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Everything posted by Delta

  1. Not a specific map here, but I would honestly love something underwater if it was possible. Not Atlantis. Too "magical" or something for Treyarch.
  2. Primary: Dead Specimen Reactor 500 (pap'd DSR 50, preferably iron sights.) Secondary: NUKETOWN ONLY: FSIRT (pap'd LSAT.) or Mustang and Sally. Lethal: Frags Tactical: Monkeys Perks (Solo): Jugg, Speed Cola, Double Tap 2, Quick Revive Perks (MP): Jugg, Double Tap II, Tombstone, Speed Cola. Knife: Galvaknuckles Equipment: Claymores.
  3. Wouldn't mind playing the first one, but the second one seems overdone. Great creativity though, can't wait to see what Treyarch comes up with.
  4. Welcome to the forums! Hope you can find some players!
  5. Welcome to the forums! :)
  6. Welcome to the forums, my friend!
  7. That's the shotgun one. ;)
  8. Going to play in either a few minutes or in an hour. Might post again tonight and let you know.
  9. Turbine. Unless we're excluding that, then ignore this.
  10. Welcome to the forums! I, like you, am fairly new, and I hope you enjoy the boards. Have a great stay! :)
  11. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay! :)
  12. So that crap actually exists? Definitely spending a few hours on my Xbox trying to figure out what to do with it...
  13. Come on Shooter, now you're just making me sad, too. :(
  14. Welcome to the site! Hope you enjoy your stay! I'm fairly new too, but I think you'll enjoy it here. :)
  15. Forgot to earlier, but this is just too ridiculous. Signed. ~Delta Third corruption message last night...
  16. Delta


    Great ideas guys, I might have to try some of these myself...
  17. A few hours late, but welcome! :)
  18. Definite stalker mode...
  19. I think it's time they tell us how this thing works... It's ridiculous, and the threads are just annoying as it is...
  20. I might buy one, if they existed, considering the cost isn't ridiculous...
  21. Delta


    Tactics I saw that there wasn't yet any thread for discussing tactics, or really any toher thread than Triple Ex's General Discussion. Yes. Here, I hope you guys will unveil your (carefully) guarded secrets to beating other teams in Grief. I'll be the first to unveil my own, so here you are. Town 1: Simple tactic here: If you see someone on the ledge of either building, (Juggernog or Quick Revive) throw a monkey bomb below them, and knife them off the edge when they gather so that when the bomb explodes, they are the immediate target. 2: Be cheap. Make them open all the doors. Eventually, someone will get desperate enough for Juggernog or Speed Cola and open the door for you, but this can be a bit risky. 3: EMP the box and pack-a-punch. Simple way to win any grief game is to block the box and P-a-P. It's simple. No upgraded weapons = more ammo used to kill zombies which in turn = need for more money for ammo, box, or max ammo. That and they ragequit after you remove their monkey bombs or Hamr/RPD from the box when all they have is an M1911. :twisted: 4: Block the trains. If someone tries to train, try and cut them off, block some stairs, steal their kills. Blocking an area by standing in the doorway can work well in the right spots. 5: EMP the perks. this is extremely risky to try with juggernog especially, as the perk does next to nothing to notify you if they perk is working or not. (All it does is fade a little) It will also affect your team, so be sure they know. Farm 1: There is one box spot. When they go to use the box and spend their money, knife them off and block the stairs. Quick and simple way to cheat them from 950 points. 2: Try and block them if someone tries to train around the middle. The truck is good if you've got nobody in your way, but once you slow down or get stuck, you're most likely dead. 3: Sorry, but most other tactics from Town apply here, so share your own. So, how do you guys win?
  22. If you really want to find teamamates, it belongs in Teammate Finder, as ExpertCoah said. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=13 Just trying to help you. :)
  23. Happy late welcome, I guess. :)
  24. Delta

    Heya gang

    I enjoy this as well, sorry if I butchered the rest of your post to just say that. Anyways, I think you'll enjoy CoDz and meet some good people here. Happy killing!
  25. Hey! Welcome to the forums, hope you like the people you meet here. Judging on your date joined, you've probably already found it, but we have a team finder here as well: http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=13 Happy killing!
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