Alright, let's look over this system for a second.
Five ranks. Bone, two bones, skull, knife, shotguns.
Bones are considered to be new to the game, and shotguns are alleged "Gods".
Skulls are regular players. Knives are people who got lucky.
As you said, you can get shotguns by consistently destroying on Buried.
Unfortunately, most of us don't have the time to do that. I for one, would rather be working on my NML record, or maybe trying a Wunderfizz challenge.
Let's see the rewards. Shotguns get a nice emblem, and people constantly pestering them. Anyone under shotguns is considered inferior and should bow down to shotguns, or so I hear all the time.
I am literally on the border between knife and skull. I have lost my knife and regained it 4 times this week, all because I was trying challenges.
This game punishes people who try anything other than vanilla buy everything get set up and sit in a corner til 30 then run trains.
Lemme use MMX as an example. He's got like 4000 revives. But that isn't even counted into his rank.
Then I have half that and have a higher rank.
Anyway, I also happen to find that 90% of shotguns are pretentious assholes who glitch out of Borough Grief, down themselves in front of PaP, and just generally say "Fuck you" to anyone who doesn't agree with them.
You may not be like that, but it gives most of them a superiority complex.
Bottom line, this system is shit, rewards you for one thing, ignores 75% of the stats, and has made most people hate shotgun players.
Being a shotgun doesn't make you any better than me, nor does it make you any worse than me.
I'm sorry I don't have the time to get your rank and be on your level, but don't come in here and tell us we can't complain about a system that was obviously left unfinished.