Alright guys, I have a pretty solid theory so stick with me... In this video( Mr.RoflWaffles shows us a picture with three radio towers(one with a nuclear explosion on it) and the group 601 logo on it. Now these towers aren't all what they seem, one is the tower from tower of babble, another I don't think is a tower at all but something LIKE a tower and located in Nuketown(hence it being marked with an explosion. And the third is unknown yet .But these "towers" are transmitting or receiving signals from large,high-tech,pillar-like structures in the sky(like the one seen in the nuketown loading screen) Richtofen most likely wants to use them to spread "the flesh" (the zombie infection) while Maxis' need for them is unknown....these "skybound pillars" can be seen almost perfectly portrayed in 3D at the end of this video HERE