Hi all,
For the past week I've been reading a lot about the new Tranzit map in B.O.2.
Reached the point where I created an account to be part of the conversation.
Played zombie's in B.O.1, with or without friend. Wasn't that good actually, didn't play it that often.
Now, in B.O.2, I'm trying to take it to another level. Reaching prestige 5 in a few days at the multiplayer, already got diamond camo for two weeks but still got the two bones at zombie's.
Playing only Tranzit, starting to get my friends warm for the easter eggs and finding out all there is to know about the map. Tried the glitch at the powerstation ones, dropt down and decided that I'm in for the game so you'll never find me at some sort of glitch.
Some day I will find something to share, for now you'll find me reading reading and reading.
Cause there is still so much new info for me here.
You're newest noob in town,