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1About XxBlOoDfAllsxX

*WARNING* so you guys dont make the same mistake ;)
For all of those having problems with Richtofen's side of the EE when you reach the part to fling the zombies at the roof, just pay attention to the dragon. When you place the tramps down on the symbols, make sure your not only aiming them directly in the middle of the tower, but they're directly over the symbol right in the middle. Once you do that correctly, you'll not only hear, but see another firework light up on the dragon's back. THAT'S when you'll know its time to fling the zombies. When our group did that, it didn't take more than 10 zombies to get the tower to light up, it was very easy. So just make sure you have 4 fireworks on dragon's back once you use sliquifier on stones, then you should have 5 once you set up the tramps correctly so you know you can start the blood sacrifice. Happy Hunting :!: :mrgreen:
SO i may be one of the first people to do this in the world, since i got it to accept 15 minutes after i downloaded DLC. The NAV Card from Green Run will accept in the new NAV table you build on rooftop on Die Rise. Not sure what it did, all it said was "Nav Card Successfully Accepted" and made a chime noise. Go to rooftop where big dragon fixture is, and find all of the NAV Table pieces scattered across rooftop and you can build the table underneath the dragon by the wall (Underneath the angled walkway under dragon)....Happy EE EVERYONE! P.S. I believe the Nav Card we find on this level will accept back at Green Run and will allow us to either transfer money or travel back and forth as we please.
I'm waiting for Die Rise to do ToB - anyone else?
XxBlOoDfAllsxX replied to GRILL's topic in TranZit
well of course, if you're on this site - then I'm sure you've either done it or are planning on doing it. I was asking if anyone else had a similar plan as to mine - which was: LOL my bad. I have no idea how i misread that. Been really tired lately. Yeah i totally agree, i dont see why they would put 2 different sides unless you just stick to one. Im sticking with Maxis this time just because Richtofen already has had his fun with blowing the earth up etc. Im curious to find out what happens with Maxis' side -
I'm waiting for Die Rise to do ToB - anyone else?
XxBlOoDfAllsxX replied to GRILL's topic in TranZit
Definately will be doing it. Zombies is one of the main reasons why I buy COD and the EE is what I spend most of my time doing. -
*Proof* w/pics Why We Have 2 Wait For EE 2 Continue
XxBlOoDfAllsxX replied to XxBlOoDfAllsxX's topic in TranZit
The Nav card will just carry over. Just like the Vril Generator. I honestly hope no one thought you would have to complete a Easter Egg to access a map... You might of just been misunderstanding the posts you were reading. Yeah you definately dont have to complete an Easter Egg to access a map. The Nav card will def most likely carry over and be used to access different towers to get them online. They may be used for travel, but then again after thinking about it, most likely not because most zombie players just play the maps for fun and dont have the Nav Card or will use it. Im just excited to see where this all takes us and ends up in the end... -
*Proof* w/pics Why We Have 2 Wait For EE 2 Continue
XxBlOoDfAllsxX replied to XxBlOoDfAllsxX's topic in TranZit
Nobody has ever heard this line in-game. The point is that the easter egg does not continue after the steps that have been done, because those steps are out of order. It is a common misconception that the Maxis side has reached completion because the achievement can be unlocked, and I think that threads like this in the Tranzit board do more damage to morale than anything else. You've either NEVER done the easter egg for Maxis, or you've done it the wrong way (the easy/fast run which requires killing the avogadro at same time turbines are already down)...I've done the Maxis' side of the EE about 5 times now due to helping friends get EE by doing the Richtofen side and reseting the Maxis Side. EVERY SINGLE TIME ive finished Maxis' side, thats the quote he gives me. So im not sure where you got your info from, but its wrong or its because either of the 2 reasons i stated above...But that DEFINATELY is the quote he gives every single time you finish the EE... -
*Proof* w/pics Why We Have 2 Wait For EE 2 Continue
XxBlOoDfAllsxX replied to XxBlOoDfAllsxX's topic in TranZit
I'm not sure about the time period, i was just mentioning Marlton was not seen. I'm believing though after thinking about it, that this is AFTER because of how modern everything looks from the buildings itself, to whats inside, to how old the one character looks, and the military gear on the zombies...Green run is obviously back in the day which has already been established by the vehicles and research etc... -
