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Posts posted by MrAtomicBomb

  1. When they decided to replace the survival with a story mode this was bound to happen.

    In light of the current state, I can't say I'm surprised. Notice how it never happened with BO1 after they gave us a story and easter eggs. It was a simpler time. I'll end on that notion.

    It's not a story mode in any sense. It's simply a much larger map, with a bus to help you go around it. In essence, it still is a survival map, with the goal of survive as long as you can, and as a bonus has the easter eggs around it, just like the old maps.

    I won't argue with you, but I will tell you that it is a story mode. The zombies has a story mode and it has a survival mode. It is not a survival map, it is a game pitting you against zombies thus the aim is to survive, however, it is there to further the plot which thy began in the previous game.

    I think you're right in saying that Tranzit is itself the main Zombies Story mode. Otherwise why would our progress be saved? But the Story in terms of Green Run is where the line starts to become distorted, where some people believe it to be finished and some not. I, pesonally, believe that for now, there isn't much to follow up on. However, we have a persistent community, so it could also be possible that I'm proven wrong.

    maybe I'm a little late joining the whole forums but you make it sound so horrible haha, so we've been trolled a bit, that pretty much happens in anything you do lol, just because you never found anything more than the film reels and hidden radios in kino doesn't mean there was nothing left undiscovered. There is always more, it might not be some big amazing thing like we're kind of expecting but there's definitely more to be had in Tranzit and by making topics like this you're making it look like its time to give up and letting the trolls win. This whole topic has probably made any successful troll wet themselves in excitement and pleasure you know that right? Stop looking if you want but I'm going to continue on like I have the last few weeks. I'm also still one of the few that believes there's more to ascension still too. We still haven't learned anything more about the mystery man we released.

    I understand. And let me just be clear in that I'm not condemning anybody who's trying to continue the Easter Egg, be there more to it. It's true that it is a staple of many Zombies maps, and it's something that makes it unique in relation to other Zombies games out there. I myself tend to agree that this map is really lacking in terms of the classic "Wow" factor we've seen in past Eggs. However, I'm afraid that people are clouding their judgment in their pursuit. It's a community effort, so why not act as a strong community? Remember that it's supposed to be a fun, cooperative effort, requiring sound logic.

  2. Ok, well, I guess I should just start with saying that this is my first post. I've been lurking on these forums for the past few weeks, excited about the discovery of the Easter Egg.

    At first, I was hopeful and excited, just like you all were. I would watch the videos coming from NGTZombies daily, and although the Tower of Babble was already discovered early on, I held the firm belief that there was something else to decipher.

    And then things got out of hand. People began spewing theories left and right. I read things about cables, NavCards, time and day, clocks, every little nit-picky thing that could have been discovered in the map was brought out for dissection. No-clipping and no-fog hacks have been dominating everything. People have even begun taking advantage of you, claiming to have answers and proof, but leading down tunnels with lights you can't even see.

    And what I see is just sad, honestly. This forum is divided now between believers and non-believers more than anything. The state of zombies has been thrown into chaos and delirium. You all want to find out what's next, what's hiding behind the map.

    But now it's come to the point where...I mean, does it really even matter anymore? Just look at us, so desperate to find the answers that you're turning on each other. You've lost sight of what's important: Playing Zombies for the sake of Zombies! Think back to the early days of Nacht der Untoten and Verruckt (which is still my favorite WaW map), and even Kino!

    So what I have to say is this: Whether or not there is more to discover, it doesn't matter. Just forget it. It's not worth it anymore, honestly. It's not worth the insults, the countless hours scouring a map, and the tearing of a community. You can't honestly tell me that it's still fun.

    And I hope you'll let me make this statement towards BirdDog Dan. I don't know what your main intent was, whether or not it was helpful or meant to erode. But I can tell you that you've caused more damage than good. Be you an employee from Treyarch or not. I really hope you realize this, and try to fix things in a way that doesn't make you sound condescending to the rest of the forum.

    Thank you for reading this. I look forward to any sort of DLC regarding Zombies to be released.

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