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Everything posted by MF_MaxiMillion

  1. Dude, the zombies look like they came from the Silent Hill universe. What the fuck?! It's like we're gonna play a whole new game. I'm also surprised that they didn't include any Versus mode games. I guess they're gonna keep all the goods until the last map pack?
  2. Really? They're doing the same thing? ... Still, it sounds amazing. When it says "an unprecedented new challenge", I'm really hoping to see some kind of boss that roams around like George. But scarier, since we're in jail. I don't mind the throwback of Call of the Dead on a different location, but seriously, they better not do the same kind of Easter Egg where we have to rescue the BO2 crew. I want to lit up more orange towers, okay?
  3. You guys gotta think about the ending theme too. When you die on Die Rise, you hear footsteps closing in and then a cage being shut. You could say I'm a little straight forward when I'm deducing this, but from the moment I heard that, I immediately thought of a jail. And it looks like we're heading there, too. Anyway. The new map will be announced soon for sure, I'm just gonna think about what could possibly happen to us in Alcatraz. And how it links with the other locations we've been in. Does anyone know some history of Alcatraz back in the 60's that could give us a clue to why we are heading there?
  4. If that's what pisses you off, wait until you meet these guys that think they're good because they play Grief mode without magic. (No perks, no power-ups)
  5. Dude, this is something that happened on the first day I played the map. Just like any other glitch on Die Rise. It's nothing new, really.
  6. Frankly... I've played the WoW maps to death. I would love them as Grief maps, but I think it would make more sense that they release the best of the Black Ops 1 maps. That includes Kino der Toten, Moon, Ascension, Call of the Dead and maybe just Der Rise along that. I would definitely want to see Call of the Dead on BO2 engine.
  7. Damn. One more reason not to get the new Xbox for me. Anyway, on a side note, do you guys really think they're gonna make another CoD with Zombies on the new gen-consoles? I mean, the guys that make these maps are a team of 4. They're already failing majorly on getting a decent map done on BO2 (Without glitches, freezes and other bs) I honestly hope they're just gonna end the series on BO2 and hopefuly it would be as good as Moon.
  8. Not true. I lost mine after keeping it for a few weeks, because some randoms screwed me over when they respawned me on Die Rise and I was in a hurry. I kept trying and going back in TranZit mode. And then the other day I got it back, but what I noticed is that I had just reached 500 perks drank when I got it back. Coincidence?
  9. Did he try doing it again?
  10. Yup. This definitely hints out to a new game mode involving spires and "machines". Sounds pretty cool though. Possibly a Versus game. It's pretty obvious they're gonna do this every time now. It's why we select "SKYSCRAPER" when we want to play on Die Rise. Because most likely this new mode will be added to the list after you buy their next DLC. It's the only way to keep the Versus modes interesting in Zombies, I suppose...
  11. ... What the hell is this?
  12. It definitely went from an awesome WW to a worthless piece of crap. The amount of time for the zombies to "explode" is increased and more pools of Goo gets on the floor for absolutely no reason. Oh yeah, since the hit detection is garbage, that thing is also unbelievably inaccurate. Just try to shoot a running zombie from a distant with it, you'll see what I mean.
  13. Switch from daytime to night-time. Pull a Minecraft on the next map.
  14. Really something I wouldn't call a shortcut. Or even worth doing it. You can make the trample steam in Solo without turning the power on... I mean, the QR elevator IS active, you know. So if you really wanted to jump over to the roof without the power on, it only takes a minute to build that thing. Without risking getting hit by an invisible wall.
  15. Just because you got the highest rank doesn't mean you got to be a try-hard about it. I got them, and I still do plently of fun things. I would get bored if I couldn't troll random people on Die Rise. You still got to be good at the game, though.
  16. Don't use the slides, and use the Sliquifier on idiots that do glitches.
  17. I've seen this once before when I was doing the EE with some people that were trying to get it. I can't say what exactly causes it, but I can tell you how I've done the steps until that point. So first, make sure the NaV table is created. If it isn't, you can't progress. Simple. Second, do the first two steps with standing on the chinese symbols. After that, buy the sniper off the wall and shoot the balls out of the dragon's mouth. Now whether you pick up the balls at this point or later, doesn't matter. But what I've always made sure of was that only the person that picked up one can use the upgraded ballistic knife. It's just to make sure, really. This is also what I do for the step in the Buddha's room and kill zombies; I play in a custom game. I let one or two people leave the game so this step can be done faster (trust me, the difference is notable...) and let them join back once we've finished it. Oh and for the record, the people that stay in the game are the ones that pick up the balls. And that is how I've done the Maxi's EE a couple of times already. Hope this helps you out somewhere!
  18. Nope. Someone in your team didn't shoot. There's no doubt, right after the insta kill went, the green flash went off. I'm pretty sure it wasn't even you that got it. It was way more to the left, probably the yellow player right next to you got something there.
  19. How many times is a dozen of times? And did you do this in a custom game or a Solo game? Thanks for the info!
  20. Nice job in explaining all of this. It's pretty cool that you can find this linkage even though none of this is shown in the game. You found the title of the new map The Great Leap Forward before it even came out and I have no doubts that you could be right about this "event at the end of each decade" thing. And is it just me or does the Nacht der Untoten loading screen hint out to where we are going? If we do end up getting a map that plays in Vietnam, we ought to inspect the other 2 flags on those boxes.
  21. So I do believe the existence of this perma-perk.. he's obviously showing it off and he did get a green mist when he drank the perk and went prone. I don't think he's trolling either, but when I'm doing it, it doesn't work. I have 335 perks drank. Maybe this is the key to getting it work? You need a specific number to do it, like he said, a 100. Has anyone tried doing it when they have 200 perks drank or 300? I hope it's about the perks drank because, if not, I think this is one of the most useless leaderboards ever put into a game.
  22. I know it's hard to tell, but the second page shows a page-rip on the top possibly "hinting" the map after that. It doesn't seem legit to me anyway because, this has happened before. With the whole Die Rize "leak".
  23. Oh. Those blurry pictures showcasing fake wallpapers for the next DLC? Some guy is sweating it out on trying to make it look real... it's obviously fake. Inductions and Orientation all show major fails, and it's the fact that some parts actually have images from other games. 'They' used the Left 4 Dead hand in the Dead High picture and I doubt Treyarch is getting so lazy that they'll just rip logos from other game companies. Watch Mr.Informer make another hilarious detailed explanation on the new Zombie map coming out. T.E.D.D is coming back, this time with a helicopter!
  24. Uh, this may sound like a dumb question, but the leaked "Dead High" map is your way of saying Die Rize, right? If so, then what is TranZit supposed to mean?
  25. It's a trap!
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