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Everything posted by Ragdo11706

  1. I know I've seen a similar affect while upgrading the Devil-O-Doughnuts. However what I saw appeared to be similar to that of the Mystery Box. After throwing down the Trip-Mine and having it go off, and receiving the "whaaaa" noise (not Samanthas laugh). There was a beam of light followed by Lightning Bolts. The beam of light was very opaque, to the point it was almost translucent. It had a very light colored Blue hue to it (forgive me I am colorblind). Anyway inside this beam there appeared to be 3 or 4 lightning bolts. The whole thing didn't last very long. Maybe two seconds and that's it. As fast as I would look at it, it was gone. I noticed this for maybe 3 or 4 days. There was a time when I thought they may be required, so every game I played this was the first thing I would do. Ever since then I no longer see it.
  2. LMFAO...I'm dead! I think the exploding candles in Neros Ritual are, and I don't know if give ever paid attention or not. Once you've completed his Ritual the Candles around his Altar go out. I will say his Altar on the right side (furthest from floating book), is very glitchy. Almost as if it could be destroyed. ____ The Margwa once he only has 1 head left gets stunned by the A.S. Actually he stops to say a quick prayer, but we'll save that for the Altar. ____ What's up with the 3 Gateworm Textures I found in the Junction Area, 1 at the Docks in Waterfront, and 10 at least in the Canals all near Cocoon Locations. Two directly underneath the "RubyRabbit" sign. ____ Random smoking Manhole Covers. (Xbone) ____ The really glitchy area at the Entrance to Footlight where the Gateworm Texture is. Looks like a Bell nope looks like a Devil-O-Doughnut I mean Angel Cream Cake. ____ Speaking of Footlight, why the Hell when I activate the Rift a random ass lightbulb decides to cut on. ____ How come sometimes the Margwa Mask is in the Subway & not one of the 4 Ritual Sites. ____ How come once I acquire the Margwa Mask, I can no longer pick up Jessica's Music parts or Sals Laundry Ticket. ____ Purple Keepers & Meatballs. Lions, & Tigers, & Bears ohh my. ____ We've got an Egg, a Larvae, a fetus, cocoons, & an Adult. Surely this is some kind of Meiosis Right, No...Damn. ____ We also have an Ovum, now where can I find the Sperm to Artificially Inciminate this biatch. ____ Why is it in Noire Mode, I can see color as the Beast but not as myself. This doesn't last indefinitely, because eventually even the "Beast" becomes Colorblind as well. Although whenever I shoot the A.S. and stand inside the Inter-Dimensional Rift I can see color, ALWAYS. ____ Here's a good one, why do the Gateworms have a fkn "Heartbeat" an actual "Heartbeat" like there alive. ____ What am I supposed to do with an Overdue Laundry Ticket. One that just so happens to pay me to pick it up. ____ Ok I shot the Hyenas Picture off the wall, what am I supposed to do now?!?! ____ I've counted at least 6 "Teddys" some bigger than others. Where do they belong. ___ The suspect Red/Orange glowing Dot in the center of a bigass rock down by the Docks. Surely this is the Trapezohedron Shard right, no. Damn you TreyArch. ____ The random boat bells down at the Docks when getting kills with grenades. ____ I could honestly keep going & going like the Energizer Bunny, but i will leave it be.
  3. I said something about this a week or so ago. Not only do they turn red, but they cycle between 2 different images. Lips & something else. I've noticed the longer I survive and the more I collect the longer they seem to stay around. Glad you figured out why I keep seeing certain Zombies explode in a red mist. See & y'all thought I was tripping from the T-Virus....
  4. @DrVonstool I'm sure Mr. Blundells' "Baked Goods" would have me geekin' like a giddy school girl. When it comes to the ladies, I always liked to pull a Pablo Escobar when I was younger. Ok time to be serious.... So if I'm reading what you guys are saying correctly, than your saying each weapon upon being built has 3 quotes. The Greeting of the Player Quote, the Upgrade Ready Quote, & the Upgrade Complete Quote (Which no one has been able to get yet). Greeting Player Quote Kor-Maroth Arbgwaoth Lor-Zarozzor Arbgwaoth Mar-Astagua Arbgwaoth Nar-Ullaqua Arbgwaoth Upgrade Ready Quote Kor-Maroth: "Zornash Na'Orujja Zornash" Lor-Zarozzor: *Dont know I Never get this version.* Mar-Astagua: "Zoroth Orotho" Nar-Ullaqua: *I thought this one said "Zornash....."* So I've got 2 that I can confirm 100%. Mar-Astagua I just got literally 10 minutes ago. Kor-Maroth I normally get 50% of the time. So which 2 Ready-Up quotes am I missing. @83457 Haha I've got 20+ pages of notes. You don't even want to know some of the shit that's going on in my head. However with that being said, I will say I truly believe the Apothicon Servant is a "Crustacean". It would definitely fit the theme of the map as well as explain those little pleopods that eat the "Egg"/bullet we feed to it. Have a look at this page and read the Life-Cycle & Decapoda sections. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nauplius_(larva)#Nauplius
  5. I'm beginning to suffer from the T-Virus...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DrVonstool


