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Posts posted by Kdark

  1. I just watched that vid and Spider has a good point.

    I've been following him since the game launched and the past week he ha been trying to get the lights to show up in town but can't, and maybe it is because he keeps doing the EE to find the next step.

    If people aren't watching his vids, I suggest you do, he's very informative and "comited" to the EE.

    Can't wait to see what he dose when he starts seeing the lights and everything.

  2. I'm still trying to figure this out myself, and do believe it has something to do with your K/D and games played.

    So just to help the thought process along and help us figure this out,

    My stats:

    Skull and knife w/ eyes

    5 slashes






    I got my skull and knife at about 70 K/D 2 days ago and just got my 5th slash and eyes today after a 900+ kill and 1 down solo game.

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