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About 2Cainz

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  1. I have been trying to do the lamppost "clock" idea....but i can't for the life of me get the actual light to come out of the lamps and get shot to the spire! I have already done Maxis's side (but not Rictofen's) and idk if i have to repeat the Maxis's side again by turning on the power than turning it off but idk if since i already completed it if the lights will show....Please help!
  2. Ohhh you're a pc guy haha no worries
  3. Do we need the navcard table to be built? I did maxis's side so i didn't build it I would recommend having it built, takes about 10 minutes Would you like help on xbox with the Turbines, i have nothing better to do atm so if you want could you esnd me your xbox live gt? :D
  4. Do we need the navcard table to be built? I did maxis's side so i didn't build it
  5. I'm sort of confused about the "clock idea". So what the idea is that you basically need to turn the power on than off (like you're doing maxis's side) than put the how many turbines in different spots to make a sort of clock? Can i do this even if i've already done Maxis's side? Idk how it will work if anyone wants to explain it to me than it'd be greatly appreciated! :D
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