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Everything posted by ThrowAmonkeyBomb

  1. i know its old,i have bo1 an 2 not to fond of mw3 but i have good memories of mw2 should i buy it?is it broken online?
  2. just watched syndicate playing die rise i cant wait for it too come out for ps3 season pass!
  3. yeah siund like a solid theory man :D
  4. why doesnt it btw
  5. yes,especialy rezzurection
  6. i think quick revives the second most useful perk in soloor co op
  7. solo is 193 by kingjaq then he got treyarched
  8. and the idea is realy to compile existng guides,not to write a new one
  9. is superman waffles on codz?
  10. normal wii yes i now play bo1 and 2 on ps3 thpough but might go back just for this thanks for the suppport :)
  11. hes kinda right wii sucks compared to ps3
  12. honestly i might my record is round 33 but with a goal i might be able to pull it off.Sad thing is i only ihave camera and webcam to record,but i could record the entire thing :D
  13. yes check out the forum in deep thought please
  14. so anyone want to see me try to beat it?
  15. its relaxingf end,i think he can do it :lol:
  16. axctually i just found out relaxing made it 72,might try to beat him
  17. thank you i am horrible at nacht
  18. Hello, i am WKZ and i play zombies on the ps3 now but i was introduced to it on the wii.For this reason exactly i ask,is zombies on the wii dead?and what is the world record?last i heard it was 68,perhaps i will get my wii back out and beat that.
  19. hey everyone im creating a forum in deep thought for all who want to help,thank you!
  20. im on ps3 but pm me ok?
  21. thanks and i am going to make my own,it doesnt matter if they already exist
  22. no its for both storyline and strategy
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