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Posts posted by Midnite

  1. You find that out in moon when he is talkin to richtofen through the computer he is no longer a human but in fact an A.I.

    That may be true, but Maxis in the EE talks about wanting an EMP. Besides that, there is the obvious fact that Maxis wants the power off. So although what you're saying is true, it would make no sense to have no problem turning power off and generating EMPs if you depend on electronics for communication.

  2. Well it's as easy as looking through the textures and seeing for yourself. Right now, i know Marlton's watch seems to be somewhat of an item of interest, i don't see why there shouldn't be another character who has one of their own.

  3. "Several of our party began to hear the voices, and they're competting instructions and combatible demands drove a wedge down the center of the camp. Half of the camp is carrying out the demands of *inaudible* only through electronics *inaudible*."

    "You think you're sooo smart, huh? *Short chuckle* You think you can manipulate everybody to do it, which you want, but we know that you *static* calculate how it works with your sinister agents, hm? You mean to destroy this planet and kill us all! We're not gonna help! No way no how! So yeah, you keep talking. No one's gonna hear you because we destroyed everything. Everything electronic, starting with evil radio-box-thing."

    Anyone checked to see if Samuel has a hearing aid?

  4. Because it is fact. We skipped early steps, if your to stupid to see that then your just like every other troll in the zombie community.

    I've made topics and said this many times before but i guess people just choose to ignore me and instead go after crazy theories. The only reason we were able to progress in easter eggs and not get into the situation we are in now is because we had context. We knew what step 1 was and it helped us understand step 2.

    So many people just keep adding all these theories and dead ends and then getting really disappointed when it doesn't go anywhere, but nobody stops to think about the fact that maybe we are doing the right stuff, just in the wrong order. It would be like one of us discovering what the last step was. So what? Doesn't mean anything if we don't know what's inbetween. And i also think this whole clock thing is bullshit but that's just me.

  5. I still think it's bullshit. Dan, if you really wanted to help, you would simply give us real information with proof like everyone else. What's annoying is how you conduct yourself in a way that gives people the impression that you are special, like you don't need to provide any shred of proof but everyone else does.

    Your contributions consist of posting random emoticons on other peoples' theories, which adds to the annoyance. For you, it's as easy as prancing over to someone's topic and putting your little silent stamp of approval and suddenly it isn't the guy's theory anymore it's 'OMG, DAN IS TRYING TO TELL US SOMETHING, HE HAS ALL THE ANSWERS!'.

    If you really do want to help, there's no reason in just randomly giving information that holds no evidence and when tested, comes up with no results. If being straightforward is not something you want to do for an unknown reason, there are still productive ways to do so, simply give one new piece of information that can be backed up -at the very least.

  6. I mean the first thing you do can be alot of things, first thing most people do is build a turbine. Or kill zombies. Maybe you need to wait and not kill any zombies, finish the maxis ee and then when you start the rictofen ee you begin killing zombies on his order? Its way to vast to be specific, maybe dont build a turbine and do rictofens ee first? I think the main task that is the focus of getting the power turned on to get jugg, but its too vast to try everything. Guess were stuck until we get another tweet.

    Why are those zombies even there at the beginning? Like 4 random zombies, just standing there -docile.

  7. Alright, i was playing and in the town, windo side of laundromat, a benr over power pole casts a shadow of an x or a +, i kept an eye on this and whatta ya know, the shadow eventually moved and dissapeard or maybe it moved undeer another shadow? Anyone else noticed the sun moving t all? :/

    Ehm, is there any way you could maybe post a picture to explain what you saw?

  8. Wow, more ways than one, huh? But I still think that more people should learn how to do it so we can explore outside of player boundry. It may very well help us with Easter Eggs.

    Don't worry, there are thousands of views on the videos that explain it. Overall, there isn't much to be found. It's also very limited because of how difficult it is to navigate around and the fact that you're not no-clipping, you're glitching under the map. It's very glitchy and it's not a good way to see things. You'd be much better off finding a PC guy to no-clip and take a look around.

