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Easter Egg Guides
Everything posted by XLORDXSITHX
If it ever comes down to a 1v1. Go up in the tunnels where you pick up the remminington shotgun in buried right above the barn. he will get 99% of the zombies and eventual mess up and die. If the enemey has the paralizer its always good to play wiht a reliable teammate so you can steal it from them when they PAP it. or get the ballistic knives and grief the shit outta him
to grief with this gun you can do it anywhere if you have good flying skillz. All you gotta do is fly above them and crouch AND land on their head.
If you guys "Grab" host before the game even begins non of these things will cause you a loss AND no one but you has the ability to cheat via lagswitching. If they jump into a glich you have 2 options. One keep turning rounds untill they get bored and leave or two, jump in the glich with them and kife them into a death barrier. Good luck Also grief is so much more fun in a 8 player custom game with round 20 starts. I myself hardly play pub's anymore. so boring the first 20 rounds.
i like bourroughed. 234 total stolen PAP's so far..... :twisted:
Own PAP Crouch jump to down a player Own box Block a door at the right time If you would like to know what i mean by "own" inbox me and i will explain it in detail.
hey fetus, you wont find any greif compition on these fourms for some reason. MABY one or two. i know infestlithium does a lot of greif. if you want in on the ps3 add me and ill message you the link to our tournament forums. :D
Guarnetee wins on burrough. 1. Turn rounds as fast as possable and steal all kills. 2. First person to PAP Mustang and Sally now "owns" PAP(other team can no longer recieve their PAP guns) 3. Own ballistic knives to revive the player with mustang and sally when they steal a persons PAP gun.
THis is why you must grab host.
lol their are a ton of ways to grief players. -Most common is blocking doors at the right time. -Jump crouching on the other players head to make them go down. -"OWNing" PAP. -"OWNing" the box. -EMP grenades on town and farm. -Hitting the box on farm with the door closed . -Knifing other players into well placed trains. -throwing monkey bombs at downed players can work. -throwing grenades at the box in a timely matter so they lose their gun. -Throwing the meat on someone on a high round have all players shoot him til he goes down. a rpd/hammer is very good for this I also am very sad to not see a "last man standing" mode of grief.
If you are having troulbe with lag outs the grief community on ps3 has decided on one garentee of not having these losses. This is also harder solo btw. ALWAYS seach for a game witht the "best" option. NEVER 'normal' or 'any' if you get into a lobby by yourself you are host. if you get into a lobby and their where people their before you then you are NOT host. If you grab host in a game, you will never recieve a loss. I suggest only playing grief with a team of 4. the player witht the best bandwith hosts. Seach for a lobby where you are the only people in their and wait for 4 more to join. If other player leave the game you do not have to worry about host migration possable chance of kicking you out. or freezing the game. Also if you grab host you do not have to worry about cheaters and their lag switchers. Also custom games no longer count toward your win/losses. I have 568 wins on farm, with 198 losses. I have only ever lost 12 games. when i played this map by myself before i knew how to grab host. i had more losses then wins. Also its very sad that you are so good at greif, when people jump in glitches you have to lean the glitch yourself, get in it. Knife them into a death barrier and finish the round. OR you have to play the waiting game. One game i tried this, me and one dude left, i just kept turning rounds and getting kills. FINALLY on round 48 the dude left.
Do you have a name for your challenge, and is this solo, co op, or both? This challange is both solo and co-op. As for a name.... "Back to our roots"
No Box No Shield no crazy place No collect staff parts. Can power all 6 generators, can collect all rewards. Can collect air strike. Can use wall gun and pap. Can collect digs and perk bottle digs.
Couldent have said it better myself. People are in a rude awaking. its so ORIGIONAL!! gotta be smart about where u got and get them points in and no downs the first 20 rounds. Its a legit ass map finaly. No bank thank god. The EE is quite intresting but Not doing the ee or gathering staff parts is also a fun challenge. Randoms are randoms. you may actualy find a good 4 player lobby, or one of those dudes is gonna quit. first night i played with 4 friends. did the easter egg by round 25. rand around crazy place till 38. dude quite.... could have got r50 first night.
POLL: What Gameplay element in Origins makes it the easiest?