      Mass Effect is like shit on a stick, it's an acquired taste. Bioshock is like alcohol, sometimes you know what you're doing and other times you're just fucked. Fallout is like a girl that just wont stop spending money, you love to hang with her but she's way too pricey and time is money. DOOM the original as opposed to DOOM 3 is like comparing gold to brown liquid shit. Be sure to try The Ultimate DOOM and DOOM 2 and be sure to leave DOOM 3 alone as you might contract AIDS from playing it. Also, if you do decide to get The Ultimate DOOM and DOOM 2 be sure to get the Fan-Favorite Mod "Brutal DOOM". It takes everything that's great about the original and makes it much more modern and adds executions as well as redesigned weaponry and so on and so forth. Have fun, Zed-Hunter!

    3. Ragdo11706


      Haha, awesome. Will definitely do so.

    4. DrVonstool


      Ahem... H-DOOM... 'Nuff said. ;3

  6. All I can say is I was playing not long ago, running the Zandis Smoke Lounge strat. Well it was in the early 40s and I decided to try this. So I did. Now I don't know if this happens every time your about to put the Sword away or not. But as I was Slicing n' Dicing my way through I noticed the counter said 0/0 and both of the 0 were Red. Now with that being said, this could happen every time you are about to put it away, I'm not sure. I will say I was using the Right Trigger as opposed to the Thumbstick. Which makes you wield the Sword 10x faster.
  7. Yea it's quite a few. You could also do this with multiple players. Especially for the fact in 2 player co-op you can only carry one at a time. But we'll just let it go. If it is something awesome, if not oh well. At least to much time wasn't wasted.
  8. Yea but on solo you can do the Rituals and leave the Worms. Then when your ready, you can pick them up one at a time and place them if you'd like. I don't know it just doesn't make any sense to me. You can always just place one and wallrun across, place the other two, then place the final one. Either way I'm with @DrVonstool I think I'm starting to suffer from the T-Virus. I wish I would've never seen that picture with the damn Gateworms and The Key!
  9. I will try this now. EDIT: Ok so I'm making my way thru the Rounds trying to get the Reborn Sword to get Margwa kills in the PaP room. So in this game I decided to do things differently. Since these *Dings I've been hearing are normal (although I've had times where I didn't hear them). So this time I decided to do Waterfront second. Well once I got all 4 Rituals completed, as I went to the PaP room to place the worms. Sure enough the first one I placed was the Waterfront. I don't know if this is significant or not, but I did find it rather odd. My character btw is Nero.
  10. @yourmapper actually posted a more up to date version of this forum. Notice how now "Envy" is with the Dancer.
  11. @DaveLo07 Not only are we dealing with a different language. We're dealing with a completely made up language, by a game developer. I agree as well. The problem is we've only got a few of the words that are important to go off of. With that being said I don't see any logical way we could actually determine what the other symbols actually translate to. Even if we were to figure out what the "Apothicon" pronunciation is. That still doesn't give us the English definition.
  12. For what it's worth here you go. @Nightmare Voyager I don't really know. But if you take a look at the thread I made the other day. "Something interesting I found". Those textures sure do look a lot like the Gateworms. Funny thing is, there only located in the Canal District. Except for 3 in Junction & 1 in Waterfront at the Docks. Except there all located at Cocoon Locations. I also think the gateworms relate to them simply because, they light up 4 Symbols that revolves directly around the word Apothicon. If you think about it the Shadow Man and whomever else he's involved with are the Apothicons. Then you have the Keepers. When we receive the Reborn Sword I think that also has to do with the Apothicon Servant being "Reborn". Which ironically enough, just so happens to be us. We are the Servants to the Apothicons until we become Reborn.
  13. That's not true about the placement of the Worms. I always do Waterfront last and that's always the first one I put down. This I can definitely 100% confirm. Mind you this is after getting the *Ding on all 4 Rituals. So that may have something to do with it. I honestly believe there is a reason why sometimes you can get the *Ding and sometimes you don't.
  14. A place for everything & everything in its place. Even Woooorms!


