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Everything posted by Mrbonk10

  1. Yea I wish I would've learned about this beforehand
  2. I believe this has been patched. Sucks my k/d went to s**t trying to do the Easter eggs with randoms and friends who do not know what there doing.
  3. I haven't visitied in a week or so. I am wondering if any one has put a compilation of pics of the mahjong tiles together and. What each one stands for. Also I've seen the one I believe pinnaz out up that one just isn't clear enough for me.
  4. Well we tried again last night had the same problem with one of flingers breaking. So after the round ended we got all the flingers put back down and bam the rest of the fireworks went off. So off to the next step we went we found about 5 of the mahjong tiles and lets say we didn't end up getting the achievment lol
  5. This sounds great gonna try this out tonight. We usually camp there also. 2 at top 2 at bottom. The 2 at bottom one has the sluiqifier and shoots the base of the ramp n the zombies or novas can't get up the ramp so just keep it wet and shoot away works great so far with a max ammo every 5 or so rounds
  6. The team I was playing with had the same problem we flung for like 2 rounds and nothing. Some flingers( yea I know that not what there called) broke but we never got to replace them. Also I am wondering when we put the flingerd down do all of the characters hear richtofen talking or is it just one character and if so who?? ( I was playing as russman ). Thanks for any advice ahead of time.
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