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Evil Eric

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Posts posted by Evil Eric

  1. He's difficult but I'm starting to like it when he drops, aim for the face and run like hell.

    Also, he's easy if everyone has zombie-blood. He just kind of stands there

    Lastly Electric Cherry has saved my butt more than a few times with him, it gives him a slight shock and he drops you

  2. -The BO Zombie Soundtrack, I like the Elena songs but most of the time I prefer the songs from Dead Ops Arcade


    -Daft Punk

    -Hollywood Undead

    -Infant Sorrow



    -Michael Buble

    -Monty Are I

    -Blink 182

    It's kind of my "Gaming" playlist more or less, I prefer to go for more upbeat type music when I play

  3. George and the Astronaut present the same problem for me

    They follow you around and block easy exits, further problems would be that Romero is like Simple Jack on buried but you know, he hulks out instead.

    What isn't annoying about the Denizens? Navigating the fog between Power-plant and Town is annoying as it is already without those face-huggers

  4. Only ever got it twice (both times on Farm) but I really wouldn't say it's rare the box is randomised after all, so the chances of getting the M2 is really the same chance as getting the Ray Gun or Monkey Bombs

    B-t-dub: It's freaking incredible and I love it, works pretty well on farm with an LMG as a back-up

  5. All time fav is a bit hard, can I just give a top 3?

    -Mob of the Dead

    The story and mystery behind it, and all the added extras were perfect. Spots of the map are fun to hold out in and traversing the whole map is always fun. Not a fan of some spots on the map though

    -Kino Der Toten

    You seriously can't go wrong with this map, in itself it's just incredible

    (Also my first zombies experience, so I'm kinda sentimental)


    One of my favourite WaW maps, mostly due to the difficulty curve at higher rounds but like Kino, it's fun for training and circling the map

  6. Origins could be like a Green Run map (But you know...Better) and reskined classic maps could be seen as the survival maps.

    and this kinda disproves the French Nacht idea "You drove them deep into the heart of the Reich. You thought they were dead. You were wrong."

    Although this could allude to Nacht, the storyline ends with the O4 chasing the Zombies over the Rhine and back into Germany

  7. Honestly I think they won't dupe us with just a grief and story map, if we do get to traverse with a Mark IV tank that does leave room for potential survival maps which is something I've kinda been wanting since Green Run.

    Also, instead of playing as CDC or CIA we play as the O4 in survival

  8. Probably just for decoration, sell the map as a world war 1 battle with, um, zombies and stuff

    But honestly I'd like to use the planes to board the robot, that would be cool. You know just sitting up on this thing's shoulder with a DSR picking zombies off one by one

  9. Just a thought here.

    In Samantha's Zombiefied room (or normal, haven't done a proper Kino run in ages) wasn't there a playset with the Original 4 on the ground that looked like a small town?


  10. Here me out here.

    Ok so we left the old crew on Moon after old mate took over. So my view is that the finale will be a Tranzit map

    A cutscene shows the O4 teleporting into No Man's land from moon, planning to destroy old mate, then we start in NML which leads into a bigger Area 51 and the surrounding Desert (maybe including Nuketown to link it with the story and solving the mysteries of the map)

    Moon can be returned to (maybe for Easter Egg purposes) and each played on Survival

    - Area 51

    - Moon

    - Desert?

    - Nuketown? (again)

    Or another idea 2 different modes of Tranzit in the finale. 1 played from the Green Run Crew's perspective (continuing the tower of babble) with the 04 being NPC's running through doing there own thing in the distance. The second mode is played from the 04s perspective with the Green Run crew being NPC's who may impede Easter Egg progress (following Richtofen's orders)

    I may refine my idea later to allow for more coherence.

  11. Setting: In and around an Airport (some terrain similar to green run around the map, cornfields and stuff) pretty large play space.

    Country: America or Russia

    Time Period: Modernish, early 2015s

    Characters: Green Run gang (arrive on the bus, bus travels around the outskirts of the map)

    Special Additions: Build ables, Teleporters, Zip lines, Baggage area for faster travel (conveyor belt)

    Boss: Arab terrorists, lol jk. But maybe zombie sniffer dogs like hell hounds but not on fire.

    Pack a Punch: Link terminals around the airport to the control tower and a plane lands with the pack a punch in it (can be on the plane when it takes off but surviving is difficult)

    Traps: Some automatic doors can get knives and spikes attached and be closed for a short time and the typical electric traps.

    Perks: All of them and one to increase the slot from 4 to 7

    Misc details: Weapons can be stored in baggage claim, 4 empty bags of different sizes. A sub level can be accessed after the completion of the EE (with some surprises) some planes can be travelled through (not flown :P ) and a not so alive Cosmic Silver back can be found in a secret part of baggage claim.

    New features: AI controlled allies (after the sub level opens you can find four marines with different quotes and personality) they can be revived and what not. Points can be stored in Cash Registers around the Airport

    (25000 points Max per register with 20 around the area)

    Maps for survival:

    - The Airport (interior): Rather large, easy to get swarmed access to everything (perks, pack a punch) and a return to turning the power on

    - The Runway: Like Bus Depot but larger, this is for hardcore players (no perks/pack a punch)

    - Fields: Let's just say a revamped farm that isn't as cramped with part of the map in a cornfield (perks)

    - Jumbo: Yes the jet with pack a punch is a survival map, but more explorable and the plane is always flying

    TEDD can be heard from the Cockpit (perks, pack a punch)

    Easter Egg furthers Tower of Babble and a Nav Card can be found in a crashed plane because you can never have too many nav cards.

    Survival Characters are CIA and CDC with actual quotes.

    After thinking about this I hope to god my idea becomes reality.

  12. Hey look another person who got Hardened, personally I wouldn't really bother with the Season Pass (these things seem pretty darn pointless and the discount isn't that great) although getting the final DLC for free would be a nice touch (like the Rezurection pack).

    Maybe irrelevant but what is the code on the Dragon fire coin used for? Some camo or something like that?

  13. Perhaps we didn't get a NEW wondergun (The Raygun is there) because there was no body to build them any more. With the exception of of the Raygun (and possibly the howl) all "Wonder" weapons were built by either Maxis or Richthofen. They're both stuck in their respective prisons and therefore can no longer provide the WW's. The Jetgun is the best Marlton can do.

    He has no knowledge of 115 mechanics so he can't really build a true wonder weapon, but that will change in later maps leading to better and better WW's.

    At least that is my own take on it. I like it though. :D

    Maybe in future maps Marlton finds instructions for weapons, craft a Thunder-Gun or something like that. Which is why I like the idea of Der Riese making a return, Marlton finds some form of instructions to craft makeshift weapons that run on element 115...maybe a trip to Shangri La to acquire more?

  14. I love the Winter's Howl, I haven't been so lucky getting the Wunder Weapons from the DLC maps though.

    One last thing if the coding is there for the thunder gun and past wunder weapons can modding allow us to use them? Like past modding allowing us to use BRAINNSSS and the AK47.

  15. I love playing as Misty or Marlton but honestly I'm not the biggest fan of Stuhlinger and Russman.

    As for the other modes I love the fact we're CDC or CIA but seriously they should atleast say some quotes, maybe a funny one every once in a while

    Say if they were being chased by a crowd "RUN" or if they're out of ammo "I need ammo over here" or "Quick I'm out of juice"

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