  9. As some of you may know, a certain user has been trying to give vague hints about the next step on the easter egg. A lot of people are harassing him. I think it needs to stop.

    I am relattively new here and dont want to suddenly recieve trouble or bad rep but im gonna stand up for this guy. If he has something, then great! We learn more. If he is a troll, then we just fed him. We aren't here to gut the info from people. If he has a theory, le him post it. If he is a troll, then we can go after him. As of now, there is no proof he is telling the truth HOWEVER there is no proof he is lying. Give him time. Also for the sake of the community think of what we look like? If he really did find something and we were not open to his ideas we will look very bad.

    Again, let us here him out. If he is a liar, then we will deal with him. Remember, we are a community. We function through learning knowledge together. When something like this arises, let us remember who we are.

    The bottom line is that people know that we care about the EE and it's something we're passionate about figuring out. It's easy to throw a wrench in the works and alot of people believe that's exactly what he's doing. If something is discovered and is legitimately true, there is zero reason to mystify it, provide no evidence or make empty promises. Every post follows suit, including vagueness and shallow, short messages that don't provide any real explanations but imply superior knowledge.

    People have all the reason to feel the way they do, retaliation isn't necessarily a good idea but it's not unwarranted. Posting theories is welcomed, posting misinformation is not.

  10. I love this, makes me lol all the time. Whenever anyone claims anything and has 'proof' it's never clear. People claim there's a bigfoot, post a video and even though we're in 2012, it's like the shittest quality and lowest possible resolution. I'm a skeptical person, i'd love to see him grab a camera, look straight at the TV and take a real picture. Or better yet, go into theatre, take a screenshot and give us your gamertag so we can look into your fileshare and see for ourselves.

    The HUD isn't even what Black Ops 2 multiplayer or zombies has. There's also what appears to be a bouncing betty. Fake.

  11. I'll believe it when i see it. 'When you trap him Maxis says something'? I smell bullshit here, you could have atleast told us what it is that he said. I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but this really isn't anything but random images and instructions that are pretty vague.

    You also can't 're-release him to check'.

  12. I think the nav card is only part of Dr. Maxis scheme, not Richtofen and I say this because, when Richtofen tells you to build it he says: "...you have to build the nav comm thingie which plugs into the computer thingie, don't worry your little brain about what it does or how it works, just go find it". That's pretty obvious, although Richotfen uses it, he doesn't require US to use it, Maxis however may have plans for us with. Just a theory, may not help that much, but I felt like it could give us a little bit more perspective on this.

    Well if you listen to Maxis's audio files, does he mention the navcard?

  13. It's just a backdrop building across from Power.

    It's exactly the same building from the map in Black Ops. I forget the name but it's the one with the trapdoor in the middle leading to B flag. This building is the exact same one that the switch is on in that map.

    the map your on about i think is Radiation?

    Read the post above yours. What he's talking about is in the first image you see, on the right in the wiki page.

  14. I've been holding my tongue at a lot of this stuff, but this has gone too far. I know I'm not a mod and I'm not trying to do their job, but DUDE. COME ON. I've been here long enough to know that the trolls are people we can deal with. They will pass through like dust in the wind. They may make a splash, but, in the long run? They will not matter.

    No, it's the ones that are 'respected' members of the community that seemingly live to just stir up a fire that really cause this site trouble. Kind sir, I'm not as nice as James, so I'll tell you this right now, as blunt as I can be.

    You need to stop.

    You are doing no one any good by making entire threads calling people out. It is a waste of server space and it is unneeded. If you feel the need disagree with someone, do so politely, and if you aren't capable of that, send him a strongly-worded private message.

    Good day.

    The most polite 'Shut the fuck up' i've ever seen!

  15. http://gyazo.com/433fd7416eaff2748acf15ecbde512ee


    If we're going to speculate, it's going to be a pain watching that video and trying to pause at just the right time, so those are the 2 frames of interest. Personally, i've never seen the avogadro up there.

    But if we're throwing around random ideas, the generator in the power house does keep sending power up, makes you wonder what would happen if the avogadro was possibly made to overload it. Also, do we know what the electrical trap is for?

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