  15. @83457 I believe the gateworms are the "Key" to upgrading the A.S. Did you see my post earlier about the "Cycle of Life". Maybe I need to make it it's own thread. I just don't know if I should. I know when I was playing earlier when I was Jackie "Fn" Vincent. When I placed the Egg in the final Statue he said this, "Yea so what if there's a crack in it, I may have dropped it a few times along the way. That bitch was heavy." Anyhow back to the "Cycle of Life". Basically it goes like this. Egg-Larva-Pupa-Imago. So we have the Egg. Which just so happens to be called the "Apothicon Egg". We have the Larva, which just so happens to be connected to a Symbol named "Apothicon". Pupation occurs when the Larva is ready to mature. They begin wrapping themselves in a Cocoon. We know they are exist. How we make them come to be, that's what we are searching for. Finally Imago/Adult. Once they've finally matured and become an Adult there "Top Priority Becomes REPRODUCTION"! Which we know a second version exists as well. But Ragdoll there's no way the Gateworms are the Larva of the Apothicon Servant. Ok I digress, but let me present you with this, thanx to @GlitchingQueen for actually even figuring this one out & even more so, her permission to allow me to use this Now you tell me.
  16. Ohh, like the one outside that we place the Arch-Ovum in. Haha derp :facepalm: I'm going back to my hole now!
  17. Agreed I am curious though, @83457 what do you mean the lock from the box holding neros pen lands on his circle. Do you mean the Altar or do you mean the actual blood circle. Are you sure it's not from the Summoning key or the Rift/Drop door?!?!
  18. See that's what I was thinking. About him saying the quote about telling me if I'm doing it wrong. I always kind of took that as him breaking the 4th wall, and actually telling me. If that makes any sense. @Nightmare Voyager knowone knows at this point. To me it's just saying that the "Gateworms" are the "Key". However a lot of other people seem to believe that this is a bump image meaning there's an actual 3d model in the game. I do not know either way.
  19. Haha right. Yea you may be correct on the order, I'll double check as well. I know while playing as Jackie "Fn" Vincent. Whilst placing the worms from time-time he'll say, "You will let me know if I'm doing this wrong won't you." Also I'm not positive but I feel as if you place the worms (on solo) in the order in which you pick them up in. I cannot 100% verify this. Maybe we should try testing out only grabbing one at a time and placing it. As opposed to grabbing all 4. I would say starting with Canal or Waterfront would be a good place to start. Meaning that was the final Ritual you completed/gateworm picked up, thus making it the first one you put down.
  20. @83457 Yes! This, the gateworms. I hadn't mentioned it before because I couldn't, A) Confirm it B) Did'nt think it mattered However now that you have stated this. I can now say without a doubt the Gateworms are the key. I believe this also has to do with the Shadow Man and the *DING during the Rituals. I'm pretty certain that you have to do Waterfront or Canals LAST, in order for this to work. The reason being as you said the Basins inside PaP are for a Specific Worm. There order is as follows. *Standing at PaP Alter facing PaP* Front Left: Waterfront Front Right: Canals Back Left: Junction/Rift Back Right: Footlight Now that's the same way they appear on the PaP wall. You know the one with the 4 Symbols that light up after each Ritual, that pertains to a specific character. In the very center of this is Treyarchs logo/way of saying, Apothicon. Here's an image pulled from with-in the game files, that leads me to believe this. Not too mention the little symbols I made a post about the other day you can find in the Canal District next to each Cocoon location, look very similar to a Gateworm.
  21. I agree. You would think that would mean the A.S. would also be character specific. However we all know that's not the case. I know in the past Treyarch have had a pattern to most of the things they did. However I feel as if this time they've made it where everything you do changes the outcome. Seeing as they've went to the extent of creating there own damn language this time. Knowing damn good and well none of us would know how to solve it or what it meant, until they told us. Even then they didn't give us every thing we needed, only a step in the right direction.
