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Everything posted by HotZin

  1. It's just not the case. None of the ripped audio files mention anything related to time travel. Maybe though, after a DLC comes out, something like that could be added to Green Run, considering Maxis has said in one of the still unheard files, that "there's nothing to be seen here, at least not for now.". I'm worried about that happening... since Actiivison loves to make deals with microsoft, I'll have to wait all of that time, plus suffer while I watch everyone play thanks to ps3 users having to wait 30 additional days I'm just as worried and pissed as you are. I play on PC, and we've always had the Zombie maps come over a month after the release on consoles, before Microsoft even had the agreement, and PSN had the maps going simultaneously. What I do fear the most is for people like Spiderbite, who actually enjoy playing on the PS3, he is definitely going to be forced to migrate.
  2. Doesn't rule out the fact that they could have easily made a copy of it in it's prime condition, to eventually use for time travel. It's just not the case. None of the ripped audio files mention anything related to time travel. Maybe though, after a DLC comes out, something like that could be added to Green Run, considering Maxis has said in one of the still unheard files, that "there's nothing to be seen here, at least not for now.".
  3. So, I've seen a lot of people experimenting with the clock combinations. Has anyone even attempted the combinations I suggested? Just bumping this, as it is falling down in the section. Hopefully someone can actually try this one, so we can either use this, or simply bust it. For those that haven't seen the entire image yet, because the forums' layout cut the image in half: http://i50.tinypic.com/fdt7ht.jpg I thought that could be one of the reason why some people haven't understood my theory.
  4. The "Now Die" thing was first spotted in the trailer, so that for one is out of the question. And the way everything looked intact in the "making of" of Zombies, is because that's how developers start when they want to make a destroyed enviroment. They make the stage intact, so they can edit it over, "destroying it", making it convincing enough.
  5. HotZin

