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Guys I'm looking for another radio transmission from maxis. The on where he calls Ric a worm. I was going to try and get something out of tv at farm with a turbine instead of power. but I think there might be another radio somewhere.
see I think an important step might be activating the tv at farm. where I have it as step 3 is really the only place to do that.
Hey guys I've revised my steps and sorta working on the same thing viewtopic.php?f=136&t=26329 Hope this helps. I included another step of getting the quote from maxis at the farm house. I don't know if you need all of them but maxis is the first one.
Yeah man I'm all down for fixing and revising.
Look I was trying to get this started over on Activision http://community.callofduty.com/message/413742796#413742796 maybe you guys can finish it. I'm not on here that much. I'll leave it to you. Ok so I'm trying to focus on Maxis's side and I'm trying compile a list of actions that trigger the quotes that we know of, and hopefully at the end come up with list that is in chronologigal order with a side list of negative actions. Listed here is what I know for sure. I don't want theories I'm looking for fact. I know many of you know more than me as to what triggers what. I will edit this post as we go along and confirm things. Also if you send me an edited version, I can copy and paste. It also seems like once you screw things up, Maxis stops talking. Also I don't know who gets credit for what so if you know and want to shout out on the info I have here go ahead with links to vids etc. Confirmed 1- That's it. Now complete ze device, do it. *When 2 parts of the turbine have been built a and player has picked up the third part. 2- Excellent, you have freed it. But now you must turn off ze power. An active power grid will disrupt all communications between us and make it impossible to accomplish the mission I have for you . Shut down ze power. *When the power is turned on for the first time 3- What has occurred cannot be undone. However, I realize the calculations were made in haste and could potentially threaten the entire globe. That was not the intent. I considered a possible plan B should this occur, and this plan would consist of creating global polarization devices that would [static]. It appears I have difficulty speaking. [static] devices with the power [static] shut the power [static] me. *When you activate the tv at the farm house after you turn the power on. (You have to interact with the tv before AND after you turn the power on) 4- Yes outstanding! Now we can continue our other tasks. *After the power is turned off 5- Not enough power. Bring additional energy Systems. *Putting one turbine down at the tower 6- Yes Power, we need more of it but only power which is portable and possibly even alive! *putting two turbines down at the tower 7- kill ze creature, kill it now so we can capture its essence. *If you have Avogadro under the tower for a while but haven"t killed him yet 8- You've done well but yet we need more energy. *When you kill Avogadro under the tower with an EMP grenade 9- Excellent, you have activated the 2 obtuse vertices of the scalene, quickly complete the tertiary node. *Putting down your first turbine at a lamp after having killed Avogadro under the tower. On solo I got this one after putting a turbine downl in front of a lamp after turning off the power 10- Good the trichotomous system is now complete. *When the Tower of Babble Acheivment is accomplished No Bueno Neg- Nien, Don't do that. We need the creatures energies. killing it will only set back your purpose. *Trying to knife Avogadro outside of the tower Neg- Nien, the Electromagnetic Pulse has worn off. You must activate this. The electrical grid is interfering my signal. *Turning the power back on? Neg- Ah, your power supplies are drained, now start again. Portable power devices are running out. You will have to redo a step, hurry! You have led power to drain below acceptable levels. Return to previous locations. *Turbines at the tower or the lamps start to fade or get destroyed. Questionable I have heard these? I don't know what order? Triggers? -That is but one of the required 3 points to complete design. *??? -You have done well but we need yet more energy. This is the tip of what need three sides. Now create the trichotomous system. *??? -You have done well. Now activate the Spires, power. Are you circumcised? Oh hold on. *Only heard it on a video where they put down a third turbine. One at the station, one at the diner and one at power? Outstanding quotes? - Has anyone heard these around the map? You! You are not one of those foul creatures. Excellent, I have been searching for decades. Listen now, what I have to say is of the utmost importance to mankind. If you would see this planet free from the curse of these wretched undead creatures, and the monstrous evil which controls them, then you must obey my every command. I cannot affect physical change... yet. You must be my hands. Only you can stop that awful worm, Richtofen. You have constructed the Control Mechanism, but to program the computer you will need to secure application Nav Card. You will have to seek it out so return here and activate the Spire to save mankind. *possible second radio on tranzit somewhere? The creature is too far away. You need his energies or all your efforts are for nothing. The creature is near, lure him to the spire. This is a great power source, although it will have to be amplified. With any higher output our communications will likely cease. We will require a burst of tremendous voltage. Nein, that makes it stronger, No. This seems to need (cargos), all that need to be delivered. Nothing to see here for now. Maybe down the road we will re-visit this place. What a lovely place! The spire, The Spire is near by. Yes, The Spire is online. Now if the other sides can only be likewise the power, then perhaps there is (sooner) chance that what has began so many years ago. Your help has been invaluable. Farewell. We have other ways, this power is too intense for my purpose, I cannot communicate while it is.
My only thing with this guy is that I have not actually seen a sedan anywhere on this map. You know a four door automobile. I've only seen two door coupes.
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