  22. Ok it may very well just be Random. Game to game.I think it has more to do with actions performed in-game. I was just going off the research I had done, on my own time. Again for every action there is an equal yet opposite reaction. But I know that myself personally normally ends up with Kor or Nar. The swords and the Egg from the Sword are Charcter Specific, meaning the same character will always grab the same Egg & Sword.
  23. I agree the quote is Zor'Nash Na'orruja Zor'Nash. Definitely not Gwa'Nash. As far as the name of the Apothicon Servant is concerned. I may not be 100% correct in what actually makes the name. However I do know that I personally never get Lor-Zarozzor or Mar-Astagua. With that being said I always get either Kor-Maroth or Nar-Ullaqua. Every game I try to do things differently while keeping some the same. What I mean by this is whenever I collect parts for Rituals. I collect them all once I can collect them all in the same Round. Then I'll place all 4 in the order in which I plan on completing them in. Also I always complete all 4 Rituals in the same Round. At least I try to. I also like to do things on an "Elemental" Round. I normally always do the Apothicon Egg before the Rituals. The way I look at is like this. Basically the Apothicon Servant is going thru a "Developmental Stage". Ragdoll what do you mean, allow me to explain. Egg Larva Pupa Imago/Adult Alright so now we've got a list. The cycle of Life If you will. So first is the Egg. We have an Egg right, right. It just so happens it's name is. "Apothicon Egg": The fertilization of an Egg lasts until the Embryo hatches. It goes from a single cell - larva. "Larva": Lasts from hatching - The Larva Pupates. "Pupa": Pupation - Eclosion or Construct a Protective Cocoon. Finally "Imago/Adult": REPRODUCTION BECOMES TOP PRIORITY!
  24. Yes, please do this. Try to prove me wrong. Again you guys aren't listening to me. There are so many different variables that go into what the name is. So let's say you did your first Ritual at Junction/Rift. Ok so now your looking at Nar-Ullaqua. Then you go to Canals & do your second Ritual. You also just so happen to kill the Margwa & collect his Heart. Well now your weapon WILL be Lor-Zarozzor. Say you go from Neros Ritual to Jessica's & you collect this Margwa Heart. Well now your A.S. WILL be Kor-Maroth. Nero to Flloyds, then collect this Margwa Heart. Now your A.S. WILL be Mar-Astagua. As for the Apothicon Egg. Don't even waste your time, I'm going to give you the answer. You just prove me wrong. Now then when it comes to the Apothicon Egg and it being the factor for the name. Wherever you place the Egg first will determine what the name is. Here's where the Variables come in. None of the Rituals can be completed. So for instance you've opened the Sword Chamber and HAVE NOT completed a single Ritual. Wherever you placed the A.E. to begin with, will determine the name once built. A.E. placed in Canals to begin = Lor-Zarozzor. A.E. in Footlight to begin = Kor-Maroth A.E. in Rift to begin = Nar-Ullaqua A.E. in Waterfront to begin = Mar-Astagua Again it's not as simple as 1, 2, 3, & 4 because of the different variables. For every action there's an equal or opposite reaction.
  25. Yea I know. There is one or two in the Waterfront District. Way down on the Docks, on the Left side near the wide path. there are also 3 in Junction. In between Chang's Laundromat, At the front of Waterfront, Beside Footlight Entrance. The textures seem really glitchy in this spot. As far as the *Ding is concerned. If you listen to the "Shadow Man" once you begin a Ritual. He will say something along the lines of "Here We Go!" *Ding. Well you can have this occur on all 4 Rituals. If you complete them in this order, Canals, Footlight, Junction/Rift, Waterfront. Thus giving you the *Ding*Ding*Ding*Ding*.
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