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Everything posted by ThrowAmonkeyBomb

  1. I have never had the silver spoon. :cry: :lol:
  2. Welcome to codz! :)
  3. Y so much hate on split screners? :lol:
  4. nice post mate! we should definetely play sometime.1+ btw :D
  5. Welcome to codz mate! :D
  6. I feel as though we are being bamboozled Or he just didnt know..... :lol:
  7. Welcome to codz,go ahead and add me on ps3 if you like :)
  8. ^^^People make chicken nuggets? and agreed.But im not a fan of transh-t EDIT:Nuggets not Niggets!!!!Sorry if anyone thought I was making a racial slur i wasnt! :oops:
  10. welcome to codz mate!!!! :D
  11. It will be called Cod Z and MP will just be an extra bonus game mode at the end of the campaign Im cool with that
  12. Brb checking Tranzit. I almost did, but then I would have to play with tranzit. agreed
  13. MY GOD :lol:
  14. Nice job mate,would read it but im on ps3 so not gonna read too much about origins cuz I cant play it! Perhaps youd be interested in contributing to the Origins strategy section for the Complete zombie Guide? ;)
  15. m so excited for it to come out on ps3!!!Anyone know the release date? :)
  16. Oh waffles I was watching ur stream :)
  17. Welcome to codz mate! :)
  18. So...what does this mean? :lol:
  19. Yeah,I hear you man.Of course for us ps3 users it dont matter really :lol:
  20. AWESOME ;)
  21. You just won the internet, good sir! Agreed. :lol:
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