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Posts posted by Metacross

  1. It's just a backdrop building across from Power.

    It's exactly the same building from the map in Black Ops. I forget the name but it's the one with the trapdoor in the middle leading to B flag. This building is the exact same one that the switch is on in that map.

  2. Guys He's totally right. Are telling me no-ones figured out how to time travel to moon, ride the rockets to earth and ride the resulting shockwave out of nuketown to the secret trainstation? Once you're there, there's a deceased horse you need to beat for a few hours with a buildable wonderstick until the working navcard falls out of it's ass which you can use under the tower and unlock the secret B bus route to bullshit town.

  3. Poster almost says "Ride the b bus"

    That "B" is the one from the front of the bus depot, meaning the poster is a picture of the bus in front of the depot. Oddly enough that "B" is missing from the front of the depot on the side pictured.

    I know what it is. I just won't put it past the zombies team to have done that intentionally.

  4. Kay, so. I was thinking of reasons why the laundromat is likely to be accessable. Theres the whole invisible door bug thats being floating around in the forums... but I have another thought.

    It seems strange to me that there'd be a fully modeled interior for a inaccessable room in the zombie mode that isn't itself a spawn for the zombies. I've never seen the like before, has anyone else? It seems to be if the dev team doesn't have a USE for a room, they make it empty with blocked out/opaque windows like they have done every time. Take the bowling alley next door: Fully modeled inside, but is used as a zombie spawn and will never be able to be opened for the player

    whats so different about this room?

  5. Reason being is every BUILDABLE has to do something with the EE, we have yet to use the shields for anything Easter egg related.

    Don't know why you'd think that. We haven't used the turret, electric trap or Sheild so far. It's not like it's the odd one out or anything

  6. This is actually the loading screen for a gamemode called MEAT. Where two teams are cordoned off in the middle and have to "grief" the others by throwing meat at the over side and killing them.

    Wether this is a seperate gamemode to come, or one that was scrapped and replaced by grief is unknown. They are both there in the files though so i'm leaning more to future content.

  7. It's either a totally seperate part or TA decided to improve the icon for the jet gun wires and left the old one in. I can't see millions of people playing zombies and not being able to find this last part, myself :/

  8. Some things are wrong here:

    Your "consmic Silverback" is simply the texture for the monkey bomb

    I've seen the alternate bus driver skin, and there is absolutley NO snow marks on it, that, and the fact the snow looks quite crap makes it look like it was added on in paint, tbh.

    There also seems to be a SILVER/GREY bus in the textures.


  9. Seems the closest thing to confirmation we have. Notice EVERYTHING that is interactable has vanished, Doors, perk machines, parts, seems like the workbench is, but maybe because it doesn't "do" anything per-say. The door by the box in the town IS still there, which means it doesn't effect doors that don't do anything

  10. I believe this happened.

    I've seen those black slabs myself, if you go to theatre mode and spectate someone who has gone down and bled out, you might be lucky and their "spectate location" when dead will be in the power room, INSIDE the avagadro container. If you look around with freecam (you can't move unless you switch to a living player) you can see the room littered with black slabs where the "props" in the room should be.

    I guess it's a placeholder until you can actually "see" the props.

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