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Everything posted by Ragdo11706

  1. No definitive answer, on the change to the skies above. We don't have a clear understanding of the breadth of his powers, after he gains access to agartha. Maxis was shot and never entered the MPD, assuming something residing far before the events at Der Riese. Prior to the ending he was communicating through electronic devices only, post he was able to directly communicate with them. Ok thanx for clearing that up. I knew in BOII he (Maxis) always communicated thru the electrical devices. Wasn't that the sole purpose of TranShit. I remember something on Die Rise when you first spawn, Maxis saying something about "Via Electronic Devices." I just never really understood why he only communicated thru them.
  2. Ok, sorry I was always under the assumption that Richtofen made them his pets, keeping them there forever. Thus the name Buried. But what you guys have stated makes sense as well. I also didn't really know what happened to the earth once Maxis gained control. I always just assumed (again making an ass out of you and me) that rockets hit the Earth. Simply for the color the screen turns, is similar to what happened during the end of Moons quest. But it's nice to learn something new about the storyline & not be belittled in the process. One question though. When Maxis gains control & the screen goes red why is that. Does he have that amount of power, could he possibly be the thing that is far worse in the MPD. Richtofen didn't make the screen Blue, Samantha didn't make it Yellow/Orange (sorry colorblind). So why did it change when Maxis took control. If I'm not mistaken didn't his voice even change. Like it became more Demonic?
  3. Well here's my problem with Buried. We know Richtofens ending couldn't be cannon. For the fact that, the only use he had for the N4 was to be his puppets. Along with he fact that during his side of the Quest you go to Infinte and see your dead bodies lying all over. So basically he just kept bringing them back to life over & over, forever. However with Maxis side of the Quest. During his endgame he blows up Earth, it turns all red & he enters the Aether. It never indicates that we stay there. Sure one could assume that's the case. But even if so that would still leave Maxis in control. I think a third map could be possible for this storyline. Unless all of this has been discussed & concluded. Sorry for such a rant. I just don't like the way BOII ended, with both the O4 & N4.
  4. I definitely think it's possible that "SoE" & "The Giant" aren't the only 2 maps. For he simple fact I did think it was rather odd that hey revealed both maps 5/6 months ahead of schedule. There's got to be something more. Another reason I say this is because ALL the big YouTube names made a video about that shirt being Misty. Even some of the guys who don't even play Zombies. That right there screams to me that the BOII crew are returning. I know a lot of you may think that sounds crazy, but just think about it. Drift0r, T-Martn, Ali-A, they don't play Zombies, but they made a video. Even if it wasn't, I believe now it may be. I simply can't see only SoE on the base disc. They know that the fan base were displeased with TranShit being separated in survival maps. But who knows it is Treyarch were talking about. You just never know about them sometimes...
  5. Here's some in-game shots of SoE.
  6. I believe the Giant will look completely different aesthetically. The layout however should remain true to that of Der Riese.
  7. Yea sorry guys should've specified the differences. While some of the Swords have the same blade, each one has a unique Hilt. Like E.J. stated earlier & I played off that idea. What if we can use the same parts multiple ways.
  8. So I was looking back at screenshots I had taken from the reveal trailer & I feel as if I've found 4 different versions of the Swords so far.
  9. I'm guessing this is the light your talking about. u I was assuming the box would resemble this.
  10. Let's just wait & see how the RGM3 is.
  11. Im pretty sure I saw somewhere, "The Giant" is a complete re-imagining of Der Reise. Although the layout will be fairly familiar. Hopefully, Odin, Freya, or Thor will make an appearance. Possibly even a Prototype...
  12. I passed on the Jugg Edition simply for its lack of the Jingle. I mean why include 3 dumbass sounds that don't even go with the Perk. I've gotta agree thou. I too bought the Hardened Ed. of Blops I & (therefore) II. After the shenanigans that was Nuketown Zombies, I was hesitant on getting the Blops III version. Regardless I went ahead & did so, merely because I'm more excited for "The Giant" than I am "SoE". Hopefully this year's Zombies will be the best to date (being on Next-Gen & not having anymore EXCUSES).
  13. Yes exactly! Thus giving you true re-playability, while adding a lot more depth to the story.
  14. Yea seriously, smaller survival maps cut from a much larger map. GTFOH with that ridiculousness. I can do that while I'm playing that much larger map. "I need sum'mo beans fo'da chowda hea!"
