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Easter Egg Guides
Everything posted by XLORDXSITHX
dalphion diving on a pron enemeny has givin my team countless victories. i hope they do not remove this from the game. Its funny as hell sometimes. pregame lobby "hey man just lay down to revive so they dont knive you" me:'yeh ok you do that" 10 rounds later. 3 enemies down. 4th attemps prone revive. Me dalphion dives and causes the 4th player to go down. I get revived. they all lose !!!!! Knife > shotguns
I was wondering when you guys would post this. Knifing to catch is a WHOLE lot eazier. Now inorder to NOT BECOME SLOW. you must throw the meat on the person who threw it at you. if you miss or throw it on someone else. you become slow for the rest of the game. Hope this helps....
Bowie Knife. WHy? free perks!!!!
this is an awesome idea!!! thx for posting.
What Defines Boosting in Zombies?
XLORDXSITHX replied to perfectlemonade's topic in General Zombies Discussion
when someone on your friends list gets 10k revives in one day..... -
The MTAR and Type 25 WHERE inaccurate as hell yes. but with the new patch after die rise dlc they have reduced the hip fire spread for both of these wepons. the type 25 is actually fun to use now.
Official Ranking System Discussion and Theories
XLORDXSITHX replied to way2g00d's topic in General Zombies Discussion
After hearing so many opinions on this i would like someone offical to make a poll on this subject of "Quitting" Should players lose there base rank for quitting a game between rounds 3-30? I personaly have never quit a game. If i die, so what? I died, get over it. we are all gonna die eventually. Oh **** i went down.... oppsss, try again but better..... -
Idea? no... an employee from treyarch told me this....
Solo and Co-op Tranzit Jugg,Staminup,Doubletap2,Speed Claymores, Semtex First 50 rounds:Skullcrusher and M115 Kolider 50+:Upgraded DSR50 and RayGun Fridge gun is always DSR50 upgraded If i shoot for grenade kills in solo the setup is the same but the only gun i use is the upgraded War Machine and use the Tubes off the Skullcrusher. Usualy i can get 2,000 Nade kills in 35 rounds. Solo and Co-op Survival Jugg,Doubletap2,Staminup if aviable First 25 rounds: Olympia and MP5 25+: Any Gun the box gives me. They all do damage lol.
from a standpoint of logic, i believe he is referring to, in-order for a bomb to be created/destroyed, a brain must be present. So with that said, the second part of the quote must logically relate to the first. "happening all over again" depends on if he is referring to the bomb being created or destroyed. And if indeed one such bomb is created or destroyed, that brings up the simple question of "Where?". In another aspect he might be referring to the brain within the bomb. In-which directly relates to destruction. So is destruction of earth happening all over again set in a different view point during the time era of Moon? Nuketown is the only map in-which there is not lava, BUT a nuke has already been detonated. So i am guessing Nuketown Takes place in time BEFORE Tranzit, and it is very obvious the time line takes place during Moon. Also in logic Nuketown zombies was released First to hardend edition owners so in essence, you could say it is the FIRST map for BO2. So i think i can safly say for sure nuketown occurs Before tranzit. I would also like note from a point of logic, when one asks, "But whats this" one stumbles across something during an easter egg hunt. So when one finds something and relizes its happing all over again, what easter egg could this be referring to? Acension egg where it takes a brain in-order to launch the rocket, or more indepth it takes a true brain to free maxis? Are we going to truly free maxis in the next egg? or are we going to free maxis in the nuketown easter egg? On the note nuketown easter egg, i have looked in the code and there are no special .exe files that relate to an easter egg or sound bites triggered by special .exe files that would occur only during completion of steps in an easter egg, which has lead me to believe there is no easter egg on nuketown..... But once again logic pushes me to believe this quote is referring to nuketown because it does not properly relate to Tranzit. Answers to questions, and questions to answers.......
Easy mode is actualy eazy for the first 15 rounds. After that it gets harder and HARDER. Round 40+ is a nightmare on eazy. Half the zombies walk slower then turtles while the other half are running at u full speed. IT is like trying to run a circle in a mine field. My buddie came over one day and we decided to do nuketown on eazy with headshots only so it wouldent be boring. Boy where we in for some fun. Come round 25 it was actualy harder then origional to be honest. We might have had jug on round 7 but i swear ive never been so adrelian pumped before on a high round. Even if you use crowd controll at the start and manage to avoid all the walkers to get them bunched up. then when you kill them all off at once you then have to navigate the "chin up chest out" zombies around the "hey i just woke up give me a minute" zombies. Still ave not made it past round 41 on eazy.
There was a patch in attempt to fix quickscoping once again. Sadly this affected the DSR / Barrett 50 in zombies also. ITs not that bad, but still its annoying missing one out of every 8 shots.... i used to get +1000 and +800 all the time, but after the patch its a little harder to be consistent.
