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Everything posted by ozCHRISoz

  1. Hey guys I'm kinda new to the forum, but last night I was playing Green Run and ran to the abandoned Bowie Knife hut, there are monkey skulls everywhere there, leading me to believe that the denizens are part primate and failed experiments went to the hut or it's just another place where they held them,I kinda had one of,those ah-ha moments when I saw that lol
  2. It almost looks like a mystery box light, but I HIGHLY doubt it, maybe some sort of teleportation beam, and that's how our four on Green Run got there? Idk just spit balling :lol:
  3. I think a Atlantis map would be really cool, Order 115 had a video on YouTube about it a long time ago, I also think a school would be really cool, me and my friends were talking about a equipment that was chalk and u could draw guns on the wall, idk if they'd ever implement it but it sounds cool 8-)
  4. I picked rictofhen just because I think it's so cool having a sadistic maniac in control, it really adds to the eeriness of it all, and his character can still be developed further
  5. That's interesting, ill try doing that tonite if I get my friends to play zombies
  6. Hey twigg, pm me about the ship map? Thanks
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