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Everything posted by ThrowAmonkeyBomb

  1. Welcome to Hell.Enjoy your ride sir. Kidding. Welcome to CodZ, where the women are scarce and the sarcasm plenty(as is the hospitality). You'll like it here.
  2. Hey how's it going, watch out for the mods and Jay. Some nice people are certainly not me.try Delta.

  4. Announcer Definitely.Really digging this guys, great system. Glad to see improvements to this wonderful forum.
  5. Ill play with you when I get back to zombies.
  6. Looks good Hells Warrior;) Now make it happen! People like you inspire me to try and help this site out instead of just chilling.Thank you for your contributions over the past couple months man Also,I too support the second one.
  7. Hopefully Ill be here for a long time.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LiL TS 420

      LiL TS 420

      Wait... What happened to MonkeyBomb??

    3. TheNathanNS



      There's your answer

    4. TheNathanNS


      CRAP, URL didn't work.

      Ah well, check the deep thought section for a topic called "ThrowAMonkeyBomb"

  8. Knight,I like it.Could be great fun for the hardcore( high round) community.How would weapons work though?
  9. What if we replace the stars with zombies faces.The type of zombies face changes depending on what rank of zombiefication you are.Anyone like this idea?
  10. This^Also,welcome to codz swappingspit It seemed to me like alot of things,like the dude hearing voices,got left behind somewhere,
  11. Definitely the door to the BAR on Verruckt,or the door to the final teleporter on Der Riese. First is awesome,the second is very fun to not open and run power till hopefully 30(though I havent yet managed this flawless).
  12. Tf? And idk man.Im not a big story guy.probably the lack of a nuketown EE.
  13. I know something I HATED: They didnt put enough proper traps in.
  14. How are you gonna get points?Rebuilding barriers?But yes,I much like this idea.Will try hopefully.
  15. Trolling is a fun thing to do.
  16. sweet.Ill try and read this fully sometime dude. (:
  17. True.And hes 14 LOL
  18. I disagree on the over 18 part. You know a few of the well known,well actually many of the high round zombies players are under 18?
  19. I know you do BB<3 And haha BSzombie.
  20. I was gonna say good job and that I liked you. Now im PISSED. N***A!
  21. 400 will happen,I hope,its a dream...kinda like 200 solo,100 co-op,100 nacht,100 cotd have been. all have happened except cotd,and almost a year ago i debated with chopper that it could.
  22. This guy^ Welcome to codz.
  23. *The night is always darkest before the dawn* P.T.
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