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Everything posted by xxucantseeme2xx

  1. ok so upon doing maxis ee i tried puttin done the turbines at the lights to see if he says anything bout the triangle in which he doesnt...... BUT what i do think we have to do is put the turbines at certain light posts because if you look at the clocks on the wall wat do they all have in common the fact that there times all make triangles the 7:49 and 5:11 so i think we have to us the lights to make one of those times when completing maxis ee cuz when u put turbines under light they make a triangle to the tower let me no wat you guys think
  2. ive seen them and the one i saw went in to the bank
  3. def not a noob have evry zombies easter eg done from black ops and black ops 2
  4. ok so ive heard you need 4 navcards in tranzit to open a secret part of the map so i was thinking... what if you need 4 people in the game with navcards there for giving you 4 of them.. then i was thinking what if you need both ee done.. which would mean all 4 of you need both parts of tower of babble done and all 4 of you need navcards to open a part of the map.. just a theory let me no what you guys think.....
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