We have done everything we can in Green Run at the moment. The reason I believe this is based on many facts. 1)No one in the world after searching for this long has made any progress since the "Tower of Babble (Babel) Achievement" ? That's a little too coincidental because there would of been atleast one more step figured out since then 2) The quote from maxis when you complete his side "Yesss, the spire is online. Now, if only the other sites can be likewised in power, than perhaps there is still a chance to complete that which was begun so many years ago. Your help has been invaluable, farewell". So by him saying that, he CLEARY says farwell meaning if there was more to his steps afterwards, then he wouldnt say Farwell. By saying "Bye" basically and saying "other sites" is common sense that it's not in Green Run. And to everyone who will comment on this post saying that these beams are just theories and can be anything and that this isnt proof, its MORE proof than anyone has brought up in a long time. PLUS, its more than common sense when you put the facts together...You're in crumbled buildings which obviously are just buildings. WHY would there be the exact same BEAM of light, same color as Maxis' side beams coming from a skyscraper if it's not part of the EE? Its obviously the beams for the EE because what else would it be, a laser beam shooting down a helicopter? lol come on now...think about all of the facts from the beams, maxis' quotes, the name of the DLC level "Die Rise", almost sounding and looking like "Der Riese"...its all one big EE, and the end of this EE is going to blow our minds. Green Run is done for now...mark my words! *Here's the reason i believe theres more only with all of the DLC that will come out in the near future, many people miss this while watching the new DLC video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPwQ4WCz4cU....PAY ATTENTION RIGHT AFTER 12:15 on the left side. Notice the beams of light just like to the tower once you complete the EE on Green Run. You CANNOT deny those are the same beams and most likely you have to power up each tower in each DLC and then by the end of all DLC's, the storyline will be complete and so will this huge EE. Here's both picture's of which shows you the same beam that shoots from the light posts to the pylon on Green Run. The picture doesn't do it justice because its a still photo. Watch the video (link above) to see for yourself that it does shoot and looks 100% like those beams in Green Run. Here's a pic of the characters only shown. Throughout the video you never see Martlon but you do see 3 that look very familiar which means they obviously got to China (or wherever this is located) somehow which my guess is by using NAVCARDS to travel between places.
First of all, maybe you should do research before replying. Reza DID say that in an Official Quote with Playstation Magazine and here's the link....http://www.officialplaystationmagazine. ... allery-top P.S. People are such idiots sometimes because regardless if you don't believe in someone's post, 1) do research first and 2) THE NAV CARD's and Reza's tweet replying "yes" to the question "Is there anymore to the easter egg after the tower of babble achievement? Like a 2nd bus route or something?" IS PROOF That's there's more anyways...so stop with these dumb a** reply's before doing research because you're throwing the community off from continuing something their passionate about That was my only intended response to the ending of EE until MMX replyed afterwards with 3 posts in regards to zombies having no ending and never will. Then i replied explaining that 3ARC says theres more to it and an ending...NEVER ONCE DID I SAY, that there's an actual ending like the game ends/credit rolls or anything of that sort. And then continued in same response stating about "have you played the DLC, you honestly believe its over etc etc etc"...Then MMX replies with "good luck on your search for the holy grail" lol. Which confused me because you obviously thought I meant their was an actual ending when i never stated that. I simply stated "sorts" which i added because i was being general in regards to what that could mean. So you took it out of context, and you actually said "No he is not.He simply said that there is an "endgame of sorts", which is a clear reference to the storyline of TranZit. Really? Where does he say "End game of sorts"...all he says is "Death is a common ending but not necessarily the only ending". So thats just your theory that it relates only to the ending of the Tranzit storyline. I said "Sorts" because i believe that the game has more to offer for the EE and will continue regardless if its now or with DLC which i stated in one of the earlier reply's. So i dont know what you're talking about or why you ripped apart my reply, but you took it out of context and went on a quick "let me educate you" rant lol which did none of the sort because you didn't understand anything ive said. You even said this "I have used the NavCard. It is rejected. Point? No, no, it was rhetorical. I wouldn't be surprised if a DLC answered that question. As this is not the first time there was an unanswered question in the Easter Egg. In Shangri-La the player holds the Vril Generator. Point? It was for the next map, not the current one." which is hilarious because re-read what that reply was to...I SAID HAVE YOU PLAYED THE DLC YET AND DO YOU HONESTLY BELIEVE THIS IS OVER?! So again, you took everything out of context lol...stop talking and when this EE continues and there is an end, whether that be just the storyline, an actual ending or something we dont expect, then ill be the one who said "I told you so" because THATS ALL I SAID.
