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Everything posted by Delta

  1. Stick around, Logan. Welcome formally, I guess.
  2. I was given no warning, it just told me this would unlock Dead Ops and all intel. Live and learn, I guess. I found Strike Force to be easy even on Veteran except on the one where you have to jam some AA missiles and blow up a cargo ship. Giant headache, but yeah. They are easier the lower difficulty you go. Assassinating Zhao may be a bit difficult, as you're outnumbered about 4 to 30+.
  3. I play on 4 and 5, depending on if I'm tired or not. Anything higher and it really hurts my eyes. I can screenshake and dodge easily, but turning around quickly sometimes fails.
  4. Welcome to CoDZ, George. Please enjoy your stay.
  5. Cell Block. Much more competitive and difficult.
  6. My apologies, when I posted that, I was only talking about rounds. All other stats update, but rounds don't. Sorry for the confusion.
  7. Any custom game does not go on leaderboards.
  8. I'd much rather go back to Black Ops 1 and delete all my progress and map packs so I could 100% that game. Stupid 100% intel code. Should've at least warned me I wouldn't be able to 100%. Looks like I'm never 100%ing Black Ops 2. I beat the campaign ln Veteran, and that's enough.
  9. Welcome to CoDZ! Enjoy your stay and please don't hesitate to ask any questions.
  10. It should ask you to vote when you open up the Multiplayer Menu.
  11. True, but I would expect most of it to work alike, just like how character models, weapons, and even a few SP mission locations were copied over to be on the MP engine. Would be a lot of work to fix everything, but the onr map I'd like to see is… Verruckt.
  12. Or they could copy the coding for the map again so they don't have to manually replace everything. Then they could change whatever they need, which would still be work, but at least rebuilding the entire map wouldn't be a good 50% of the work.
  13. When I voted, Cyborg and Comics were winning, with Dragon about 0.5% behind Comics, and Paladin about 10% behind Dragon.
  14. Assuming Sledgehammer is working with IW again, they would probably only work on the Multiplayer, which is what they did last time, or so I was told. I really didn't like that MP, and if they make their own game, I wouldn't buy it.
  15. How about… Instead of more servers… We make better connected servers? I'll come up with legitimate ideas later.
  16. They probably only apply to maps with the N4.
  17. Comics and Cyborg look good to me. The other two… I'd rather not.
  18. MMX reminded me of another Pig one in "Five". Don't kill the pig or you get more China Lakes.
  19. Depends which league you play, bagel. Champions league does take away most of the explosives and few perks, but TDM league has everything. I almost never use noobtubes, except in TDM league, because people get extremely mad, just like when you go around knifing in core games.
  20. Shoot the box and throw a grenade in it to get the ray gun first try.
  21. Announcer mode do want.
  22. For central, following Xbox release, would be between 4 and 6 AM. At least, that's what it was for me.
  23. Eventually the zombies and Brutuses will kill the three besides Weasel. Try and fight as you may, you will run out of ammo and screw up somewhere, and then you will die. So, there is always an ending.
  24. Thanks, same here. Feel free to ask any questions you have, don't be shy, and check out every part of the forums. :)
  25. Welcome to CoDZ, Greg! Hope you have a wonderful stay!
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