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Everything posted by ThrowAmonkeyBomb

  1. Disagree, that will only promote post pumping. Quality over quantity, unless you are at a buffet. Also what does this mean for the prestige medals? Will they be retired or will both be available? But Post pumping is life. But alright, agreed.And yes, Whats gonna happen with them? I say leave em.Cant have too many medals.
  2. I say leave the brains out of it. Or have a seperate reward for them.
  3. Alright guys.I agree with all 3 of you. Now,Im gonna let this get back to topic.
  4. I realize that it's not.I felt the need to be blunt to respond to the way they were acting.But alright.
  5. You did say I have terrible ways of dealing with people.But yes, guys dont fight.I know ive done my fair share, but there's no need here.Lets not be petty. Does anyone have a legitimate reason we cant just have both? How about you either have tallys,stars,or perk bottles, maybe other options as well, and each member can choose personally? And along with that, have the userbars(universal however). Guys?
  6. Why not both? Seriously. Stfu both of you. Please dont ban me. Infighting is pointless! JUST DO BOTH!
  7. Why dont we stick something like that where it says the rank? Not the actual pic but the name of the rank.
  8. Seriously what the hell man. Youve lost yer marbles. Now,lets let this thread get back to its purpose.Im glad to hear things are being finalized.
  9. TAMB!!! no perk bottles, no tallies, no shields - we scrapped the whole idea. Zombie God = Announcer. There were multiples because we were deciding on what the most appropriate name was. DAMMIT MAN we are trying to finalize this - please read all 7 pages before asking questions, most of your answers will be there. Such anger, much frstration, wow, very annoyed. ok ok thats alot and I didnt read it all xD.. COOL
  10. Alright.What about shields?Why are there two different zombie gods? All this discussion we will both be zombie gods by the time its finalizedxD
  11. Alright.Then why are there still the perk bottles and tallies as eventual ranks? Someone needs to finalize this an move on, remember that there is a list available for viewing on EVERY members sidebar.
  12. I have an idea.What if it went zombies god (announcer) then at the next indicator zombies god(maxis) then richtofen and finally samantha?get rid of the tallies and perk bottles?
  13. Why not make 5000 zombies god and 10000 announcer?
  14. Nice.Though I disagree with the removement of the ZombShe medal. It was a nice tool for stalking.
  15. Hopefully CodZ stays this active throughout the off time.

    1. Boom115


      It's been pretty steady since the update. I would still expect some to lose interest. However, I fully expect the 25 or so daily contributors to stick through.

    2. ZombieOfTheDead


      We just need to keep interesting topics and it should be okay

    3. ThrowAmonkeyBomb


      Agree with the both of you.

      Ive been writing threads again,ill try to every week.

  16. Very nice man.Very nice indeed. Im gonna go ahead and give you brains for this.
  17. People still talk about zombies on CodZ? Delta, Mega, check this out Like a blast from the past man. Also, could those strats be used to break the WR by a few rounds?
  18. Die Rise certainly.Simple yet beautiful. Love it.The bank wasnt necessary though.
  19. Hey undead.Nice to see you post again.
  20. Atleast your working to deal with them.
  21. Its kinda cool they implimented this.But there is really no need for such things like after 5 minutes or something.Leaderboards dont mattter anyway,youtube WRs are where its at.
  22. Welcome to CodZ man.
  23. Welcome to codz man!
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