Random teleporters are back. What goes up must come down :twisted: (no this is not a reference to a helicopter)
Thanks for sharing this. I learned a lot and i do believe treyarch implemented some of this knowledge into the story and map.
Official Ranking System Discussion and Theories
XLORDXSITHX replied to way2g00d's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Remember that post a few pages back where i was talking about a formula? Well you just struck gold on the basic aspect of that formula. That is one reason why i cant properly write it down for people to understand. The way its arraigned is of sorts i have never seen before myself! -
Reason for there existence. Perfect example of what EMP Gernades do. As the rules state above say, DONT SHOOT, SPRINT, OR TOUCH and a sleeping zombie will NEVER wake up as long as one person stays at the location of the sleeping zombie. If you leave these zombies sleep and kill all the others, one person can open the bank door on round one and everything can be obtained/built. MAKE SURE to have one person baby sit the zombies that are asleep. if no one is around they will respawn awake. If you are NOT at the location of where the zombies are you CAN shoot, and sprint. Starting round 2 with 4 perks, knuckles, claymores, stickies, and 2 PAP weapons is boss status. EMPing a zombies works at any round, id suggest doing it at the end of a round with 2 zombies. Also note you CAN EMP a max spawn BUT one of two things can happen. ONE, you get lucky as hell and they all fall asleep without touching each other. TWO, as they are falling asleep they bump into each other creating a domino effect and they all wake up pissed as hell. ROUND 1 2 AND 3 A ZOMBIE WILL NEVER RUN!!!!!!!! Begining on round 4 and beyond the last zombie will ALWAYS run.
Official Ranking System Discussion and Theories
XLORDXSITHX replied to way2g00d's topic in General Zombies Discussion
1) You would not be able to read the equation 2) Thats against Federal Law in the USA 3) IT would not fit in the space allowed I mean no disrespect. I am only protecting myself and Treyarch. -
Official Ranking System Discussion and Theories
XLORDXSITHX replied to way2g00d's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Ok im going to only post once in this thread so everyone will stop bickerng on about Rank Improvements. 1. ALL STATS MATTER!!!!! A) Even though Each and every stat is a factor in the equation of rank, there is a BALANCE put into place so people dont Easily LOSE their ranks. Some stats are lets say given a WEIGHT that they hold when factored in, to determin a players rank. This WEIGHT has 2 factors of its own. Two stats can have the same Weight in the equation in order to create a balanced figure. OR Stats that have similarities to each other are given "WEIGHT" of extreme opposite value, which in turn when added together they become a balanced number to relate to other stats that are balanced to begin with. EXAMPLE:(this is NOT translated code. this is my personal example of the statement above) Balanced Stats = Kills, Miles traveled, Doors opened, Perks Drank, Gibs, Average Rounds Survived, and Damage taken Similar Stats : (given in the forum of relationship to each) Kills/Headshots ; Kills/Downs ; Kills/Deaths ; Kills/Grenadekill ; Downs/Revive ; Deaths/Revive ; Kills/Bullets Fired ; Kills/Bullets Hit ; BulletsHit/BulletsFIRED ; BulletsFired/Headshots ; BulletsHIT/Headshots ; Gibs/Headshots ; then to non the lease all of each in relation ship to rounds survived. As you can see this ranking system is VERY complex and the forumla for determining your rank is VERY LONG, and VERY COMPLEX in nature. From what i have seen and studied of this forumla i can Guarentee this. If you want your shotgun rank you must adjust your style of play to relate to these stats. Number of Kills does not matter in the form of Exact AMOUNT. But only when you use this in a ratio with other stats. ~100,000 kills with no more then ~400 downs and ~250 Deaths, in addition a 60% HeadShot amount HELPS. IF you have a low Headshot ratio, then grenade kills are factored into the equation to 1) make up for the missing headshots or 2) see if your bullets Hit is > Bullets Fired. The above is an example based in the factor of 100` and should on average determin a person with the rank of shot guns. There are a few stats inwhich some people ignore when trying to figure out why they dont have the rank they THINK they should have. 1)Deaths, yes downs matter more then deaths, but deaths still pull a great amount of weight in the equation. 2)Perks Drank, This is an odd one. IT seems you can receive a high rank in the leaderboards for drinking a large amount of perks. In my eyes a person that had more perks drank = a person who goes down more OR plays a lot of grief without downs. OR just plays a lot of games in a short amount of time, which in turn relates to Deaths. So out of all of the stats "Perks Drank" is the MOST BALANCED WEIGHT. 3)Bullets Hit > Bullets Fired 4)Gibs has a relationship with headshots. A headshot is considered a GIB. 5)Why are Knife/Knuckle kills missing in this equation? Knife/Knuckle kills are just as hard to receive as Grenade kills imo. 6)DO NOT BUY QUCK REVIVE ON SOLO!!!!!!! 7)CUSTOM GAMES!!!!! DO NOT EVER PLAY ON EASY!!!!!!!! To sum this all up, play zombies as beast as you can and DEFIANTLY AVOID GOING DOWN. If you avoid going down, it is guaranteed your other stats will ALWAYS increase for the greater good, which in turn makes your rank increase. STAY CONSISTENT! The easiest way to get your shotguns is continuously play solo tranzit over and over with NO QUICK REVIVE(40+). NOTES: All of this is what i have drawn from the game code inwhich i decrypted. THere are still elements inwhich i have not studied or personally tested their boundaries. Example there is a value of {(L)} throughout the equation which i have not yet related to any given stat variable, I can only assume you insert the number marked as position on the leaderboard into this variable. If you do insert the leaderboard position variable into the equation i do not see a limit boundary needed inorder to factor this variable to reproduce a realistic result. So once again i can only assume there is an equation for leaderboard position that self factors to determine that specific variable position which in turn gives weight in the overall equation for rank. Any thoughts or additions please? -
HELP! Stuck on Knife w/ 5 Tallies.
