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Everything posted by Delta

  1. I would move to PC so fast for that dev kit…
  2. I'd think we'd be more of the "risers" which come out of the ground. Most likely if we have to spawn behind a barrier, it'll go L4D mode where there isn't really much to look at besides the way inside the map.
  3. So, introduction. I am vDeltaGamingv. Some of you know me, some of you do not. I have yet to make a real contribution to anything here, so I decided to write a story. So, without further ado, enjoy. "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end... "You're sure?" "Damn right, I'm sure. You don't question what you've seen with your own eyes," a puff of smoke, a clicking noise, followed by the hammer of a revolver being pulled back. "Whatever you say, Mr. X," the other man replied. In front of him was a screen of monitors, each one displaying another area of the complex. Too bad the power didn't work half the time, or many more systems inside the complex could be reactivated to protect them. Mr. X. glanced at the monitor in front of his chair, which went from a blank screen to a flashing word, reading TRANSMISSION - CLASS BLACK. TRANSMISSION CLASS: BLACK CONFIRMATION CODE: 163114 TO: OUTPOST COMPLEX 1-2-9 MESSAGE: Termination. The point? Think of hell. We live in it now. Walking corpses. Lava. I miss my old life, you know that? Of course you don't. This message is not of importance to many, but to you, that is a matter of difference. Kill him. Verification 1-1-5. TRANSMISSION END Mr. X blew smoke into the monitor and looked over at the man sitting to his left. He was watching intently for any disturbance in the complex. The man didn't deserve this, but it was required of him. It wasn't personal, just the way the world was now. Before the man could turn, a bullet was buried in his skull, blood splattered across the chair, table, and monitors in front of him. He toppled from the chair and lay on his side on the hard floor. "Just another less to be infected," Mr. X. remarked emotionlessly, standing up and pushing the chair back. His stay here was over, and now he would have to make his own way to where he was needed. Some things in this world were the same, some different. Then you had those who had established their own worlds, only disturbed by the walking dead. Washington D.C., USA. "You know we can't hold out forever?" one man in a dirty suit said to another. fingering his sidearm nervously. "No shit, genius," the man next to him replied, staring out at the world that lay in rubble around them. They were currently in one of the smaller houses on the street, already having raided it of any possessions they could use. Generally ammunition, food, or water. The first man, Howard Barker, former CEO of one of the largest banking corporations in the world before his entire empire had come to a colapse with society, looked out at the foggy and lava-filled world that greeted them these days. With a shake of his head, he turned to the other man, who brandished a knife with blood already on it, and looked out of the window, full expecting to see shambling undead coming after them. They were not disappointed. The Far East, Complex 12 "Hurry the hell up, will you!?" "I'm trying!" a man yelled back at the group of three men surrounding him. All three were using quite weak weapons to try and keep the zombies away from him as he fiddled with the computer console in front of him, looking for a way to activate the advanced technology the complex housed. The man tapped another key, opening another window on the monitor, this one filled with an old transmission. Not what he wanted, but he glanced at it quickly, catching the point of the message. CLASSIFICATION: BLACK AFFILIATION: 9-3-5 SUBJECT: DR. EDWA- He got no further than the first four letters of the subject's name, before another pop-up appeared, prompting him to run MDT_ACTIVATION.exe. He quickly activated it, getting an error on the screen, stating that power could not be routed to the MDT without proper connection. "Damn it!" the man yelled, moving to another prompt, this one called SEAL_DOORS.exe He ran it, sealing the doros of the room, keeping the shambling undead from entering the gray and blue complex, isolating him and his newfound comrades inside the room with the computer, MDT, and locked door on the opposite side. "That's better," the man remarked, noticing the lack of gunfire behind him, as the others gathered around the screen and looked at the complexity of the system. "Now, let's see if we can get this connection set-up properly..."
