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Everything posted by TheJayJizzLe

  1. I dunno I just played solo and had every portal open at once your petticoat rite tho
  2. I was playing Tranzit last night with 3 people that have done Maxis Easter Egg and I did Richtofen and when we was playing I opened up the portal before town from the power the portal before the lava and the portal at the end of the bridge ran to bus depot to do that portal and the denizen just ran after me all around bus depot until I shot him then I ran back into the fog and there were no denizens until I used one of the portals then if I made another portal there were none again because I used the one before town the denizens came back and I made a portal at dinner SnD they went away again so every time I had 3 portals open they didn't chase us in the fog is this a glitch or something for the Ee you think
  3. I'm starting to think they called it green run as a reference to a money run because your trying to rebuild the global financial system because it has crashed and your going to need your bank maxed out to complete the finally Easter egg I think
  4. I made this thread because I didn't know if it was a post before and I know this is very important to every zombies player and it should stay near the top of the board so treyarch might listen to us since use all say they come on here to read ideas and things
  5. They really need to bring these 2 things back into zombies I miss being able to play 2 or 3 player matches to get to highrounds like they made a LB for 2 and 3 player but if you do a custom game everything saves except rounds that takes a lot away from the game itself and lobby leaderboards so you know the skill of your random team mates And they should of never patched the glitch where you and your boy can go in a public match and back out the last 2 controllers before the game starts so you can play a 2 or 3 player match and have it record in the LB
  6. Was trying to get atleast 100 for the carepackage coins and dragonfire and lol at stop mocking me you funny haha
  7. No I never redeemed them I only put the code in that was on the paper in the game case for ntz ntmp I was a elite member already from mw3 so I got them cameos and playercards but what do the coins unlock and eBay took it down saying I can't sell redeemable items
  8. The bank takes money from you for not playing and takes a hundred off every thousand you withdraw which makes it 9oo every time you hit it up and taxs you for something because I've had my bank maxed didn't play had 2 gs in there then on another account I didn't play on for a while had over 120k so it taxs you for different reasons I believe because your going to need your bank maxed out to finish the easter egg to restore the global financial system
  9. I definitely think they should ass who's who to Tranzit and only put it in solo on busdepot,town,AMD farm solo cause them maps are to tight for it I like it a lot more then tombstone
  10. you have to build it every game and then once the player who has it goes down and loses it anyone can get it from the box during that game only so that's basically how it works
  11. Here's what I prefer to do solo or on a team Game Starts take the freight elevator pick up a key put it in the freight elevator box pick up another key kill atleast 2 zombies jump over to power turn the power on take a elevator up to the roof by the end of rd 3 you should have enough for the bowieknife buy that stay on the roof buy jug wait for the first nova round sit in the corner opposite of the navecard table 1 knife kills them then run up the ramp jump over to tramplesteam room them head to the an 94 stay in buddah room to stack points by like rd 12 you should have 3 perks and atleast 20000 points buy the knuckles and what ever perk you need the most go back to buddah save more points get your guns and tramplesteam I place the tramplesteam on the deck above the ak74u so you can get back and forth from buddah to power easily
  12. I know the wonder weapon is fun to use I know how to use then properly to I just like having more of a challenge when I'm playing so I tend to stay away from the rayguns n wonder weapons and your rite any gun takes skill to use some just more then others
  13. I've been over 30 on any map I've ever played and I'm sorry if I haven't used the sliqifier much I mean its cool but it takes no skills using a wonder weapon I've been over 30 on plenty maps with just assault rifles and O downs like add me check my stats it takes no skill useing a wonder weapon I have over 2000 kills and over 1200 headshots most games to whoever said I haven't been over 30
  14. True everything about zombies is just a theory they really need to make a real zombies game with a campaign would be one of the best storylined games ever created because zombies really is just so interesting point blank period and I think we all agree on that
  15. I play on Xbox n ps3 and there is deft no difference the only thing different is your lobby choices like open closed friends only invite only ps3 only has like 2 lobby choices that's the only difference I've noticed
  16. How is the sliqifier over powered its nothing compared to black ops 1 wonder weapons I don't even use any WW in bo2 all assault riffles and everyone cried how the thrustodine gun in Tranzit sucked so they give you a lil stronger weapon you can't even pack a punch and use say its over powered I honestly think it sucks its ok but nothing like the scavenger babygun or thundergun more like a wintershowl type of gun
  17. On jimmy zs Twitter it says I'm the janitor maybe we let something out like the Pentagon. Thief for the next map cause it sounds like a janitor walking down a hallway unlocking a door or something
  18. Maybe once all the maps are out there will be a way to take a helicopter as transportation over to die rise from another map that'd be hot
  19. Dude I was just saying what I thought I never said I'm rite about it that was just what I was thinking about the nav cards sorry if I don't know were takeo is from and where die rise actually is
  20. I'm not mad at the fact anyone got to a higher round then me I'm just mad half the community is full of people who exploit and glitch to have good scores on the leaderboards and I honestly should pay no mind to the so called leader boards cause their just full of cheaters anyway I just don't get why you even play the game if your going to sit in 1 spot and do that
  21. That's a glitch in my honest opinion your exploiting the game
  22. Maybe every navcard we discover is a key to wake our old 4 characters out of thier cryogenic slumber party TranzitAmerica tank dempsy die rise takeo and so on
  23. So this kid on my Xbox friends list high rounds in die rise are all 7o plus I watched his flim to see if he was glitching and surely he was he stood on the broken floor thing that you land on to walk in the galvaknuckle room set claymores up behind him and just sliqified the galvaknuckle room floor and all the zombies came out of that whole next to the galvaknuckles the whole game none came from any other direction I have a screenshot but don't know how to post just pm me I'll text you the picture
  24. Also I played solo yesterday and he didn't spawn untill rd 17 then again on 19 he just comes randomly
  25. 2 make it easy on you have 2 under the tower 2 at the power open the 2 telepoters the one near the power and the one near nacht don't turn the power off untill he spawns then once he spawns have everyone go under the tower leave 1 zombie alive and wait for him emp him directly under it 2 people jump threw one of the 2 worm.holes and place a turbine at the one it spawns you at and 2 people place the turbine under the one use jumped threw but don't turn the power offuntil he spawns
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