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Everything posted by W0SP

  1. Unless I'm mistaken He asks three questions and one answer is given. Everyone assumes yes is the answer to all the questions but I believe after I did the Babble easter egg we got a reward in our game. After finishing Rictofen's side with two people we went to the tower to look around I got there first and when he was trying to get to me an instakill "fell" out of the tower when he teleported. When he stayed and I teleported a few times he got a nuke to "fall" out of it. Wouldn't that be the reward and confirm its completion? I have a recording of just the power up part from both of our perspectives on youtube, and the whole game in my fileshare on xbox (GT: xw0spx) its just under two hours before it happens. I see the yes being directed towards the reward not the second bus personally. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkfgWZNojgo
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