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Everything posted by Delta

  1. I really like to listen to rock a lot after round 25. I listen to some Skillet like mocking, particularly "Hero", "Comatose", or "Monster." Disturbed also really fits the mood for zombies, particularly "The Night", "Inside the Fire", and "Deify." Some of Eminem's songs also work, and I usually end up listening to "One Shot Two Shot). I actually have some map specific music sometimes, and when I play Moon, "Deify" really fits, and kind of is a song that describes the Side Quest of that map.
  2. Welcome to CoDZ! Maybe we can play some zombies on Xbox , GT's somewhere under my name and medals. :)
  3. Oh God, not another sacrifice. Although that would be a pretty good way to upgrade.
  4. Mafia II. Or was that Godfather? It's one of the two. He would be a really good character.
  5. Island Prison Both obviously linked directly to the map.
  6. I really don't think so. If you remember, for giving us the info we did get, we actually only saw 3-4 small areas of the map, The Michigan Avenue, a couple outside areas, trap hallways, and a gondola. Oh, Speed Cola too, but I think there's a huge part of the map they didn't expose us to, as they said in the trailer.
  7. Michael Madsen. He played a really good character in one of my favorite movies.
  8. Thanks Lithium. You probably beat me because you tried to capture every detail, which is better, while I went for the main changes I noticed. Good job on yours as well, it was a nice read.
  9. Welcome to CoDZ. Be sure to enjoy your stay! :)
  10. Let's jump right in. I apologize for possible bad quality. Looks like we have a new HUD: Then we have the Gondola, at the price of 750. (Couldn't get a readable shot of the actual Hold X to buy Gondola) Escape Plan drawings, courtesy of Taklok: Looks like we'll be building a plane. The characters holding a ray gun, Electric Cherry, a Tommy Gun, and the BlunderGat: And it looks like we'll see the long-awaited AK47. The Tommy Gun in action: A new Fan Trap: We see the disembodied hellhound/dog thing: A glimpse of the Afterlife, and a character using lightning/whatever the attack of the Afterlife is. The fictional BlunderGat: An acid grenade shooting weapon, Wonder Weapon, maybe? The "Boss" Zombie? With a key in the upper left corner. New perk Electric Cherry in action: Possible Pack-a-Punched AK47: Name of said weapon: (This flashes on screen for about half of a second.) "Reznov's Revenge." Very clever, Treyarch. The Zombie Shield returns as well: New Pack-a-Punch camos and the acid trap. Electric Cherry Perk Machine and volt meter: That's pretty much everything they showcased to us. Say below if I missed anything and I will try and get it as well. If you cannot see the full image for some reason, open in a new tab or quote and get the link from the original post.
  11. Call of the Dead. I believe Peter's Grave for iPod/iPhone on SNN is doable, not sure. The first half of the Moon EE can also be done solo, with patience.
  12. I really think it's the mode. I remember they always used the name of the mode in advertising, or almost always. And where you choose the mode, remember on GLF where it states the area you play in is Skyscraper? I think they'll name that like "Jail", "Island", something along those lines.
  13. As a new melee weapon, much similar to the Galvaknuckles? Possibly, it would be interesting if we got a new electric melee weapon. I wasn't really thinking when I imagined that, but if it was buildable, the actual baton itself, a coil of wire, and something to make it electrocute as parts.
  14. Electric baton? Whenever I go back, baton always comes into my mind.
  15. Okay, let's see. Aether. Purgatory. Perhaps Purgatory is the Aether on Earth. Instead of going to the actual Aether that Richtofen and who knows what reside in, it places you in the Earth version, I guess. All you can do is watch as your allies continue without you, all while possibly being tormented or hallucinating.
  16. Delta


    Welcome to CoDZ! Have fun and enjoy your stay!
  17. Looks like the pattern from a sprinkler system. Acid in the sprinkler system maybe? That would be very interesting to use.
  18. Well, better late than never. Welcome!
  19. I don't see it as a perk. As Naitrax stated elsewhere, isn't Alcatraz famous for ghost stories? Well, becoming an actual ghost when you die seems to tie in to the story. Now, I don't think it'll be a perk, because we had Who's Who, which was effectively a ghost, despite that you were still solid.
  20. Ghostly Hellhound. I suppose that could work. Maybe instead of them looking solid, they're able to be looked through, with the flames mainly giving out where they are.
  21. Looks like this will be a bit of an early birthday present for me. Thanks for taking your time to analyze it, Flammen!
  22. viewforum.php?f=13 Better place for teammate finding. Good luck.
  23. QUOTE removed. Now this may not be a rule that everyone likes, but I for one like a surprise and follow one rule about leaks: They are not real until Treyarch flat out tells us. Pretty simple. Now, I for one wouldn't mind if we had a specific section for leaks, but it just won't happen. Now, have you seen how good people are with photoshop and editing? Just the other day, I was fooled by TGBxRyan and his April Fools Elite thread, which had a nicely made photoshopped picture of Elite with a new map on it. InfestLithium for example, as well. His Call of the Dead poster, now I would buy that. Now correct me someone if I'm wrong, but hasn't Treyarch put stuff in the coding that didn't even end up in the game? I wouldn't put it past them to do it again. But seriously, someone could probably explain why we don't do leaks better than me. I know that Treyarch thinks of us higher than other communities because of it, or something, but that's it.
  24. I prefer the original layout, because I can usually swap games and have no trouble adapting to different schemes as long as they're not complete opposites. As for sensitivity, I really can't play on more than a 3, because it just really hurts my eyes, and makes me feel sick if I'm on 14
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