That logic is so so so so horrible... So you should just ignore and not give your opinion on stuff you don't like? I can think of many things in history that would be different if that were the case. Plus i'm sure artists would never get better without some constructive criticism Also this is a forum, you're supposed to discuss things. This must be your first time using one or you just don't know how one works. Plus don't talk about MMX like that, he's a great user. Grow up and stop making yourself look like a fool. i laugh over and over everytime i read your reply's...my last post had 7k views and 150 replies, so im pretty sure im not a 1st time user. Im not talking about anyone especially MMX, im simply implying that if you're reading a post that's in regards to something you're not agreeing with, why are you shooting the idea down? That makes no sense, this is a community forum in which everyone's trying to figure out something together and all your doing is shooting the idea down and saying that there's nothing more to it. The funniest part to this whole back and forth between MMX and I is all that's been said on MMX's part is "in the past they said their's never going to be an ending to zombies" haha...and im actually showing proof that 3ARC employee's are stating their is. REGARDLESS if it actually ends or their's an "ENDSORT" it doesnt matter, that's more proof to what we're trying to accomplish than what you have. They've said it on twitter and quoted from a magazine article yesterday. Just because they state the word "end" doesnt mean im saying that credits will roll...it just means their's an ending of some sort so you obviously cant read very well or are just too stupid to understand since ive stated more than once now. And just because in the past they've said that, doesn't mean it cant change in the future. BO1 is BO1, BO2 is it's own game, with it's own zombies and if they say their is more to the EE then their's more to it. WHo are you or anyone to ? the makers of this game. So the only person making a fool of himself is him and you. PLAIN AND SIMPLE, this is a forum in which discussions are brought up to FIGURE things out, NOT BASH them down when you have no proof. Replying and giving your idea is different than telling people their wrong and "good luck on your quest for the holy grail". That's not discussing, that's bashing and shooting down ideas so why post at all. You can simply post under a thread that you agree to or have some good info to share with the rest of the community. All I did was reply and state that they've said their is an ending of some sort and you're arguing the point. REPEAT, doesn't mean the credits will roll nor the zombies will stop coming, it just means their's more to it and maybe something we wont expect but its a direct quote from 3ARC employees..if thats the case, argue it up with Reza and the rest of the 3ARC staff and see who has the last laugh because they must be lying as what you're saying... As in regards to you Samantha Maxis, my logic is not bad. How? are you saying NGT zombies and the rest of this community also has bad logic because im pretty sure that everyone is doing the same thing I am. They're sharing info that HELPS, not bashes. Why you even replyed saying my logic is bad is ridiculous and honestly annoying. Saying stuff about history? haha wtf? What does me posting on a zombies forum about tranzit, about trying to figure out more to the EE and sharing info have anything to do with my replys? Because i simply stated why does someone post on a thread they dont agree with? lol wow dude. I'm pretty sure when i scroll through a forum and I see a subject I agree with or is interested in, ill read through and decide if i want to share, not bash people down and thats exactly what MMX did. So spare me with your bs
Dude...lol wow. You blow my mind. Im trying to say this in the nicest way but anyone who just read your reply's is thinking the same thing I am, are you ignorant?! A PRODUCER OF THE GAME said "There is a narrative in Tranzit, and an endgame of sorts. Death is the most common ending, but it’s not necessarily the only ending. Pay attention to dialogue between the four new heroes and you’ll begin to unravel the mystery behind the zombie takeover of Earth.” LOL Why are you trying to argue the point over an actual member of 3arc quoting to playstation magazine?! Like who are you to argue a 'past' statement they made. Things can change and regardless of what was said in the past, REZA JUST SAID THAT YESTERDAY! lol like are you dense? Who's going to take your reply seriously when a producer of the game made that statement? lol