XLORDXSITHX replied to ETEl2NAL407's topic in Origins
The way i look at it is simple. You have 2 choices. One. build/obtain the staff's/punch. and upgrade all 4 and finish the easter egg, but do not release the maxis drone. Run around the crazy place. two. dont collect any staff pices. Only collect the gramaphone and black,yellow records. Use gramaphone at wind and go to crazy place. stg and ak74u ammo on the wall. And you can still get all perks and PAP. but you can only colect rewards from spawn, due to the fire staffpice being at generator 6. . I believe a proper challenge would be completing the easter egg on solo before round 25 and survive in the crazy place once you finish it. you can not leave for any reason once you finish the ee. my best solo is doing the ee on round 17 solo, jug mulekick deadshot speedcola. upgraded broomhilda, used mp40 till i got spaz+ for headshot rewrad. staff was mulekick gun. no quick revive i got fists and airstrke on round 12 staffs all built on round 10. this is a very challengeing procedure that has to be timed just right. tooke me around 30 restarts lmfao. i like the stg and bounes perks in the crazy place. i quit at 50. i never used a staff once i completed the easter egg. very much fun So in conclusion i would say no shield and no crazy place. cant collect staff pices. :D -
All the upgraded staffs are terrible after round 30, so hardly what I would call epic... especially with all the time and effort it take in obtaining them in the first place. terrable after round 30? ROFLMFAO, dude each staff's charged att is a for sure insta kill till round 105 AND IT HAS A CHAIN KILL EFFECT like the sliqifyer. Thanks to those that actually read and understood my post.
So who is the voice then? edward? or just the usual demonic anouncer voice?
Yes that is true, but im not saying their is more to the Easter Egg itself, but their has to be more of a reward AFTER completing the Easter EGG and BEFORE activating the ending cut scene, is their has to be somekinda reward, maby its just the fact that the walls stop moving and provide an open area for us to train in. Hell it could be any little small thing that can make a big difference. Also how do you justify a reward being simply throwing an already givin item intot he air? thats no reward. thats just an action to initate the game over/ end cutscean. MOTD gave us more of a reward then just an END CUTSCENE Idk. i guess ill have to look for myself :D
Did EVEYONE miss the part where you get your achievement BEFORE you release the maxis drone into the aether? I would like to make it CLEAR that YES the EE is DONE, but i am refferring to what happens BEFORE YOU RELEASE THE MAXIS DRONE!!!! Also note that once the EE is done, NON of the walls move around anymore in the crazy place as if you never built any of the staff. Ultament 4 player training area with unlimited ak74u and STG ammo? also how do we know if their is anything else we could have easily missed due to the fact "ok man we got the achievement, im going to sleep" or "Hey lets watch the end game cut seen!!!" EXPLORE MORE!!! IF this EE was SO LONG AND CHALLENGEING. thier must be somekinda reward other then what we know as of now... i mean comeone MOON had one of the most epic rewards, even if it was right in frount of us. Maby this time the reward is not so clear.... See what you guys can dig up. i gotta wait till it come to ps3 to do some reward seaching of my own.
all i gotta say is "STANDALONE"!!! Yeh, i said that. Proof you say? Notic the few small Tweak's in map development and also the buildables/parts? From my knowlage of game creation, develports always TEST things publicly to see how people react to them. So if treyarch gets a postive reaction to all the "NEW" things introduced in BO2, then we will get a standalone. To those that think treyarch wont make a standalone because their is not demand for it. Well im sorry but you are wrong. All zombies fans will buy this game. Other fan's of other zombie games MIGHT buy this game depending on what they do "layout" wise in the nexgen. With all the new developments in BO2(custom games, leaderboards, Indepth EE's, Multi map EE's, buildables, rideables, and cliffhangers) how can you not see that they where planning this standalone along side of all the BO2 Map pack release's? Do most of you know that BO2 began development officaly as soon as BO1 was released to the public? So this standalone has already been in development for a year now. Give it another year to 18 months and we will see an AD for it. Also if non of that convinces you, my buddie Domino Told Me in a way of saying without saying, COD: Zombies (he works in the art department, and part time server maintence) I mean sersouly? Black ops 3? comeon........ and yes i know i suck at spelling and grammer, get over it. Dont bother quoting my thread or rebuttling it. I trust his word, as he has not been wrong yet. Also i realy dont care to argue, if it come out. Cool. If it dont, jokes on me. See ya in 2 years :D
