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Everything posted by Delta

  1. I got this for anyone confused. First, you buy tombstone. Now, you kill yourself and start a new round. Next, you hit the box. You get ray gun. You leave it in the box, and pick up your previous guns. For instance, a PaP'd ray gun and a HAMR. Now you swap out the HAMR for the ray gun. 2 ray guns, voila!
  2. Dempsey - Breaking the 4th wall was so good. Richtofen - Obvious reasons. Other - JFK. His quotes.
  3. The Maxis is after that, to the left of the "Jan." text.
  4. Nice Jake! There's another strategy that MMX taught me, and we use it frequently. Just the basics are: knife until round 4 or 5, shooting optional. Be cheap, wait for the other team to open the box. Take a turn on the box, and keep going until you get a good weapon. Make sure to keep your M1911. Next, we camp on the stairs going up to PaP, waiting for the other team to open PaP and/or Flopper. After that, PaP your M1911, and buy Flopper. Other perks are optional now. Next, go past Double Tap and camp on that small catwalk that leads to the Infirmary in Mob's other gamemode. You're set. Get cornered? Shoot your feet with explosives? Need to go to the box? Jump off the ledge, you take no fall damage (although sometimes zombies group up under you.) Assuming there is another team doing this, there is a counter strategy. MMX could go into detail on these if he wants to. Assuming you make a master guide, I would suggest adding how dolphin diving on an opponent and jump-crouching onto them down both you and them.
  5. Welcome to CoDZ! I'm fine. And you?
  6. Gameplay-wise, it is a wonder weapon. About it being bland, I don't have anything to say as that is your opinion. lol am I seriously the only one who likes it? Technically it isn't a wonder weapon (no 115) and its not a bad weapon at all, but the other wonder weapons over shadow it so much. How about a single nondescript rectangular room about the size of one of the gardens in Nuketown. The only guns are the war machine and the china lake. All zombies that spawn are either from the ceiling or risers (crawl out of the ground.) no rounds, they just progressively get stronger and faster (and harder and better.) you play as Arnold Schwarzenegger and he only has one quote: "TERMINATED." Kill a zombie? Terminated. Low on ammo? Terminated. Drink a perk? TERMINATED. Of course that's hypothetical because there are no perks available for purchase. The Easter egg song is never gonna give you up by Rick astley, played on an infinite loop. It is activated by spawning in at the start of the game. Upon dying (which is nearly immediate) a ten minute, un-skippable cutscene begins depicting the brutal deaths of the original characters, including richtofen sodomizing Dempsey. The song that plays on a loop during the cutscene is Edward Richtofen seductively singing happy birthday with no instruments whatsoever. The map's big Easter egg involves finding and shooting 617 teddy beats located out of the map by randomly shooting at the walls, as there are no windows. Upon completing the Easter egg you get a modified PhD flopper, which lets you explode but doesn't protect you from self harm. Since there is only one flat surface it is useless. 7/10 would play just to hear that quote. "TERMINATED."
  7. Eh, I would play it, but the only thing I actually want implemented from that is timed gameplay. I know some WaW custom maps have the option to do that, along with other game modes (gun game, sharpshooter, etc.) and it just makes it more entertaining. Treyarch please give us timed gameplay.
  8. It's not even a Wunder Weapon, and I find it bland compared to most other weapons. Anyways, map idea: Map: Nacht Der Untoten. Green Run version. Stay in that one room, stairs inaccessible, can't board up windows. Wall weapons: Kar98k and Arisaka. There is a box in the corner you can buy for 1500 points. Box weapons: SMR, M1 Garand, M1911 (more probability than less than 1%) LAW, Crossbow, War Machine, Ray Gun Mk 1, Gewehr, Barrett, Scoped Kar. The only perk is Mule Kick, which costs standard price. The characters are CIA and CDC. No persistent upgrades. The best part? It's timed gameplay, no rounds. Basically NML in the first room of Nacht, with a timer. Have fun.
  9. I you had already inserted it before, it will not let you insert it again. Only thing I could think of.
  10. But Grill, what if they're trying to trick us? What if we're supposed to use Marlton's surname? F E A R J A R S Seriously, these anagrams are out of hand. No insult intended, but I think we're done with anagrams.
  11. Delta


    Welcome! :)
  12. "Big Guy." Usually.
  13. Looks like the blueprint is behind the other page. Zoom in on it if you can, it looks like it slides behind it.
  14. Interesting… looks like a pistol, but the image is cut off, so it could possibly be something else, maybe an SMG…
  15. Actually, I think this is possible. I'm sure someone here could explain how. I think you have to float up to the broken walkway over the slide after you land after jumping into the fountain. Oh yeah you can. :/ I can't believe I forgot! Wel, technically not in "spawn" but you can get LSAT ammo. Close enough, I guess.
  16. Actually, I think this is possible. I'm sure someone here could explain how. I think you have to float up to the broken walkway over the slide after you land after jumping into the fountain.
  17. Welcome to CoDZ! :)
  18. Need to add the persistent upgrade where Double Points makes everything half price. Any want to detail it? I can't remember all of it right now.
  19. Eh, Skyrim stopped lagging, and signing in isn't a problem right now. Parties work at least, and Resident Evil 5's co-op is fine.
  20. This. Hope it isn't related. My Black Ops 1 loaded slowly and after one game, would not let me do anything other than Solo. Upon restarting, at the main menu it froze.
  21. Good thing this affected my Multiplayer instead of Zombies.
  22. Oh, I am disappoint. Unless I am blind, I didn't see "patched Grief bug where if the enemy team was downed in front of the Pack-a-Punch you could not take your weapon." At least they fixed those glitch spots though.
  23. Another word for a zombie.
  24. Richtofen, although I miss his quotes when he was with the others. I don't mind him being humorous. That's his personality, and if he chooses to be humorous in his new position, so be it.
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