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Everything posted by Delta

  1. 'Sup guys. Just got a new copy of BO2. It has Die Rise code I don't need, so if anyone of you Xbox players out there want it, say so here and you may receive a PM ;)

    1. Delta


      Aaaand it's gone.

  2. Probably doing the Origins and Shangri-La EEs both in one day. Thanks to Tac, Zen, and a non-CoDz member named Matt.
  3. Slight error on the Panzershreck. Under Longinus's section, How to Get states you should PaP the Longinus, should be Panzershreck.
  4. Currently, I've got a PaP'd DSR. I prefer a Lamentation usually, though. Basically any PaP'd AR is good for me.
  5. Just wanna pop in a quick question about the userbars. Is Zombie God getting a userbar, or are you guys still deciding on it? Or maybe Slade/Infest are working on one? Just been bothering me how MMX is still on stars and we're on these cool bars. EDIT: my bad, Re-read and saw that these aren't final.
  6. RIP My first BO2 disc. Will hopefully get e new one soon, as this one suddenly refuses to work.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      I always install to the hard drive, you only need the disc in the drive to authenticate and it never causes a problem for me (no materr how damaged the disc is).

    3. Delta


      I've had it installed ever since it started doing this (2 or so months ago.) and it won't launch, instead it will give me a mixed media/unrecognized disc error, infinitely try to read the disc, launch and give me an unreadable disc error, or launch and kick me off of Xbox LIVE.

    4. Boom115


      :,( so young, so much to live for.

  7. Playing through it right now. That line caught me off guard. I definitely knew it was the same voice actor as soon as he said that line.
  8. Delta


    Ah, Taceo. Welcome back. :)
  9. Bored out of my mind and up for any zombies today. GT: Ze Wunderwaffe, hit me up if you want to play, I guess.

  10. I knew you couldn't stay away. It's not humanely possible. Welcome back. :)
  11. Would buy and waste my life on. Thanks for making me wish this was real. :P
  12. Looks like a blood-stained playing card. Immediately made me think of Poker. Vegas map? But that would be a bit cliche.
  13. Better. Probably the best size for it if it's by itself.
  14. Tallies and Shield are fine. The bottle… still looks weird.
  15. In my opinion: Shield > Tallies > Bottle. Shield's a bit dark due to the grime/wear and tear, but still looks good. Tallies, fine, but second due to preference. Bottle looks a bit off. Probably just the size.
  16. I like, Slade. Would definitely love to see those different boss zombies floating around on people's profiles.
  17. OP > UP. Okay, how about we make Speed Cola only reload the starting pistol faster? Jug is now a 3 hit death. Double Tap increases firing speed by 2%. Flopper lets explosives only do a 2 hit damage equivalent. Quick Revive revives half a second faster. Mule Kick lets you hold a 3rd gun for 5 rounds. Perks seem a bit OP compared to these don't they? Which would you rather have? Double Tap 2 does the 2 bullets for 1 thing, and the firing speed is less than Double Tap 1. No one used to buy Double Tap. So they offered a fix. And it worked. It's your choice if you want to buy it or not, but it's one of my favorite perks now.
  18. Any of the doors in Mob that are jail cells/bars. So basically I open every door on that map. I'm a sucker for good prison maps.
  19. Want to give a huge thanks to Mocking, Mxryland, and Nayrc for finally helping me do Origins. Thanks, guys.

    1. Naitrax


      I remember the feeling when I finally got TranZit done with Infest a few days after Die Rise came out. Also a thanks to a few friends of mine who helped me get Die Rise 3 days before Mob of the Dead came out.

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Only wish we hadn't all gone down while tying to exit the cript, world record for the fastest easter egg would have been ours easy!

  20. I'm fairly sure I could try and stabilize my internet long enough for it. I won't take offense if you reject me because of my internet or because you already have 4 people.
  21. Would like to apologize to Awful Lawton. We were set to try the Moon EE, and things came up. Sorry, man.

    1. Show previous comments  76 more
    2. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      granted, 74 of them are the same thing lol

    3. Mr. Jay

      Mr. Jay

      Please refrain from drinking and posting.

    4. TheNathanNS


      Bloody hell, 78 messages, 74 of them are the same. HA HA!

  22. Just want to say, if you are going to use a fancy font, do not make it the one Lenne uses. Makes it look like the curliest cursive handwriting I've ever seen, very hard to read on mobile.
  23. I would buy just to see how weird that would look.
  24. For Negative perks: Half Points - In the name. Nuke - Kills all zombies, and takes between 100 and 1000 points from the enemy team and gives them to your team. Nega-Insta Kill - Weapon damage is only 75% of what it normally is. Nega-Max Ammo - What you said. Nega-Points - Takes a random amount of points away from the enemy team. Nega-Perk - Takes away a random perk. Wildcards, white or other glow that give a random effect: Free perk - Gives a random person a perk. Points - Gives a random person a random amount of points. Free gun - Gives a random person a random gun from the box (or an M1911.) Free Pack-a-Punched gun - Like free gun, but PaP'd. Upgrade - Upgrades a random person's gun they have in hand. Loss - De-PaP's a random person's gun.
  25. 1: Muh 20-30 inch. Recently updated to 1080p. I like. 2: Afterglow makes some good controllers. I would honestly use them more if they weren't $25 and didn't break so easily. But yeah, I use the new Xbox controller. D-pad can rotate. 3: Sweet tea is my drink. 4: Be prepared to wait for me to reply to messages, party invites, texts, or anything. When I die it'll either be my fault or the game's.
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