    Hidden Voices

    You're doing it wrong, thats how you do it: McrTHTuPIdA You just leave the code of the video (after the v=), not the actual entire link. EDIT: 1:09 kinda confirms my theory of putting the turbine down at 3 lamp posts that form one of the obtuses I suggested. Please someone try it already! EDIT: 2:06 suggests we will be coming back there in the future... So the DLC is most likely going to really be an expansion to Tranzit... That's...
  6. You can't have a 3D Triangle with 3 vertices at base that has 2 obtuse vertices. And getting it with one and only one obtuse vertice, it would be a triangle just like I exemplified all along. If it really does indeed have 2 obtuse vertices, then it HAS to have 4 vertices at the base, otherwise, it doesn't make a difference being it 3D or not, as in theory, mine would be 3D aswell.
  7. Now looking at this map, I can actually say I completely change my mind about the obtuse theory having one of the turbines in town. If my theory worked, it would definitely be at the Bus Depot, like people have said before.
  8. At this point, having seen most of the texture files and hearing the sounds of the game, I highly doubt there's a different bus. At this point we have 2 theories going on: 1- Green Run is a clock: viewtopic.php?f=136&t=26236 2- Maxis wants us to make an Obtuse Scalene Triangle/Pyramid: A- viewtopic.php?f=136&t=26249 B- viewtopic.php?f=136&t=26264 That's basically what everyone is trying to bust right now.
  9. no one is trying to steal fire from your thread bud im wanting to try it right now if you wanna join up get a team together and do this... im no better than the rest and neither are ngtz or anyone... just trying to keep pushing the issue and get the topic out there I can't help out with testing it as I'm not home until Sunday, and I play on PC. Sorry :(
  10. I don't really understand why the theory that I started with my other thread has jumped to this one, but it's ok I guess. Would have helped if it stayed there, to avoid future confusion from the coming people, and probably get some attention to the theory, so people actually try it (and by people I obviously mean the ones that can spread the word, like NGTZombies and other worth mentioning names). Regardless, that kind of pyramid that you drew is exactly the theory I had in mind when I mentioned vetorial 3D triangle, and it looks plausible. The only problem being, you would need all 4 to place the turbines at these locations, so, either it will trigger the event that makes the Obelisk work right away, or it will work with a simply triangle. One way or another, I think this is what Maxis meant since he mentioned the vertices and everything else.
  11. Why are you posting this? I'm pretty sure everyone that is up to par with theories have seen this video. I don't know if you read the thread, but the objective is trying to find the final combination of 3 turbines put into the lamp posts, that connect all 3 vertices, like Maxis wants us to, as noted in OPL's video, which could maybe lead us to the last part of the easter egg, if not the actual end of it.
  12. Pretty sure is just one of the characters saying one of their interactive lines. When you are waiting for the loading screen, every person that has already loaded is held in a "waiting" state, aswell as the zombies. My guess is that, while you are loading, one of the characters could be saying something related to the zombies trying to attack you, as they are near you, but can't move, as so can't you.
  13. He hasn't said anything about a triangle, but has mentioned a Trichotomous system. And also, by logic, the maximum number of managed Turbines that can be put down at the same time, while someone is at the pylon (assuming it makes the NavCard table/Obelisk work) is 3. So basically, 3 people placing down Turbines, while one is at the pylon. Not to mention by my theory's logic, he wants to make a circular flux of energy around the pylon, in which 3 points should sufice, as it is the shortest way to close a space. Indeed though, the only way to have 2 obtuse vertices would be making a geometric shape with more than 3 vertices, so it does make sense in a way. So people, we are looking into two possibilities, one being a triangular shape that circles around the pylon, and the other one, a square with 2 obtuse vertices. I will be taking a look at a later time, to see if I can fit a 4 sided geometric shape with 2 obtuse vertices into it (I can already imagine a pattern in my head very easily). I would love if someone else did it before me though, as I am rather tired right now. EDIT: Ok so, Maxis definitely talks about a Triangle shape, as the suggested theory has been dismistified by this gentleman: that's not a scalene a scalene in its definition is clearly defined as something with three unequal sides not four... four makes it a quadrilateral http://www.thefreedictionary.com/scalene Ok people, so let's keep on going with the triangle theory. Has anyone tried any of the possible combinations I've suggested?
  14. Well Misty definitely talks a lot about knives. Maybe she does more damage than usual with the Bowie Knife. Russman, I'm starting to think he does ridiculous headshot damage, because sometimes when I'm playing, I notice I'm killing zombies with a LOT of ease, even with normal guns and at high rounds, and I think I was playing Russman all these times.
  15. A triangle can't have more than one obtuse vertice, as an obtuse vertice is 91 or more degrees. A triangle has 180 degrees total. I have also a different theory, Maxis could be talking about a vectorial 3D Triangle. That one could actually apply more than one obtuse vertice, I think. But for now, let's stick to the basics, and let's try to see if any of the mentioned combinations work. Natch+Cabin+either Town(aka before the bridge), Bus Depot or the one after the bridge.
  16. Someone actually made a thread about hearing that kind of siren earlier today. He said he just stood looking at the Laundromat door for 2 rounds, and it played itself.
  17. The reason why this step was overlooked was because most people automatically assumed that setting Turbines down at Diner and Depot (including the two under the pylon) would have created that said triangle. Even more so, Maxis will say the quote about the obtuse scalene whether you did the steps in chronological order or not. Hell - he'll even state it before power is even on, so it threw off players even more. Either way it goes, i this is what leads to activating the acceptance of the Navcard, then so be it. Even more interestingly, a guy just posted this video in another thread, after I created here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhaQrmyg3LI The guy got a similar idea, just seems like it came from the wrong posts. I guess we could be heading to the right way finally. Like I said, hopefully we can get some attention to this theory soon.
  18. I actually made a thread 10 minutes before this one, talking about a similar theory, which actually could have the cluster solved, right here: viewtopic.php?f=136&t=26249 Plese come help us out with this theory, as we could be close to solving it.
  19. Hopefully with a bit of experimenting, we can get it to work. It's a shame a bunch of people are giving attention to the "riddles" that Troll Dan left behind, but aren't simply doing what they should be doing, which is following the game's instructions. It is clear that Maxis wants us to interact with the light posts, and he has talked about triangles, and no one has deployed more than 2 turbines at the posts. I really hope this gets some attention soon, as I truly believe, could be the next step to the EE, and I guess, the last one.
  20. I thought I should just create a new thread, since apparently the OPL one completely died out, and isn't really related to this theory, so... Here's a quote to my theory I had posted there previously: So basically, my theory goes around what Maxis said so himself. To me, it basically seems like he wants a source of energy to go around the pylon, as in the Trichotomous mentioned by him, and the way it would work, would be by forming a Scalene Obtuse Triangle around it with the Turbines connected to the light posts. So read my quote carefully, and pay attention to the edited map, and tell me what you think, and obviously, try it out and tell me if it works. (IF YOU ARE GOING TO TRY IT OUT, READ THE "PS.:" AS IT IS ALSO A POSSIBILITY")
  21. Ok so here it is: http://i50.tinypic.com/fdt7ht.jpg This is the only possible scalene triangle that circles around the pylon, and what I thought was really coincidental, was the fact that it links the Cabin, Natch der Untoten AND Town. 3 of the most supernatural and creepy places of the entire map. Now can anyone please, try placing 3 turbines at these exact light posts, and then trying to activate the Nav Cards at the pylon? PS.: You can also try changing the town light post to the bus depot, as both also result into a scalene triangle, or even the other one that is past the bridge, all of the 3 posts are really close together, so it could be any of them, but Town to me seems the most relevant one.
  22. I'm at this second messing around, trying to figure out a combination of light posts that would form an obtuse triangle around the pylon. I'll post the edited image of the map here with all possible triangles that can be made around the pylon. EDIT: Guys, I might have something. Wait till you see what it is.
  23. Yeah I was wondering if you were mistaking scalene with equilateral xD Would be quite frankly hilarious if Maxis had said something completely wrong, considering he's a doctor of Science haha. But now that being said, has anyone tried having 4 players, 3 of them forming a scalene triangle with 3 placed turbines in those 3 specific light posts that circulate the pylon, and then 1 other person trying to use the Nav Card then? Sounds very Treyarchish, they would definitely do something like this. Sounds way too obvious though.
  24. Survival doesn't have easter eggs, so... BUSTED! I find interesting that today everyone decided to create threads saying they "heard" something new. This is like the third one today. First one was about the Help door in Natch. Second one was about something I can't remember now. And now this. Hopefully Birddog Dan won't come out of nowhere with a message like: " :idea: "
  25. Wait if he says obtuse vertices of a scalene triangle...that's not possible to have an obtuse vertice of a scalene Like this? http://rchsbowman.files.wordpress.com/2 ... lene-2.jpg *trollface* I guess you couldn't have MULTIPLE obtuse vertices, as it would be already over 180 degrees.
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