XLORDXSITHX replied to Possessed's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Get 100,000 more kills without going down no more then 100 times and i am 100% sure you will get your shotgun emblem. Ive had the same problem for about 2 weeks, and i decided to do solo tranzit untill i got my shotguns. Took me 30,000 kills with 5 downs inorder to rank up again. The reason i dident have my shotguns for a long period of time is playing grief mode ALOT and having downs with less kills on average. If you keep your Kills:Down ratio above 300:1 you keep your shot guns, Deaths and round average have a small significance in this also. -
laying down on the ground in pron position pretending you are dead, and actually double slapping the human player would absolutely be hilarious!
Which Weapons Are Better Than Others
XLORDXSITHX replied to MysteryMachineX's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Of course the grip does something, It reduces recoil in a small manner, and reduces weapon sway to a small degree which in turn improves weapon accuracy over a long distance. By view kick do you mean the recoil numbers of both hip-fire and Precision aim? and tell me what you mean by centerspeed? I am not familiar with this terminology, let me know what you mean an i can provide the information you requested. -
Which Weapons Are Better Than Others
XLORDXSITHX replied to MysteryMachineX's topic in General Zombies Discussion
I am not providing proof because (1) I dont have to prove anything to you or anyone else, and (2) if i do provide this proof, then you would want to know more and use this algorithm to calculate spawn times, methods,and ultimately mod the game to your own liking. And of couse not to mention every tom dick and harry will have access to this information and use it to create modded lobbies, change stats, and change other peoples stats on the leaderboards. So why dont you go spend 8 years of your own time to learn programming methods and study cryptology for decryption of information and figure it out for yourself. If you dont want to take the wee bit of information i was kindly enough to share as the truth then be stubborn as you may and ignore it. Now i COULD sit here at my computer for the next 2 days and redo the orgional stats i gave you in a manner of, reload times, formula for damage loss over distance, explosive radius, damage loss over explosive distance, headshot multipliers, damage multipliers for chest, arm, leg, foot, sprint distance, weapon recoil, % chance of receiving what type of weapon from the box, where the box next spawn will be, spawn of the electric zombie, and jet gun statistic's: but i consider that a waist of my time when people can just scroll above and see what the best damage is delt via weapon ammo capacity. sure some guns are stronger then others, but when you factor in all the stats, the odd ones come out on top. And just for the hell of it, Mustang and sally are not for killing. they are used to weaken crowds with one or two shots in the high rounds, so you can kill them with your primary weapon. Pay attention to the small details of this game, and it will teach you a simple trick or two. Good Day. -
there is no easter egg on nuketown. Proof. the song is an insult. Moon 4th map pack. Wait till the 4th DLC and u will understand. stop waisting your time lol.
Which Weapons Are Better Than Others
XLORDXSITHX replied to MysteryMachineX's topic in General Zombies Discussion
It WAS encrypted. Source? All I can find is that some freaks tested the guns for MP. Did you just copy these? I can read nowhere in the inet, that the files got decrypted. Remember, zombies is different. For example, in BO1, Snipers had a headshot multiplier of 10, which is pointless in MP. Therefore, in MP the multiplier is like 1.5 or something. Yes they are different. In the coding MP stats on weapons are labeled in a subcategory of (P), and zombies is of course in the damage department of (Z). No the BO2 System file statistics are not on the internet. I decrypted them, thus my simple answer of (WAS). -
Which Weapons Are Better Than Others
XLORDXSITHX replied to MysteryMachineX's topic in General Zombies Discussion
I thought the bo2 code was encrypted It WAS encrypted.
Call of Duty Zombies (CODZ) is a fan-managed gaming community centered around the popular Call of Duty franchise with central focus on the Zombies mode. Created in 2009, CoDZ is the ultimate platform for discussing Zombies theories, strategies, and connecting players.
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