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Everything posted by Delta

  1. @thegoldenspork115 Treyarch saying that, please.
  2. I actually bought the Extinction characters DLC, so I mainly use them. I always use the Wraith head, and then any one of the bodies, usually Tank or Weapons Specialist.
  3. I'm now 29 in the world for PoC Solo Chaos. Just happened to notice I passed RelaxingEnd, so I looked who was #1, and it was Mato. I'm coming for you, Mato. Your WR will be mine.
  4. Just got 136 in the world for PoC solo Chaos Mode. Feeling very possible to get top 100 or 50!

    1. GRILL


      Hell yeah man, we still need to play!

    2. Delta


      I'm down all day from now on. Thank you Tennessee for ending school so ridiculously early for summer.

    3. GRILL


      Not sure if I'll get on today, kinda sucked in by Wolfenstein.

  5. I'm 99.99% sure you can do it with just the Acid Gat. Either my memory is lying to me, or someone was just saying they didn't have it upgraded. I mean, you should be able to get it without PaP'ing it. It was the same effect, so there's no reason why not.
  6. I like it. I would prefer if they stuck to this mode as the "other" mode to normal Extinction. It's hectic, especially in co-op, and it's just a ton of fun for me when I play it.
  7. Indeed, smoke and all. Didn't come all game, I remember because it was only halfway through Domination.
  8. You missed the first step. You have to accumulate 30 kills in the prison first, if my memory serves right.
  9. Threw down a maniac in Ruins yesterday. It says the quote, but the plane never appears to drop the Maniac package. Waste of 9 kills.
  10. PoC and Mayday only. Did not buy Nightfall, nor do I have the money.
  11. I'm down to help. Just helped another guy do it yesterday. Was pretty fun, considering the rest of us were also running at least 1 relic each. His score was absolutely ridiculous, was 2x everyone else's. Anyway, you know where the GT place is.
  12. If you're browsing on mobile like me, you don't get any of the buttons they talk about. What I so I just look up the code for a color I need, and do [color#FF0000] for example.
  13. Good, but the Off Topic/Support Section needs the "Off Topic" taken off. :P
  14. I feel very enlightened. Thank you, Based Black Hand Smith. I will forever denounce any theories that state Maxis to be human.
  15. Donation counter says $115 donated. Perfect.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      I change that, 2 tics

    3. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      Refresh and try again ;)

    4. Delta


      If only I actually had money.

      I shall donate though, plan on getting an actual job this summer. ;)

  16. @Zombiesblood3
  17. To be honest, it could be a lot worse. Most of them are in places I can easily scroll past, or barely look at. The only one that annoys me is the one under the first topic in a forum, but that's not that big of a deal. I can live with this.
  18. Craig. This looks so good. Kinda makes up for the ads in my book.
  19. Would you rather have a slightly more ad-filled CoDz (not really, just looks weird with white on black) Or NO CoDz?
  20. My name is Collob/Caleb, and I am a zombaholic.

    1. Naitrax


      Hello Caleb.

    2. 83457


      Hello c/c.

  21. Craig, you are making a terrible decision with these designs.
  22. '> Visual proof of the "frenemies glitch." Only person on my secret 3rd team in Search and Rescue. I could only see and be seen by one enemy team, did not take damage, could not kill enemy players, could not hear either team in game chat. Sorry it's upside down, by the way. iPod camera seems to love upside down sideways photos.
  23. The Scavenger. That ticking of the shot is my internet. The explosion is the final lagout.
  24. Der Riese. I never liked you. I never will.
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