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Everything posted by OPLRazor

  1. I have my own theory and ideas lots of people have said that green run takes place in the late 1980's and early 90's the problem i see with this is that rictofhens first quote right of the is that he is still just getting used to the Ather which would put green run after nuketown / Moon events there are lots of quotes that conflict with eachother so its abit all over the place . From what i see there are some things that will always conflicting quotes and from what i believe its that green run takes place after moon / nuketown era even though maxis say decades that can mean from 10 years or anything up to 90 years so its abit of how you interprete the game
  2. Do know if your Still on Afro but i like to see if those Beams Charge that orbs on the tower but iam sure we would need someone of has done the MAxis easter egg
  3. OPLRazor


    If theres an update for tommrrow i would have Pc user keep an eye on the Tranzit files and size if the date modified is different maybe they patch something in?
  4. Well iam looking if anyone is on Xbox at the Moment i have The Richthofen side done if you have the maxis side done then maybe we can start figuring out where the other beams go to across the map cause it seems that the orb on the Tower seems to be a big indicator of what to do. Just msg the Gt : OPL Razor please have a mic so we can talk but i got hopes that we could figure a lot out if we started trying this. FYI i would also be recording every thing so if there is something i can post it here immediately
  5. YAAAY FITTING IN !!! I am almost thinking that its kinda working off the idea that once the area is unlocked it will allow more things in its just very odd that it really has only done that there, even in theater mode ive gone every where else it just seems almost like a way of protecting it from being accessed early but who knows :lol:
  6. iam sure it was "CG_No Free Entities" Something to do with entities from what i know i had that alot whenever i got near the laundry mat while looking in theater mode after going around the barriers, My friend as had it often while being near there in theater
  7. So i forgot that i never mentioned this but a couple days ago i was exploring the map with no fog on and going out through the power exploring, i found that when i went into the builing behind the laundry mat or anything like beside it. I got an Error that i find i get when i go somewhere i am not suppose to be at. So i think this adds more t0 the fast that the town has a lot more to do with the ee Personal youtube: www.youtube.com/1percentlegit
  8. I Could just go through the Easter egg code right now but i have my limits i shall not touch that file till Black ops 3 comes out. ( its buried away in my rick ashley folder) Anyway i found the BO2 Zombies wasent the greatest and i try to be fare with it but its hard.
  9. Who knows maybe just treyarch just being treyarch and trolling but i find it interesting they would take very first map (Nacht) the midwayish map (Der Reise) and the Last map from the previous bunch (Moon) so i feel like its setup to be part of the last dlc but who knows xD
  10. I Can completely understand where you are coming from with this i find though that this run of zombies was a bit of a disappointment and i had the horrid fear that they would expand tranzit in this way iam just trying shed some light on the future of the game. The Loading screens i found were the most interesting mainly because idk if i want to be paying 50$ just to get something i already have. anyway it seems people went ahead and went to some of the more complex Textures such as the t.e.d.d ones thats why i said i would only pm people those types of textures which there is a ton of. :D
  11. Pretty easy to find since mostly all games are installed the same way. Go to Local Disk/Program Files(x86)/Activision or Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. It should be fairly simple to dig around and find them. I looked around and couldn't find, thats why i was asking him. Thanks though Yes sorry i never got back fast enough but they are al located in the .ipak files but its seems you found it xD, Anyway you also find the silver back texture yet?
  12. Ur all Welcome guys i was really just bored and going through my files and to be honest i havent found any more textures that relate to the EE that have noticed but for all who havent seen this is pretty big The Cosmic Silverback Texture ( Note How it Has the Group 935 logo and appears to be in an American space suit) http://imgur.com/fxK55 (Sorry guys iam bad with imgs on forums )
  13. So i decided to take a look at my Pc Files for black ops 2 and i stumbled across some interesting files, basically i found 4 files that go by the names "zm_tranzit_gump_prealloc_0" There is 3 more files numbered in order with the same name except the end number going 1,2,3. The idea that there are simular file names except that they are named for each stop on tranzit and i think that these files point toward that they plan to expand the current tranzit map as they have already put aside these 4 "spots" on the map and would go with the idea of the 4 dlc's and each dlc it would just fill in the information for the location. ill link a screenshot of the file list as proof. http://imgur.com/IjHPd I also found some the loading screens from some past maps just dont Read here if you dont wish to know. Screenshot Here : http://imgur.com/Lpjdi So the Loading screens i found were for Nacht, Der Reise, And Moon so i feel there is a high chance you will be seeing these come back in a later DLC ****DO NOT READ IAM AN IDIOT I FORGOT ABOUT MONKEY BOMBS**** I Also Found a Texture which is very Interesting and may blow some minds ( I think its quite insane) but ill wait to see if you guys would like to know, if the majority do not wish to just pm me
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