Origins EE "Little Lost Girl" Written Steps + Staffs
XLORDXSITHX replied to Ehjookayted's topic in Origins
CONFIRMED!!! The 4 stone tabs located in the take area. Each player takes them to the church and inserts them into the holy water. You then use your special punch to kill the zombies near the holy water and fill the tabs with souls.When complete they are now purified. WIth the purifyied tab you must take it back to where you orgionally pick it up at in the tank place. NOTE YOU CAN NOT WALK IN MUD OR WATER OR IT WILL "taint" THE HOLY TAB. If you fail you must press x on the holy water again and try to make it back to the tank area again. You can eaither walk or ride the tank back. Once you have put your purified tab back on the table you know have the upgraded special puch. it is now stronger and for sure still a one hit/multi hit kill on round 18. I am not 100% on how far it is still a one hit kill once you complete this. THIS IS NOT A STEP FOR THE EASTER EGG!!!! ONce you have upgreaded all staff's and inserted 3 into the robots and one into the bottom of PAP you get an audio cue from samatha. You now need to press the 3 buttons in the robots to continue. I BELIEVE you NEED TO HIT ALL 3 BUTTONS ON THE SAME PASS the robots make. OR once you hit the button, STAY IN THE ROBOT TILL THE COUNT DOWN IS COMPLETE. I am pretty sure you need to hit all 3 buttons at the same time and let the countdown complete before you eject from the robot. Let me know how it goes guys. good luck ! EDIT: upon finding that the holy water step is not for the EE. THis means you can complete this easter egg on solo and coop. :D -
Origins EE "Little Lost Girl" Written Steps + Staffs
XLORDXSITHX replied to Ehjookayted's topic in Origins
Appreciate the salt in your (quite honestly) terribly-written tutorial. Maybe you should be the one to go back to "skool"? Thanks for the Perk tip, though! ;D sorry max, that wasent directed to anyone in particualr. But it needed to be sorted togeter a lot better then it was. And yes i do have horrable writing skills. if you want you can take the information and write it up neatly this also just popped up. WTF is it lmao. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kZ3NTX1lYA 9kZ3NTX1lYA -
Origins EE "Little Lost Girl" Written Steps + Staffs
XLORDXSITHX replied to Ehjookayted's topic in Origins
you guys need to go back to skool and learn how to read and comprehend lololz 1) Samantha will begin to speak by Round 5. 2) Find all staff part locations. There are four staffs total - fire, air, lightning, and frost. Fire staff: CD: within the 1st floor of the church on top of some crates kill Panzer Soldat first time shoot down a glowing plane in the sky; follow where the part drops activate Generator 6 and the part will be within the reward crate Wind staff: CD: near Generator 5 and the entrance to the cavern, on top of a broken wagon/crates enter through giant robot going to church side enter through giant robot going through the middle of the field (near Juggernog) enter through giant robot going through Speed Cola area Lightning: CD: ? while on tank (moments after first getting on), look to the right as you are crossing the field from the excavation site to the trenches and a lone little structure with stairs will be there; jump onto the ledge while on tank (after 1st stop at tank station), look to the left when reaching the excavation site and jump onto a small ledge leading into the ruins while on tank (directly before going into church), look to the right and jump onto a small hill slope that leads to the to floor of the church Frost: CD: inside shelves within tank station (trenches) dig up dirt mound dig up dirt mound dig-dug the dirty mound 3) Once the part are collected, build the gramophone (can even be built before steps). The black disc is usually either on top of some broken wall outside the excavation site where the rounding narrow walkway is, or it's sitting inside a wheelbarrow right next to the Pack-a-Punch machine. The gramophone is inside the site as you descend down between some tables. 4) Place the gramophone on the table in the excavation site to unlock the lower levels. 5) Grab the gramophone once more and have each player go to their designated caverns. Place the gramophone on the tables and enter the Crazy Place. 6) In the middle of the Crazy Place are four elemental pillars. Only one person at a time can retrieve their crystal. 7) Once a player has their parts and crystal, go back to the lower sanctum of the excavation site and build the staffs. When all staffs have been built, Samantha will say that it is time for "Step 1". 