And may i repeat, have you used the nav cards, nor played the DLC, nor seen how the other easter eggs were to honestly believe that this is over?! You turn power on or off, build a table or not, kill an electric dude or zombies under pylon, then either power lights or emp them and thats the end...lol please man It is not the developer nor I that is ignorant. I have read what he has said. But you are twisting and manipulating his words. Good luck with your quest for the Holy Grail. LMAO 1) Never said the zombies will stop coming and the game actually "ends" as a campagain would end 2) Developer, producer etc. He still works for 3ARC and is telling us there's more 3) How am I twisting his words?! It's common sense that if you die during a game of zombies, the game 'ENDS' and you now must restart. He clearly states that by saying "Death is most common ending but not necessarily the only ending" lol...so OBVIOUSLY there's more to it because A) NOTHING has an "Endsort" on completion of tower of babel achievement He said "YES" to there being more afterwards and C) I REPEAT, HAVE YOU USED THE NAV CARD YET? lol why are you still arguing this point? I could care less about beams of lights to laundromat door, the so called Moon under the map and all of these other finds that could easily be glitches...i go by hard evidence and proof and you must be a dumb a** to sit there and honestly think Jimmy Z would even make an easter egg so boring and incomplete as tower or babel, its because THERES MORE TO IT. THey wouldnt of created such a huge and new experience and put an easter egg thats so unsatisfying and has nothing after completing it. They put the achievement where it's at so that people who want to get the achievment because they love completing games and are obsessed with their gamerscore, can still get it without having to do such an elaborate easter egg and taking all of their time up. No one wants to spend hours upon hours at one sitting to do an easter egg, thats why it saves your progress. I can go on and on but you're a waste of time... P.S. Why are you even on these forums? If you dont believe there's anymore to this EE, then why are you even reading posts about it and commenting on them? Either stay off the forums or comment on posts you agree about. This post is obviously about people trying to figure out if their is an actual ending so noone cares about someone coming on and shooting the idea down...
Dude...lol wow. You blow my mind. Im trying to say this in the nicest way but anyone who just read your reply's is thinking the same thing I am, are you ignorant?! A PRODUCER OF THE GAME said "There is a narrative in Tranzit, and an endgame of sorts. Death is the most common ending, but it’s not necessarily the only ending. Pay attention to dialogue between the four new heroes and you’ll begin to unravel the mystery behind the zombie takeover of Earth.” LOL Why are you trying to argue the point over an actual member of 3arc quoting to playstation magazine?! Like who are you to argue a 'past' statement they made. Things can change and regardless of what was said in the past, REZA JUST SAID THAT YESTERDAY! lol like are you dense? Who's going to take your reply seriously when a producer of the game made that statement? lol And may i repeat, have you used the nav cards, nor played the DLC, nor seen how the other easter eggs were to honestly believe that this is over?! You turn power on or off, build a table or not, kill an electric dude or zombies under pylon, then either power lights or emp them and thats the end...lol please man
First of all, maybe you should do research before replying. Reza DID say that in an Official Quote with Playstation Magazine and here's the link....http://www.officialplaystationmagazine. ... allery-top P.S. People are such idiots sometimes because regardless if you don't believe in someone's post, 1) do research first and 2) THE NAV CARD's and Reza's tweet replying "yes" to the question "Is there anymore to the easter egg after the tower of babble achievement? Like a 2nd bus route or something?" IS PROOF That's there's more anyways...so stop with these dumb a** reply's before doing research because you're throwing the community off from continuing something their passionate about
it def has to be photoshopped even though it doesnt look like it using that website, based clearly off the fact that his money is in "italics"...they're crooked lol, and no its not because the picutre is angled, because i just checked in a solo game and even at that angle, they dont look like that...i even compared 1190 to his 1170
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