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Everything posted by Delta

  1. I'm back. - Malukah Just messin'. Lately I've been amused by messing up quotes, but anyway…
  2. GG spammers.
  3. Yep, that would be possible. It would also be possible to get audio of him saying that and actually put it into the map itself, either as something triggered by activating something, or replace it as another sound.
  4. BS, his signature phrase was the opening like he did in most videos, currently in my signature.
  5. RIP Yoteslaya. Father. Redneck. Slayer.
  6. True, but that's only happened a couple of times. Then you have IW. All their MP maps get to be survival maps. It's just… no.
  7. Step 1 for IW to make a good mode like Zombies: Don't reuse your Multiplayer maps as the survival maps.
  8. Assuming it actually is alien: Aliens =/= Zombies.
  9. Welcome! :)
  10. Battlefield's server browser. I tired of "searching for matches. Analyzing 50/50 matches. No matches found."
  11. I know what you're thinking. "Ugh, one of these threads again." And I don't care. Well I had a realization. One day, this series is going to be over. Maybe I, or you, will leave it behind for something else, whatever that may be. Zombies is an experience. Something that only happens once in a lifetime. Something you either love or hate. As MMX has told me before, it is the Mario of this generation. Anyways, everyone here has lived that experience, and it may not be over yet, but I loved it every step of the way. Every radio, every note, every side quest. It was there to keep me entertained and having fun when nothing else ever could. Like it or not, you love this series, and the maps that contain it, otherwise you wouldn't buy them, play them, get their achievements, laugh with friends while playing it, get angry at it and then cool down and realize that you should have trained in a different location. So guys, here's the question. Why do you love each map? Nacht Der Untoten: Simplicity as it's finest. 4 Rooms of fun, no perks, the first time I experienced Zombies. True fun. Verruckt: I love this map because it's creepy. No other map gave me chills like this one. The background noises, the drill sound, the burning forest. Gives the whole "You're screwed and alone." Feel. Shi No Numa: First map the DG-2 was in. Loved that Wunder Weapon so much. Der Riese: Pack-a-Punch. Nothing like turning an ordinary weapon into one that would clear entire battlefields. Kino Der Toten: The introduction to the Thundergun. Another favorite weapon of mine. "Five": The characters of this map were probably my favorite aside from Tank and co. And it contained the Winter's Howl, so that's a plus. Ascension: New perks! The rocket exploded! Dolls of the characters! Call of the Dead: Ziplines! DG-2 as a side quest reward! Celebrity characters! Shang Ri La: Difficulty. Everything on this map was difficult to me. Oh, shrinking zombies and then playing soccer/football with them was fun too. Moon: Blowing up the Earth at the end of the EE. Also, low gravity and No Man's Land! Green Run/TranZit: New characters! New map transportation! More EEs! Great Leap Forward/Die Rise: An extremely powerful buildable: the Sliquifier. And free perk bottles return! Alcatraz Island/Mob of the Dead: Mobsters! New weapons! New PaP camo! Resolution 1295/Buried: Ray Gun Mark II introduction, kinda. LSAT off the wall! The Big Guy! Excavation Site 64/Origins: The original characters returned, albeit slightly different. Enough special weapons for everyone! Nuketown: Perks fall from the sky, 'nuff said. Dead Ops Arcade: I love me some classic top-down arcade shooting. Okay guys, I know I named a lot more than one reason for most of these, but forgive me. I got a bit nostalgic.
  12. Nicholas Cage. Because I can.
  13. I may have taken this out of context, mocking, but basically… Is it bad to theorize when we have no facts? Should we all just sit and wait for facts we know aren't coming?
  14. Also mocking me, we really have no choice but to theorize when Treyarch won't supply answers, and there are nearly no facts to go on. Just sayin'.
  15. What if I told you that no theory is wrong until you prove otherwise?
  16. Delta

    Grey Box Quotes

    [ quote=""][ /quote] Remove the spaces in the brackets, and the person's name is between the quotation marks. Or the button on the post.
  17. Top late.
  18. Probably this. I can be patient, but if you know me, I really don't like waiting, unless it's important or I absolutely have to.
  19. Welcome! :)
  20. Panzer Soldat. I like it. But less claw reach please.
  21. How so? Because he believes it is not a children's game? That means nothing. The only thing that can be taken from the quotes at the end of the sequence is that it WAS just a game, but that they are using their games to escape the reality of what is happening it in their world. Eddie : I wish the heroes in our stories were real Sam. Samantha : I know what you mean... but we will make everything ok. My dad say's he has a plan. Note how Eddies says STORIES. Not story. Also, all this suggests is that there is something going on in their real world. Yes, it is more than likely a zombie infestation, but that does not mean that the maps we know and love are real. They were the children's way of escaping the reality they are a part of. We will not know for sure until the next game drops, but my guess is that up until this point, everything HAS been a game, and the next games "real" story will be based in the world that Samantha and Eddie occupy. I wasn't simply referring to the idea of Origins being fake or real, rather MMX's whole opinion of the story. My fault, should have made that clear. I do ponder though, why would children try to escape their reality by including the horrifying things from their reality, instead of thinking of the nicest thing ever, rainbows and candy if you will.
  22. Seemed more like everyone just got tired of this. You call MMX stubborn, but at least he has a reason to be. He can back up all his knowledge.
  23. Assuming this is overall. First: Call of Duty: Finest Hour Most successful: World at War Best: World at War Peak: Black Ops. Last enjoyable: Black Ops 2 (only because of Zombies.) Did I stop: No.
  24. He took time out of his life to point out how this cutscene can't be the real ending, and that's all you have to say. Thanks. Real uplifting. Now to the actual post, thank you for providing more proof that this ending isn't just a game.
  25. Grief, yes. Turned, likely not unless they tweak it a little. I always thought a 2 vs 6 would be pretty hectic too. I want some of those game modes that were in the files, or sounded like game modes.
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