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Posts posted by brando

  1. the only problems i can think of for your team (because i had to do it multiple times due to the budha room thing) is that if ALL OF YOU DON'Tneed the EE done. One of your team members leaves for the budha room thing cause we had the same problem like 10 rounds,no progress.

    for the second problem the only thing i can think of is that your not placing the trample steams right. I personally havent done it since the last update (about march 20th i think so i duno if it hs altered) You and your team need to place the trample steams so you CAN'Tpick them up for the ball part because we had problems with this once and i thought we werent gonna be able to do it. (i was all oh noes 2 hours down the drain)

  2. i bet the last map EE will require all 4 players to have done all the previous EE & all of them have to have done the same ones (EX: ricktofen only or maxis) then when the final EE is done the side you did will be record by treyarck & whoever gets the most that's who will win & we wont fined out until the next game!

    like jimmy Z said its up to us if the original 4 return!


    this sounds awesome i hope its this way but kind of not because if we mess up and the O4 don't return then what....all i know is im going to do maxis EE on alcatraz but when there is two people in the same game with both EE sides done the colors swirl around each other and it looks kinda cool!

  3. Zombies was the reason I bought black ops one and two. I loved ascension and call of the dead. Shangri la was fun while moon was okay boarder line stupid. Black ops2 had so much hype and I bought into it but I am highly disappointed.

    You can get Jug and go down on double swipes. Wtf is the point then? No phd flopper making mustang & anything with explosive rds nulified. Maps are stupid challenging. Less open space and its almost like left4dead 2.

    With mob of the dead dlc in a week, I put aside fifa13 and nhl13 to give this a go again. All I ever played was blackops one zombies. I run 40+ rds no problem so I appreciate a new challenge but I found it sucks so far. I have high hopes for the new map but I doubt there is flopper and more stupid shit instead.

    ya i agree with lunatic, with PHD on die rise you would have no fall damage so the only thing that would kill you would be the death barrier, i could care less about not taking explosive damage but no fall damage on die rise??!? cmon now.......

  4. 5 more dayz untill all you xbox users get mob of the dead :( times like this i wish i had a xbox instead of ps3! lol

    us ps3 users gotta wait atleast a month more :(

    by then everthing already been found and discoverd :( lol

    but im to used to ps3 now, and dont like xbox control :/ might get a xbox anyways dno yet

    any 1 know exactly why ps3 users have to wait longer? :/ ive never really looked into that

    im not too sure either but i think the cod guys have a contract with xbox in order for us to get the dlc earlier....cause you know.....we pay for this shit!

  5. i know alot of you forumers are working hard at trying to crack this cipher if you havent already...but im thinking that it will be decoded once the map is realeased because as some of you have said we NEED the 6 letter word to start from.

    just a thought add yours.


  6. wow great post, i think most of what your saying there is spot on, and i think your right because how would richtofen know how to use a computer is they didn't come out for a LONG LONG time....so when they teleported to the moon there must have already been highly advanced vril-ya technology there!

  7. I kinda like the whole you choose your destiny thing about it....i think that if your speculations are right i would probibly want to try them both just for pure entertainment it looks so awesome...and if you can only choose one or do both seperatly or in the same game that would be different also.

  8. Or will he have his own specific round like the Pentagon Thief? I personally think it would be more interesting to have him spawn mid-round.

    well, from what we seen so far there was no zombies around when it showed him in the trailer so im thinking he spawns between rounds instead of having a seperate round start. this is just my opinion and guess anyne feel free to add what you think!


  9. im thinking the 115 got to alcatraz because they were doing secret testing either to

    a) try and unlock the power of 115 and try to control it

    B) or just to see the how it affects us humans (along with animals?)

    c) or it was just like CotD when they went to alcatraz to film a movie and they came upon some old documentation aswell as some underground built stuffs? (i duno pure speculation)

  10. i know for a fact that if it really is "prohibitioon era zombies" then it takes place before sam gets trapped. so I don't really have any explanation to why their eyes are red but all i know is that this is BEFORE same took control.

  11. right now im currently onlt 1 and a half guns till diamon smgs, just gotta get gold chicom and gold skorpion!! first gold smg for me was peacekeeper only cause i got the game late and got the pass the same time. sorry about off-topic but it was all about smgs :lol:

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