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Everything posted by Delta

  1. It feels like just yesterday that Ascension was released. Where do the days go?

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      See you say that, but we're basically back to when Die rise was released in terms of when the next game will come out…

  2. I am preparing for MW3 2: Electric Boogaloo (Now with no campaign or side mode.) You're killin' me here, Sledgehammer. Guess it's time to order parts for a gaming PC.
  3. Hey Requix. Nice to see the guy with the same first name as me has returned. I'm sure you'll grace us with many new good threads as you did before.
  4. Welcome, dude! But that title belongs to me. (As Nathan and many people here will tell you.)
  5. Got to 36 on DOA. That dog challenge round screwed me over badly.

    1. Rissole25


      Better than me haha. I always tend to get stuck on the Nova 6 Zombies in that temple level.

    2. Electric Jesus

      Electric Jesus

      I've made it to 40 but died before cosmic silverback. So frustrating.

  6. Hey people viewing this, pick me a BO1 map to play.

    1. Naitrax
    2. Boom115
    3. Delta


      You ask, you shall receive.

      Round 4 ATM.

  7. I had that. I posted the evidence here somewhere.
  8. My Xbox GT is compatible with your forum name. I think we'll get along just fine, dude. :P
  9. Hey man. You seem like a cool guy. Stick around, it's not like you'll be able to leave anyway. :P
  10. From my experience, get a X2 points, and don't earn or spend any points during it. The next double points will trigger everything as half off. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  11. I like seeing info like this compiled into one neat thread. Brains to you.
  12. Chris Hansen, Dateline NBC. Why don't you have a seat over there?

    1. Electric Jesus

      Electric Jesus

      No no it's ok take a seat right there

  13. "Him" tries to kill you. Many times. The afterlife has more of a ghostly apparition form to it than electricity, or nerves, whatever he is. Shocking a fellow player in Afterlife does by hurt them, or do anything to them. The afterlife mode, well, I consider it to be unique to the punishment that is New Years Eve 1933, for the mobsters. What more to die, and then come back as a ghost and see yourself?
  14. Stick: Default Button: Default Inverted: No Sensitivity: 4/5 (BO2) 3 (BO1) Whatever Default WaW was. Wow, all these people with 10+ sensitivity and then there's me.
  15. Ah, nostalgia. I miss the days of playing PS2 games…

  16. Delta

    Shut Up Sam!

    Nathan, I found it ridiculous how when we actually were doing the EE, one round she'd be like: "WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN TO ME!?" Then next round when we upgrade the staves she goes: "You're actually doing it!"
  17. Sounds like a simple texture glitch to me. Will probably be normal after you restart your console. As for it happening to me, I had a texture error on Ascension once. The lander plates, where it lands, were just very low res gray blocks.
  18. I am signed in 24/7 on my phone. You can't escape me. Seriously, it's from boredom and bonding I guess.
  19. This. War was my first love in any CoD MP. It really makes me angry seeing that we went from a masterpiece such as that to crap like Infected. What's the point of a war game if you take out the theme of the game? WAR! - Reznov
  20. A bit vague, but I always thought we were gonna get an acid-based WW. Acid Gat and Vitriolic Withering are in.
  21. Any tunnel to the Crazy Place.
  22. Welcome. Pay no attention to Boom, his only purpose of existence is to make puns and destroy the world. Hope you enjoy your time here.
  23. Killing George with only the M1911 gives you infinite ammo. I give up. I am done.
  24. Perhaps limit the amount of brains that can be given in certain areas to 5 or so a day? If that's possible.
  25. Gentlemen, we have success, on mobile browser. Tapatalk is the same.
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