. maxis made these copies. Also in this picture the O4/A4 are wearing Templar desert robes. This is a great find guys, and this makes me believe stronger that treyarch is working on a standalone and this map right here is giving us the clues to the TRUE story of the O4. I cant wait to see where the writers of this story are going to go with this. Thanks guys GREAT work. Im going to see if i can do some digging around of my own and see what i can find.
you make an intresting point their. is the map buried not in africa? and from what it appears to look like it might be in the general area of egypt or just below it down the nile river? what are you thoughs on this info? maby perdict some future direction of the story maby? their are a lot of things that i do know about egyptin history that do relate to zombies. maby we should take a look at the book of the dead for any info on this other end of the staff.
Call of Duty Zombies (CODZ) is a fan-managed gaming community centered around the popular Call of Duty franchise with central focus on the Zombies mode. Created in 2009, CoDZ is the ultimate platform for discussing Zombies theories, strategies, and connecting players.
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