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Everything posted by Delta

  1. This. Might just be that I hate maps that take place with all of the map inside a building. Mob of the Dead wasn't scary, just a little creepy. The ambient chain rattling was the creepiest.
  2. Double Tap II. Hands down.
  3. Welcome to CoDZ! :)
  4. Just going to throw in that MMX and I were talking about this a little, and I think he mentioned to me instead of two maps, we have one map with two modes. One for O4, one for N4.
  5. Mostly. Needed to find instrumental versions of some.
  6. Welcome to CoDZ! Please enjoy your stay and ask any questions you may have.
  7. Interesting concept. Looks kind of like a revamped Custom Games menu. Like starting on round 1 is Sheol 1. Start on round 5 is Sheol 2, and so on, except in this, it affects the round numbers. I'd like to see something like that.
  8. Sounds very plausible to me. I personally don't know what to think of him. I really like Sloth as a character too, he just seems like… I dunno. I just really like him.
  9. Welcome back. :)
  10. Delta


    A lot of people will hate that they fixed it, but it's for the good of the map. Using a trample steam is just as good as it for that rock. Unless they fixed that one too. As of 2 hours ago, I could still trample steam over it. (Used it for Awaken the Gazebo.)
  11. You gotta give him the candy next to the actual chalk drawings, not the question marks, I believe.
  12. Delta

    The Paralyzer

    Thank you MMX. As you probably know from being there, it would probably only work in tight areas, due to the ceiling requirement, but good to know nonetheless.
  13. Great work, MMX! I always love a good song analysis, and the detail you go into is great.
  14. Delta

    The Paralyzer

    In the new Grief map, the Paralyzer is available. You can do everything normally with it, flying, gliding, killing, all that good stuff. But then you can also use it as a weapon against your enemies. For instance, I had the Paralyzer and was corner trapped by two enemies, so I decided to see if I could fly out. Instead of flying out, I hit my head and fell on top of one of the enemies, downing us both. So, you can use this like dolphin-diving onto a prone enemy. This trick is, you have to be in a semi-closed area (corner) with a roof above you.
  15. I don't think you actually read my post. Anyway, I don't doubt that you understand my post either... It's because I'm from PTG and I have a wider insight to the storyline. You should check this video! Dissect what you can! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_JiMah2o5A Not trying to start anything, but why is your insight wider than ours?
  16. Delta

    Marlton Quote

    Yeah. I wouldn't take it too seriously, though. "Space" weapons were really prominent in comics, and maybe Marlton somehow picked up on it.
  17. Story: The story didn't really get interesting for me until Mob of the Dead and subsequently Buried. It seemed like just a group of survivors who were powering spires for two mysterious Germans. 6/10 story, not enough details until Buried. Maps: Green Run: Overhyped, less desirable map to play on. Has some replayability. Die Rise: Seems Just a little linear in terms of how to get around the map. Not so many buildables to make. Mob of the Dead: Good buildable system, interesting setting, nice story elements. Buried: Okay buildable system, useful companion, not too difficult way to get free perks. Nuketown: small-ish, not as much story as everything else, fairly good. Overall: 7/10 Other: No private matches, okay custom games settings, bank and persistent upgrades, new gamemodes. 7/10. Overall: 7/10. Needed more story, and I feel Nuketown could have been a bit bigger. Green Run could have been less spread out. Still hoping to at least hear something from the O4.
  18. You should be able to. We just recently did Die Rise 2 or 3 days ago, and we just had our Richtofen sider join in late, and then it worked perfectly. Tower changed colors and everything. Try it on a different map maybe? Try it without the guy who joined late, instead get someone who has a clean slate?
  19. -Favourite layout? Actually, Moon. Just the ability to rack up points and then head off and float around in the biodome or camp on the moon surface next to the teleporters. -Favourite starting room? Once again, Moon. Racking up points and obtaining Juggernog and PaP before Round 1, can't beat it. -Favourite map with the best wall weapons? I'm gonna go back and say Der Riese. Always thought the WWII era weapons were better. -Favourite map with the best Wonder Weapon(s)? Der Riese and Shi No Numa with the DG-2. -Favourite way to access the Pack-a-Punch? "Five". Admit it, pulling DefCon switches was awesome. -Favourite map with the best traps? Mob of the Dead. Acid sprinkler, 'nuff said. -Favourite map with the best special enemy(enemies)? Shangri-La with those little Drop stealing monkeys. They looked cool, weren't hard to beat, and could even give you a free perk. -Favourite way to get the Free Perk power-up? Shangri-La. Hey, just let them cycle through the drops and hope you get lucky. -Favourite map atmosphere? Mob of the Dead hands down. Just the creepy feel of it, the shrines, the ambient music, everything. -Favorite EE/Side Quest? Moon. Blowing up the Earth just felt satisfying.
  20. First, upload said image to a hosting site. For instance, imgur.com Then get that link and make sure it has the .jpg or .png on it Then, in between paste the link in.
  21. The keyword is "distant" I don't know about you guys, but I usually make use of the DSR up close, so I can hit 3+ with one bullet.
  22. May I add that on the Double Points half price one, it allows a little points to be made during the half price one. For instance, earlier I was training in the maze, and got the double points and went to see if I could PaP for 2500, and I did. However, on the way there I did shoot a few zombies but kept it. So, maybe if you make less than say 1000 points? I know I didn't make a lot, only killed 3 or 4 zombies with my Sassafras.
  23. Welcome to CoDz! Don't worry about your grammar, it's actually very good from what I see here.
  24. Can confirm that Mustang and Sally are not able to be stored in Die Rise. Can test TranZit soon if wanted.
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