8)Go back to the crazy place and complete each of the puzzles fore each staff. Fire: kill zombies over lava pit with the fire staff to fill the barrels full of fire. Ice:Use trial and error to match the symbols above in the correct order with the ones that appear on the wall Wind: lighting:From left to right lable the triangles 1-12. then use the pillars next to the triangles to shoot the order out. their are 3 codes. i do not have the exact numbers aviable. but this is possable though trial and error. or by studing the symbols right next to the puzzle. 9) Special Staff challenges A)Fire:Solution is still uknown. We do know you must light the correct tourches in the correct order. The glowing symbols are known to change every game you play.the four wooden tabs you can pick up off the table i mentioned eairler you can each put one in the holy water in the church, B)Wind: their are 3 smokey domes on the map with smoke blowing in a direction. use the wind staff to make the smoke blow toward the excavation sight. their is one near jug. on just outside the excavationsight and near stamin up. once done u will hear an audio que and a yellow ball will be avaialbe at the bottom of the excavation sight. light up they yellow line using the switches and shoot the ball. then take the staff to the crazy place and insert it into the correct alter. C)Lighting:seach for the volt box that has the knobs you turn. the first one will be sparking orange. you turn them off in the order they appear sparking orange. their are 8 of them. once this is completed their will be a purple orb at the bottom of the circluar puzzle in the excavation sight. flip the switches to where all purple is lined up in frount of you at the stairs. you will hear a sound and shoot the purple orb then it shoots up. the switches are no longer interactable.Also in the crazy place you can now inserte the lighting staff in the purple alter thingy. D)ICE staff:their are 3 carts on fire and their is a time limit to put all 3 out. you simply use the ice staff to put them all out, in addition their are 3 tombstones that are covered in water use the ice staff to free all 3 tombstones one by the buyable mp40 at jug. the other near the tank station on the right when the tank is leving, and the 3rd is near the center of the excavation sight. once all 3 tombstones are frozen shoot them to destroy them., then line up the blue line in the spinning color puzzle when the purple orb appears shoot it witht he ice staff and boom you can now instert the ice staff into the alter also now. 10) Charge the staff's in the crazy place by killing zombies to feed them the zombie souls. 11)Collect the upgraded staff's? Extra:Their are 4 yellow small round things you need to have the maxis drone deployed and he will pick them up when you are in the general area. one is located at the top of the excavation sight. one at stamin up.one at the top of the church kinda. and their is one near spawn in a large fire area. he picks them all up and flyies up into the sky. it returns to the table. when you pick it back you and make it fly you can see the 4 yellow things on the drone near the head but WAIT this is MORE! you hear a audio que after the 4th is picked up. if you make your way to the PAP their is a FREE GUN TO GRAB 6 Perks: EXAMPLE buy jug, buy mule kick, get phd flopper out of random perk machienne. thats 3. make perk machine go near speed cola OR stamin up. buy the machine for the free perk. IF THE FREE PERK IS NOT double tab buy your 4th perk(speed cola or stamin up) then grab your random perk you purched before your 4th perk. you know have 5. go collect doulbe tap out of the box as a reward for your 6th perk. -
Origins EE "Little Lost Girl" Written Steps + Staffs
XLORDXSITHX replied to Ehjookayted's topic in Origins
it has been confirmed that the glowing dots for the fire staff challenge DO CHANGE EVERY GAME. so the solution for this particluar puzzle changes every game. So in conclusion the colored dots/symbols represent the number down below. -
Origins EE "Little Lost Girl" Written Steps + Staffs
XLORDXSITHX replied to Ehjookayted's topic in Origins
No, they had only finished the ice and lightning challenges. They died halfway through the wind one because they were looking for a 4th target thing instead of the smoking statue things and maxis kept killing their last zombie. lol. if they dident finish the fire or wind staff challenge, then how did you see them upgrade their staves? can you upgrade a staff once its challenge is complete and you insert it into its alter in the crazy place.? can you upgrade the staves one by one or do you have to have all 4 in the alters in order to charage them with zombies? -
Origins EE "Little Lost Girl" Written Steps + Staffs
XLORDXSITHX replied to Ehjookayted's topic in Origins
did you see the fire staff challenge solution while watching this?(the tourches in the church/markings on the wall/ inserting all the woden tokens in the holy water. also this info you have provided sounds correct. i dident watch his stream.
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