This is a nice discussion you guys have going on here. I got here looking to see if anyone found something on this rumored Perma-PHD. I read this entire thread and here are my thoughts:
Steel Barriers (or Barric-Aid), Stamin-Up, and Quick Revive DOES exist. My friend and I noticed them before we even knew what Perma-Perks were and we thought we were crazy. Steel Barriers look like wooden barriers encased in a metal "sleeve". You can lose them because I had them for a while for every game, and I don't have them anymore. I'm guessing you have to keep doing the thing you did to earn them to keep them because I don't rebuild barriers anymore. I hear you have to rebuild 100 barriers in one game to get it. My friend was doing it when I found out about it so I'm not sure. Anywho, Quick Revive will show "Reviving" in blue letters if you have it. I hear you have to revive someone 14-17 times in one game to get it. I haven't confirmed it. Stamin-Up you can run a bit longer than regular, but not as long as Stamin-Up. I'm not sure how I got it, but I've read rumors of it having something to do with Total Miles ran or how many miles you ran in a single game. I attempted the Easter Egg multiple times before I completed it, so most likely I got it then.
Deadshot thingy is a mystery. Because it's not exactly like Deadshot Daquiri. I've tried getting it with a Python and I'm POSITIVE I shot off two zombie heads with one bullet multiple times before. But, when I was using a M16, I saw a green "splash" and I've read that means you got it. I've also seen it more than one time in one match. I've tested it and my results were on round 1 it too less headshots to kill the zombie on Tranzit than it did on round 1 on Survival. I knew I had it because when I knifed a zombie, it's head popped off. So I'm not so sure what's the deal with that one.
I'll try the 100-200 grenade kills again and see if it works for the Perma-PHD. I've done it before, but I was only going for 100. And that is all.