  15. This is quoted from what you & I were just discussing over in the Swords thread.
  16. Yea they would definitely have to keep it map specific. Like you said, just so the first time you play the next map everything's not already, readily available. Here's a good question though. Maybe even one that deserves it's own thread if there's not already one. The Progression System. It's safe to say we've figured out how it would add to the replayability factor. Now comes the depth part. So what if for instance the more & more you play SoE, the more you rank up (obviously). The more dialogue your character starts to remember. I would go as far as saying (but won't) you could possibly even unlock new objectives/areas.
  17. That's kind of how I imagined it would work. Take the Riot Shield for example. Once you get to a certain level you'd unlock the rocket booster. This would also eliminate the need to make each buildable every single game (hopefully). It should be a pretty good progression system. Since the guys responsible for Multiplayers were used to create the one coming to Zombies.
  18. A lot of these reasons, mostly about the kids whining because they didn't get the best variant. Leads me to believe any customizing will be done thru the progression system. That way everyone can clearly have there own unique experience.
  19. For me the shield took care of that last annoying ass zombie. The hardest part was getting that 1 that hadn't been damaged. But yes please, give me back the Blops I style crawler. The EMPz were a good idea, but made for pausing in Co-Op (used this to pause 8 hours & sleep during my Round 63 2 player run). In solo once you get a certain distance from them they wake up, regardless if you've been walking, started running, or threw a frag.
  20. First off the idea is brilliant. I have a feeling if we could customize them, it would be entirely based around the Ranking System. Well we can all assume that each sword will have 4 parts including the Elemental Crystal. (Based off the Staves, The handle, shaft, & base for the Stone). The Hilt, Blade, & Stone Housing. The Hilt would only affect the damage & mobility. The blade could possibly determine the special ability. While the Housing holds the Stone. Regardless of the set-up, only the stone should determine which Quest you would do to Upgrade it (Similarly to Origins, each Element would have its own unique Quest). Once Upgraded the Sword could become like the Reedemer. Where it would always be a 1 hit kill, have a faster Recharge rate, & kill around 6 Zombies per use (Possibly more if the max # of Zombies per hoard changes from 24). This is all off the top of my head, & I'm sure there could be better ways to implement the idea.
  21. Hello everyone at CoDZ. Forgive me, for this is the first time I've ever actually started/attempted to start a new Topic. I'm not even positive I'm posting this in the relevant SubForum. With that being said let's begin. So we've all seen the SoE trailer, more specifically the part when one of the 4 characters (Nero) turns into some type of Cthulu creature. When I first saw the trailer I presumed it was an effect from Dr. Montys Gumball Machine. After talking back-n-forth with a friend the other day , I started thinking it over again. What if it's another form of AfterLife from MotD or an AfterLife 2.0. We know that the 2 maps are a direct sequel or directly connected. It's also been said from Ron Pearlman the characters are in Purgatory. Now on to the reasoning behind me thinking this. In MotD while in AfterLife you were seen as a White Mist or Shadow. We keep hearing about the Shadow Man & in the poster if you look at him you can see the exact same tentacles coming from that figure as you do on the character. All the red Symbols everywhere, just like the white ones in MotD. The numerous yellow #s with the big red button. To the right of the "Creature" you see something that you can now enter/destroy only in this form. The movement & on-screen visuals are almost identical. Now you can melee along with the electric shock. Also I'm gonna go out on a limb & call it now. The purple fountains, replacing the junction boxes from MotD. Sorry if any or all of this is common knowledge. After a lot of debating wether I wanted to even bother with posting this or not, since I hadn't seen it mentioned anywhere. Please let me know what you guys think.
  22. Only for it to shoot you in the ass & then die from it. Also lets not forget that AmaZing Electric Trap they decided to include.
  23. Isn't that a Compass on Dempsey's wrist? That's what I've always thought it was.
  24. Buildables sounded like a good idea, when Black Ops II first released. Immediately they became a pain in the @$$. Being a solo player having to build these items every game (just to make the map playable), became very time consuming. Especially Origins (which happens to be my favorite BOII map). We all know buildables are returning, wether we like it or not. My hopes for SoE & the DLC maps are as follows. With the new integrated progression system, "That makes every play through a different experience." We will unlock certain buildables we can use in our journey. As we level up our Character/Profile, the buildables get slightly enhanced. Until we get the Ultimate/PaPd version (That riot shield looked pretty upgraded). Ohh & not to mention. We no longer have to spend an hour or two scouring the map for parts going to a table & putting them all together EVERY F*****G GAME. I know this Is probably not going to be the case,& this is what I would like to see them do with Buildables, but in a perfect world...
  25. I was thinking Elemental Swords like the Staves, with the throwing ability like the Retriever/Redeemer. But you could very well be right, each character has an ability only they can do with the sword. I still believe there will be 4 elemental versions.
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