  4. Diner. The way you can tell is that it's past Depot, but before Farm, leaving us only one option.
  5. I would love if you could customize buildables. Imagine how much fun it would be to make players choose between using a part to build the turbine, or make them sacrifice it for PaP. :twisted: Custom maps. I await this patiently, continually coming up with new ideas for it. Now, another concept. Zombie Mods. Not godmode/noclip, but actual modifications to the game, like custom powerups, weapons, characters, endless possibilities! A perfect example is the (beta) UGX Gun Game Zombies mod for certain maps. It's like standard GG, but no wall weapons, PaP, you can have perks, and the catch is to get points to get to a higher weapon. I especially like the custom powerups they have in these mods, such as temporary Jug, invincibility, degradation, gun advancement, and many more. Treyarch could take their game to a whole new level of possibilities if they do a few things.
  6. Hmm… Checkmate, I believe. Could each color symbolize a faction? One Richtofen/Zombies and the other Maxis/Any survivors? Just a thought.
  7. I could really get behind custom maps. Just watching some on YT have only added to my thirst, and it makes me a bit sad that consoles don't have the ability to get the custom maps, some of which are made much better than official DLC. My idea here is for them to come up with a map editor that would be understandable to the average person, not just a trained professional. I don't know if any of you have played Far Cry 2 or 3, but those games released their map editor to the public on consoles and PC. It's simple and can actually generate it's own landscape, has the simple feel of adding some other thing like trees and water in here and there, and then has a the gimmicks for the people who want to delve further and make their maps even more spectacular. I think that if they did this, I would need no DLC from them again, and I could live off these maps. But then others will have the same idea. This would keep money from the DLC, which is why I can see them not releasing a map editor. At least not on all systems.
  8. Welcome to the site! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  9. Bit late, but welcome to CoDZ. Enjoy your stay, mein mon ami. (Mein = my. Mon ami = friend if I'm correct.)
  10. You. You just took my words. Anyways, I really wish we could get custom maps. I would make a Zombie World a reality. Well, on Xbox.
  11. Holy_Shit_Balls.exe 'Nuff said.
  12. Well, it may be a bit soon for the zombie power ups, but the suicide question is interesting… Anyone actually see grenades in the Turned part?
  13. Hopefully if we get a bigger variety of maps in the future we'll be able to be "special" zombies like a Screamer or a new one Treyarch dreams up.
  14. I must request more. This is too good to end.
  15. Welcome to the community. Like Infest said, you'll find a variety of topics here. I mean, we have Hangman. Can't get more random than that. Enjoy your stay!
  16. ....... ....... ....yes My life would be 10% closer to full completion. Bring on the buildable WunderWaffe. Please?
  17. As it appears. It looks as if at least we'll use it for Turned, and hopefully Survival as well. Grief… Can't wait to see if they can stuff that in too.
  18. I noticed a lack of P-a-P, and no perks, but at least it gives you a chance with an Olympia. Hope you also have a buy able M14. I hate that gun.
  19. Instant thought when I saw it. But right now it just looks like the Mutation: Last Man on Earth. Just he 1v3 or 1v7 idea they had. Also, it looks like it's one hit to kill in Turned. Anyone else notice this?
  20. Was that not his first person model when we saw the player jump down to a lower level? I'll have another look.
  21. Nobody beat me to it for once. Excellent. So, let's just set up a General Discussion thread so we're ready. Okay, not saying this bad or anything, but it does remind me a lot of Left 4 Dead. Just that the way it looks for the zombie's camera among the 4v4 style. Now, special zombies. Screamers? I might like to run around as a Screamer myself. That's all my thoughts for now.
  22. Private matches need to return. Most of my time with friends is now spent trying to convince ransoms to leave the lobby so the leaderboards save. Very bad move of Treyarch to make Custom Games (when without customized settings) not able to save leaderboards on rounds.
  23. As far as I can see, my leaderboards only count for Solo or Public Match. Okay, The leaderboards for me at least follow the formula you had above. Player X has 15 rounds already and is playing with 3 others. One leaves at round 8. Leaderboards not updated. Just my input.
  24. WaW: Shi No Numa. Where the O4 were introduced to us. BO1: "Five" I mean, who doesn't love running around as Richard Nixon while he's yelling at the zombies, thinking they're hippies? BO2: Nuketown. Long awaited and finally gifted to us, it was everything and more than I expected. Nuketown gets my top.
  25. I miss my powerful WunderWaffe. I even changed my Xbox name to honor it. You know why? … Because I felt like it. Favorite is a tie between the FSIRT/LSAT and the M16/Skullcrusher.
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