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About Hydra

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  1. I dont think so, die is feminum. While rise or rise in english, is maskulin aka man. Hard to understand, but thats deutcsh. So i just think its english for die then rise or something.
  2. Hydra


    You said u will be gone forever wtf man. Yeh i know it rus is maxis or Samantha, thats why Richtoften stop Rus.
  3. in bus depot there is some letter which spells STOP BUS, but some blood covers the b a little so it says STOP RUS. Maybe Richtoften did that on purpose, to actually stop Maxis?
  4. Lets say u shoot explosives at the clock in diner, the clock would look like a moon. Hope it helps
  5. http://youtu.be/CAuzTNJae3c?t=2m9s He is right, the trainstation everything. I believe in him.
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